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A Memorable Journey to the North: A Study of the Travel Experiences of Chinese Tourists in Scandinavia

A memorable journey to the North – A study of the travel experiences of Chinese tourists in Scandinavia With the increasing number of outbound Chinese tourists, tourism bureaus in Scandinavia are now exploring ways in understanding Chinese tourists as well as to prepare themselves to be more “China-Ready”. The purpose of this thesis is to offer research demonstrating the importance of memory objec

Power to the Philippines - A life cycle assessment study comparing renewable and non-renewable off grid energy supply systems

The Philippines is an island nation in South East Asia consisting of more than 7 000 separate islands. The Philippines is the country in the world that is most often struck by tropical storm; every year between 6 and 9 typhoons hit land in the Philippines. In November 2013 the super typhoon Haiyan hit the nation, killing 10 000 people and causing massive destruction to parts of the infrastructure

Guidance signs – for everyone? A study on the use and interpretation of the evacuation sign to route adapted for people with movement disabilities

The aim of this project is to evaluate the sign to evacuation routes that are adapted for people with a disability. The goal is to shed light on problem areas when the sign is used as well as in planning with evacuation signs. The sign was introduced to lead to evacuation points, evacuation elevators and routes to the outside adapted for people with disabilities. With help from experts, a literatu

Långsiktigt värdeskapande vid högteknologiska förvärv - en studie kring hur uppköparens teknologiska karaktär påverkar värdeskapandet vid högteknologiska förvärv på lång sikt

Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera hur en uppköpares teknologiska karaktär påverkar onormal avkastning vid högteknologiska förvärv. Genom att gruppera de förvärvande bolagen efter industritillhörighet och grad av teknikintensitet strävar författarna att skapa en djupare förståelse kring vilken typ av bolag som kan förväntas generera störst värde åt sina aktieägare vid högteknologiska för

Problemet med marin påväxt och dess lösningar

With a fuel consumption of up to 150 tons a day for a containership, fuel cost is the main expense for shippers. To decrease expenses, drag reduction is the most important topic to address. The biggest factor that influence the hydrodynamics of a vessel is marine fouling. A heavily fouled ship can consume an additional 40 % of fuel or more. The process of marine fouling is an extremely diverse and

The Perception and Management of 24/7 Work Availability: Work-life balance in the tramp shipping industry

Globalization, and fierce competition has been one of the main factors contributing to the increase of 24/7 work availability. 24/7 work availability is defined by the constant reachability of workers, and is regarded to be enhanced by the introduction and democratization of ICT. Arguably, constant work availability has shown to negatively affect individuals’ work-life balance. To contextualize, a

Ratingverktygets betydelse för styrningen av plattformsföretag i delningsekonomin

Examensarbetets titel: Ratingverktygets betydelse för styrningen av plattformsföretag i delningsekonomin Seminariedatum: 27-05-2015 Ämne/kurs: FEKN90, Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 Högskolepoäng Författare: Cecilia Brahme & Lisen Hentschel Handledare: Jon Bertilsson Nyckelord: Styrning, Tjänster, Delningsekonomin, Plattformsföretag, Rating Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersTitle: The importance of rating and reviews in the governance of platforms - One tool to rule the sharing economy Seminar date: 27-05-2015 Course: FEKN90, Degree Project, Master of Science in Business and Economics, 30 ECTS Authors: Cecilia Brahme & Lisen Hentschel Advisor: Jon Bertilsson Key words: Governance, Services, The Sharing Economy, Platform Companies, Rating Purpose: The aim o

Street Women Vendors and their Empowerment in the Public and Private Sphere: a Study on the Street Women Vendors in Gilan Province- Iran

The factors behind the struggle for women’s empowerment in Iran are a combination of social, religio-cultural and traditional constraints. These have been institutionalized through the legal and legislative system, as well as the informal traditional practices in the public and private spheres. The Iranian legislative apparatus which directly and indirectly poses constraints on women’s presence in

En human asylpolitik - för vem? : en retorikanalys av problemframställning och ansvarsfördelning i två interpellationsdebatter om Sveriges agerande gällande flyktingar från Syrien

