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Multi-Sided Platforms: Understand their strengths and weaknesses

Title: Multi-Sided Platforms: Understanding their strengths and weaknesses Seminar date: 2014-05-22 Course: FEKN90 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet (30 ECTS) Authors: Lucas Ehrenstråhle and Elin Mathies Supervisor: Magnus Johansson Five keywords: MSP, activities, resources, differentiation and platforms The purpose: is to investigate why small actors use multi-sided pl

Design aspects of a ventilated facade with integrated photovoltaics - Evaluation as a refurbishment solution for office buildings inSweden

Swedish office buildings of the 60’s present at least 27% higher heating demand than from the current standards foreseen. This underlines their need for energy renovation. Meanwhile, office buildings are occupied during daytime, thus internal and solar gains are in phase. Consequently, such buildings could experience overheating problems. A seasonal adaptable envelope, such as a ventilated double

A symbol becomes the culture: Reinventing Japanese cherry blossoms

A major concern of this thesis was the changing meanings of cherry blossoms in Japanese history, and the images of Japan created through the flower. With a peculiar emphasis on today’s international context, when cherry blossoms have become a unique culture of Japan, this research inquired into the process of symbol-making. The Zenith concept of nyoze and poststructural discussions on language-pow

Trading CDS Indices vs. Equity Index Futures – A pairs trade

In this thesis we use a unique data set to show that there is a cointegrating relationship between the EURO STOXX 50 index and the Markit iTraxx Europe index that can be exploited through trading. As far as we know, we are the first ones to write about trading this pair in an academic paper. On our way we deal with various peculiarities in the data set before we manage to find cointegration. The c

Idylliska landsbygden och stora stygga staden - En jämförande studie av medierapportering kring sociala problem på landsbygden och i tätort

The aim of this study was to examine how social problems are described and constructed in the printed press from two different regions in the south of Sweden; the rural municipality of Svalöv and the densely populated city Malmö. The study was based on news articles from the printed newspaper with the biggest daily circulation, from the respective areas. Articles relating to a predetermined array

A mobile-first approach to reduce complexity in learning management systems

While learning management system platforms are getting more widely used by companies, schools and other organizations around the world as a means for electronic educational technology, they are also increasing in complexity. Duetocompetition,technologyadvancementsandotherfactors,mostlearning systemstodaygetpackedwithalotofdifferentfeatureswhichareresponsible for the added complexity. Social communi

Svensk fastighetsreglering - reglernas syfte och användning

Fastighetsbildningslagen (FBL) antogs 1970 och ersatte ett tiotal lagar gällande fastighetsbildningsåtgärder. Bestämmelserna kom nu att samlas och bli mer översiktliga. Ett nytt fastighetsbildningsinstitut som instiftades var fastighetsreglering. Detta institut skulle ersätta ägoutbytena som fanns i den äldre lagstiftningen. Tanken med ägoutbyte var att kunna utföra ömsesidiga byten av relativt smThe Swedish real estate law was adopted in 1970 and replacing the many existing laws regarding real estate measures. This lead to a better overview. A new real estate institute was about to take shape, which was to replace the old institute of change of land areas. The new institute, property reformation institute, was to be similar to the old one with the aim of exchanging small areas of land bet

Optimizing the RF-parameters for an III-V FinFET

Using the 3D finite element tool COMSOL a III-V FinFET was mod- eled based on Cezar Zota, Erik Lind and Lars-Erik Wernerssons work. Using this model, the gate-source parasitic capacitance, the gate-drain parasitic capacitance, the source and drain resistances were simulated. Changing the geometry of the FinFET was done in order to optimize the transistor in regard for the transition frequency and

What helps countries avoid the middle-income trap? A study of policy and institutional determinants

The essay identifies the factors that help countries avoid the middle-income trap. We study the effect of institutional indicators, and the educational and technological policy variables on the income growth of the middle-income countries, with the focus on the upper-middle income countries; using the Cross-section OLS estimation and the Fixed-Effects panel estimation. For the countries that have

Bribery in Medical Service Delivery in Slovakia: Exploring the Gap

The topic of corruption can be discussed from a variety of standpoints including economic, political, and social implications. The focus of this thesis project is on healthcare sector and more specifically the low-level act of corruption, the bribery, which occurs between a doctor and a patient. The aim of this thesis is to research the reasons behind the persistent existence of the bribery in med

