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Your search for "*" yielded 529991 hits

Rural Tourism and Poverty Reduction. A Case Study of the Rural Population's Livelihoods in San Pedro de Colalao, Argentina

The aim of this study was to analyse rural tourism as a tool for poverty reduction, by examining the role of the regulatory framework, including the public and the private sector; and how the participation in rural tourism activities shapes people’s livelihood outcomes in San Pedro de Colalao, Argentina. A case study was carried out, which sought to gain an in-depth understanding about people’s li

The implementation of the Circular Economy in Swedish Municipalities

Research on the implementation of EU policies at national level are well studied, while the implementation of EU policies at the local level are underrepresented in the research. In Swedish municipalities there are municipalities that have implemented the circular to a greater extent than other municipalities. This thesis therefore, seeks the answer to how implementation of the Circular Economy in

Numerical Investigations of a Partitioned FSI Algorithm for Tetra Pak's Filling Tube

Numerical simulations of fluid-structure interaction of a water-filled tube with a free surface are conducted using an implicit partitioned coupling scheme. Abaqus and STAR-CCM+ are used for the solid- and fluid domains respectively. This application has stability issues, with the most severe turning out to be the added mass effect. Rayleigh β damping and grid flux under-relaxation has been used t

Fåmansföretagsreglerna och riskkapitalfonder - Kan en delägares andelar i ett värdepappersförvaltande företag anses vara kvalificerade?

Skatteverket har sedan 2010 drivit ett antal processer mot riskkapitalfonder och dess ägare gällande den förmånliga, asymmetriska utdelning som de åtnjuter, benämnd carried interest. I de inledande processerna försökte skatteverket styra över inkomsten från ett bolag till ett annat och där man ansåg att fondens rådgivningsbolag skulle anses vara den egentliga mottagaren av ersättningen, trots att Since the beginning of 2010, the Swedish Tax agency has pursued private equity firms and its owners regarding their favorable revenue an asymmetric dividend, carried interest. In the initial legal proceedings the Swedish Tax agency tried to argue that the private equity funds advisory firm was to be considered the true recipient of carried interest, although the funds’ investment agreements stated

Barnets rätt till psykiatrisk eller psykologisk utredning eller behandling - mot en vårdnadshavares vilja

Uppsatsen är ett examensarbete på juristprogrammet och är skriven inom området familjerätt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka bestämmelsen i 6 kap 13a § punkt 1 och 2 FB som reglerar barnets möjligheter till psykiatrisk och psykologisk utredning eller behandling när föräldrarna är oense och en av dem inte lämnar sitt samtycke till åtgärden. Enligt svensk rätt är huvudregeln att vårdnadshavarnThe essay is an examination paper for a degree of Master of Law and is written in the area of family law. The purpose of this paper is to examine the provision in chapter 6. 13a § first and second point FB regulating childrens access to psychiatric or psychological care or treatment when the parents disagree, and one of the guardians did not consent to the treatment. Under Swedish law, the general

Den visuella smaken : reklamfotografiets roll vid kulturella omladdningsprocesser

Den visuella smaken - reklamfotografiets roll vid kulturella omladdningsprocesser är författad av Karin Winblad vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet, höstterminen 2018. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa reklamfotografiets roll i det offentliga bildspråket vid de värdeförändringar som sker vid kulturella omladdningsprocesser med fokus på status och visuell estetik. För

Gendered Empowerment? A Case Study of iDE's Women's Economic Empowerment Model in Gimbuchu, Oromia, Ethiopia

As empowerment retains its status as a buzzword among international development agencies, it has lost its essential element – power – intended to highlight the unequal structures and relations allowing disempowerment. Nonetheless, it has proliferated in the discourse and practice of women’s empowerment, as gender equity has become an important cross-cutting issue for many organizations and governm

Legislative participation in the European Parliament: A study of the least active Members of the 8th European Parliament

Five years after the “eurosceptic earthquake” of 2014, the anti-EU far-right is set to make further gains in the upcoming elections for the European Parliament. Eurosceptic MEPs have been accused of not participating in the Parliament's legislative work, which, if so is the case, could damage the future legitimacy of the European Parliament as a democratic institution. This thesis has studied

The Curse of Corruption - A quantitative analysis of the association between Administrative Capacity and Violence

It is not uncommon that states repress and oppress its citizens by exerting violence upon them. Sometimes this violence leads to cases where states abuse their power. This abuse can lead to terrible consequences which several historical and contemporary cases shows. When analyzing state violence, it ought to be put in the context of violence from non-state actors, which often eclipse the violence

Förenliga värden? En förenlighetsanalys mellan Sveriges export av krigsmateriel och landets åtaganden för mänskliga rättigheter