Denna uppsats belyser de problembilder som konstrueras i offentliga debatter om Sveriges agerande gällande flyktingar från Syrien, samt vilken effekt detta har på identifierandet av ansvarsinnehav. I fokus för analysen står två interpellationsdebatter, där Sveriges regering kritiseras från olika håll för sin flyktingpolitik. Retoriken i dessa debatter analyseras utifrån två teorier gällande proble

Hur dansar samhällskroppen? En studie av bakgrunden och förutsättningarna för fritidsdans och den politiserade kroppen i samtida Sverige

This thesis utilizes content analysis and the method of theory triangulation to explore how leisure dancing is connected to other societal tendencies. Its focus is contemporary leisure dancing in Sweden and its connections to history, capitalism and international tendencies. This is managed by juxtaposing the following themes: First, dancing is an integral part of leisure, ritual and festivities.

A Study of the Systemic Risk in the Japanese Banking System - An application of the CoVaR method

CoVaR is one of the pioneering systemic risk measures proposed during the financial turmoil of 2008, introduced by Adrian and Brunnermeier (2008). It is based on the familiar risk measurement Value-at-Risk (VaR). In this thesis we apply both the time-invariant and time-varying CoVaR model to econometrically quantify the systemic risk in the Japanese banking sector. Specifically we study the system

Inkomstens och arbetssituationens påverkan på den mentala hälsan

Inkomsten i relation med den mentala hälsan är ett intressant och ännu inte så utforskat område inom ekonomi. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om inkomst och arbetssituation har en påverkan på den mentala hälsan samt om kvinnors och mäns mentala hälsa påverkas olika av dessa faktorer. Med hjälp av en egenskapad enkät samlades det in svar från 276 olika individer. Utifrån dessa svar utförd

När verkligheten blir dokumentation : en kvalitativ analys av hur skolan dokumenterar kränkande behandling

The study's purpose was to explore and analyze how offensive treatment was documented in primary school based notifications and investigations where offensive treatment has occurred. In connection with this, I hoped to get an understanding how the documentation was communicated to and implemented, and how teachers assess the work of offensive treatment. The study was based on a feasibility stu

In Vino (Social) Veritas? Wine Consumption and Middle Class Identity in Shanghai

The aim of this thesis was to explore the extent to which wine consumption and drinkers’ perceptions on wine can help understand middle class identity in Shanghai. The research relied on 25 interviews of wine drinkers and non-participant observations, as well as previous studies on middle class identity and consumption in China. The data have been analyzed utilizing Bourdieu’s theories on social d

Retargeting of the IS608 Transposon

DNA transposons are a class of mobile genetic elements that can autonomously move from one genomic location to another. They are powerful drivers of genetic change and have played a significant role in the evolution of many genomes. One such transposable element, IS608 from Helicobacter pylori employs a unique mechanism of transposition as it transposes in a single-stranded DNA form and inserts sp

The water crisis in Gaborone : investigating the underlying factors resulting in the ‘failure’ of the Gaborone Dam, Botswana

Torka är mycket vanligt i Botswana. I huvudstaden Gaborone har Gaboronedammen klassats som ett misslyckande eftersom vattennivån har sjunkit till under sex procent av den potentiella volymen under 2014. Det finns inte någon officiell enighet om vad som har orsakat denna extrema volymminskning. Vattenbrist kan ha negativa konsekvenser för ett lands ekonomi, utveckling och till och med för den natioBotswana is an arid country endemic to drought. The major water supply in the capital Gaborone, the Gaborone Reservoir, has received a failed status early this year due to diminishing water levels which have fallen below six percent of the total potential volume in 2014. However, there seems to be no official consensus as to what has caused this extreme decrease in volume. Water scarcity can have

Theory and numerics of phase field models for solidification of binary alloys

The phase field method emerged as a tool to solve free boundary problems with a sharp interface. In previous methods, this involved the computationally inefficient and complicated tracking of a moving interface. The phase field method overcomes this limitation by introducing an auxiliary variable called the order parameter which varies continuously over the whole domain and takes on finite values