A comparison of the development process of industrial structure between Mainland China Guangdong and Taiwan

As China’s Guangdong Province has been in the forefront of Chinese growth, and it is one of the biggest contributions to Chinese economy, this paper compares the development process of industrial structure between Mainland China Guangdong province and one of Asian four tigers’ Taiwan. This paper is aim to see if the structure components are similar or difference during the growth process. Taking a

Dynamiska förmågor bland fyra företag i byggindustrin

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det i vissa situationer är fördelaktigare för ett företag att förändra sin resursbas med ad hoc-lösningar än genom att utveckla dynamiska förmågor. Metod: Uppsatsen genomförs genom en multipel fallstudie på fyra företag. Analysen av det insamlade materialet utförs med så kallad ”pattern-matching”. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien använder sig allmänt

Ett eller flera samtal? En studie om besökare vid familjerådgivningen

The aim of this study was to examine whether visitors to family counseling intended to go to one or more sessions of counseling and whether the expectations and experiences of the first session affect the visitors intention. It was a quantitative study that consisted of two parts, a survey and a structured interview. The participants in the survey answered the survey before their first counseling

Laser Stabilisation Using a Slow Light Cavity

I det här examensarbetet undersöks den möjliga tillämpningen av långsamt ljus till laserstabilisering. Stabiliteten av lasrar låsta till externa kaviteter är begränsad av stabiliteten hos moderna i referenskaviteten. Genom att använda dispersiva effekter som ger upphov till långsamt ljus kan den effektiva längden av en kavitet ökas med flera storleksordningar, utan en motsvarande ökning i känslighIn this thesis the application of slow light effects to the area of laser stabilisation is investigated. The frequency stability of lasers locked to external cavities is limited by the stability of the modes in the reference cavity. By using dispersive slow light effects the effective length of a cavity can be increased by several orders of magnitude, without a proportional increase in the sensiti

Pattern recognition receptors’ and chemokine receptor expression on tonsil dendritic cells

Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most frequent cancer worldwide and its high mortality rate highlights the necessity of developing novel therapies. Among the different cancer therapy methods, one of the most encouraging ones is dendritic cell (DC)-targeting immunotherapy, where desired antigens are delivered to DCs via antibodies. In this study, we investigated the freque

Spectral Theory for Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators with Applications to Sturm-Liouville Problems

Många dierentialekvationer inom fysik och matematik är kopplade till obegränsade självadjungerande operatorer. Vi skulle vilja formulera en version av spektralsatsen för dessa operatorer. Denna sats är ett känt verktyg från lineär algebra för att förenkla symmetriska matriser. Dock kan vi inte studera obegränsade operatorer med hjälp av de gamla denitionerna och resultaten rakt av. Vi behöver en n

Samhällsstöd för den prostituerade kvinnan: en jämförande studie mellan Danmark och Sverige

The main purpose of this paper is to find if there are any differences between the two Scandinavian countries Sweden and Denmark in help institutions for women in prostitution. Buying sexual services has been illegal in Sweden since 1999. There are no similar regulations in Denmark. By employing a comparative study method, information from the two countries have been broken down through content a

"Lämna huvudet hemma och åk på festival" : Ett journalistiskt radioreportage om festivalers funktion i det moderna Sverige

Syfte: Beskriva livet på musikfestivaler och förklara vilken funktion de fyller idag. Frågeställningar: Vilka skäl, förutom musiken, har svenska ungdomar till att delta i en festival? Hur upplever besökarna att deras beteende förändras när de befinner sig på festivalen? Hur kan vi förstå festivalen ur ett större, mänskligt perspektiv? Metod: Jag deltog sommaren 2011 i Peace and Love-festivalen i


I Sverige finns det en rad olika arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder vilka lyder under programmet för det som benämns som Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin. Målet är att motverka framförallt långtidsarbetslöshet, vilket är definitionen för arbetslöshet som sträcker sig över 450 dagar. Man faller då inom ramen för den sista fasen inom programmet för Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin, den så kallade ”sysselsät