Sverige är ett av världens ledande länder när det gäller export av krigsmateriel, och exporterar till såväl demokratier som icke-demokratier. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur Sveriges export av krigsmateriel är förenlig med landets åtaganden för bevarandet och skyddandet av de mänskliga rättigheterna på den internationella arenan genom att studera exporten till Förenade Arabemiraten, Norge och US

Problemet bortom det uppenbara

Although the history of violent extremism traces a long way back in time, it could be argued that it is an issue of greater importance in today’s society than it was a decade ago – at least in the Swedish context. In Sweden, violent extremism is used as a generic term, comprising three different extremist movements with different ideological motives. Over the recent years, the Swedish government h

Money in Politics - Why Sweden and Denmark Chose Different Paths

This paper poses the question: Why did Sweden shift its stance on private money in politics in compliance with GRECO’s recommendations between 2009 and 2014, whereas Denmark did not? It aims to explain the change and non-change through analyzing the countries’ legislation, reports on the countries made by international organizations, and the debates which took place in the countries themselves. Th

Conceiving a talk show and civic talk through young women’s eyes : gender in an audience study on Indonesian talk show ‘Mata Najwa’

The thesis focuses on the agency of young Indonesian women audiences promoted by an Indonesia television talk show, Mata Najwa. The aim of the thesis is understanding the engagement of young Indonesian women with the programme and how they acquire knowledge from this public discussion talk show as their resource in having civic talk about political and social issues in Indonesia. It also explores

Towards a Value-Based Common European Economic Diplomacy: A Qualitative Document Analysis of Commission Strategies

The landscape in global international economic relations has experienced major upheavals during the past decade. On the one hand, major economic powers abandon the principles of multilateralism and open trade, on the other, emerging players like China increasingly gain influence, firmly advancing their interests with extensive projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The EU, rightly se

Reform in the Judicial system in Albania as a Step Closer to EU Membership

This thesis is an analysis of the reform in the judicial system in Albania done recently. This thesis will examine how much closer or distant is Albania to open negotiations with the EU to achieve integration. The reform in the justice system which is required by the EU as part of the political criteria that Albania has to fulfil in respect to the Copenhagen. Everything from the way the reform is

Nord Stream II – Garant för Europas energi eller en trojansk häst?

This paper discusses primarily the schism between the European Commission and Berlin around the controversial pipeline Nord Stream II. The paper both analyses German and the European Union’s argument about Natural Gas in a somewhat general sense and in respect to Russia in particular. The paper also tries to bring clarity into why Europe is so indecisive when it comes to energy policies and argues

‘We are still young, but our burdens are heavy’ Exploring relations of gender, power and knowledge in a depression support group in rural South Africa

A significant number of people in rural areas of South Africa suffer with mental disorders such as depression, but lack access to specialist services. Additionally, patients face multiple barriers to access, such as poverty and far distances to services. This study aims to contribute to the gap in existing research on the crucial roles that power and knowledge can have in the governance of mental

Han ser rött, men ser han? - En kritisk analys av bevisning av uppsåt med särskilt fokus på självförvållat rus

För närmare åtta år sedan, 2011, ändrade Högsta domstolen (HD) sin tidigare praxis avseende tolkningen av 1 kap. 2 § andra stycket brottsbalken (BrB) – alltså det lagrum som reglerar uppsåt vid självförvållat rus. Den nya tolkningen innebar att uppsåt i dessa fall skulle behandlas enligt vanliga regler om uppsåt. Det är således inte längre fråga om att fingera uppsåt, inte ens i någon mån. SuzanneNearly eight years ago, in 2011, the supreme court of Sweden changed its previously established practice regarding the interpretation of Chapter 1, art. 2, 2nd paragraph of the Penal Code1 where intent and self-induced intoxication are addressed. A consequence of the new interpretation was that criminal intent in such cases of intoxication should instead be tried as intent in general and thus ther

Förtryckt hora, fri madonna – en undersökning av svensk rätts förståelse av prostitution och surrogatmödraskap ur ett radikalfeministiskt perspektiv

I denna uppsats undersöks svensk rätts förståelse av prostitution och surrogatmödraskap ur ett radikalfeministiskt perspektiv. Mot bakgrund av den radikalfeministiska utgångspunkten att prostitution och surrogatmödraskap är jämförbara med varandra, granskar uppsatsen hur en radikalfeministisk diskurs tar sig uttryck i SOU 1995:15 och SOU 2016:11. Genom viss rättsdogmatik, men framför allt genom atThis essay examines the understanding of prostitution and surrogacy within Swedish law, from a radical feminist perspective. Given the radical feminist standpoint that prostitution and surrogacy are phenomena comparable with each other, the essay analyzes how a radical feminist discourse is conveyed within two official reports of the Swedish government: SOU 1995:15 and SOU 2016:11. By not primaril