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Your search for "*" yielded 533833 hits
Recombinant antibodies in proteome and immunome research - Create Health and beyond
Centrality dependence of direct photon production in root s(NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions.
Nyföretagande kräver ny form av finansiering
ESF-projektet Vectis - Den sociala samvaron och vägen tillbaka till arbetslivet, eller? - Utvärdering av deltagares, anställdas och handläggares upplevelser
I rapporten utvärderas ett rehabiliteringsprojekt med syfte att återfå arbetslösa långtidssjukskrivna till arbete.
Sveriges starkaste livsmedelsvarumärken 2007 - En analys och ranking med utgågngspunkt från kategoridominans i kampen om dagligvarubutikskundens tycke och preferens
Local agency, water and power in military occupied territories near border areas: two case-studies from the Middle-East
Robust Synchronisation of Heterogeneous Networks Via Integral Quadratic Constraints
A general framework for the study of robust synchronisation in large-scale networks is provided. Agents are represented as a common nominal linear time-invariant (LTI) single-input-single-output (SISO) system with simple poles on the imaginary axis, subject to LTI SISO stable multiplicative perturbations. The agents exchange information in order to achieve output-synchronisation, namely steer thei
Lundaforskares ljusa idé förändrar världen
Gemensam vårdnad inte alltid det bästa för barn
Transparency of artistic image of Japan: a sense of emptiness
Meaning constitution in education
Half Load Partially Premixed Combustion, PPC, with High Octane Number Fuels. Gasoline and Ethanol Compared with Diesel
Impact of Shading Devices on Daylight Quality in Offices - Simulations with Radiance
Abstract not available
Data Quality Quantification for Time Domain IP Data Acquired along a Planned Tunnel near Oslo, Norway
Tests were done measuring resistivity and time domain induced polarisation using standard multi-core cable spreads and a special layout with separate cable spreads for transmitting current and measuring potentials. For both types of cables spreads both normal and reciprocal measurements were done in order to estimate the measurement errors. The tests were done along a planned tunnel stretch outsid
Literacy as a perfomative act
Possibilities for Integration of Production and Mantenance Scheduling and Control
Limited-rivalry consumer goods and income distribution: An exploration
Writing genre and the force of expression
The importance of learning in supporting energy efficiency technologies - A Case Study on Policy Intervention for Improved Insulation in Germany, the UK and Sweden
To combat climate change, different types of initiatives and policy instruments are required to support the development and dissemination of new energy efficient technologies. What type of policy instruments shall be used is, however, not pre-determined. To advance knowledge in how to design successful policy instruments, evaluations and deep-analyses are needed; this to better understand the role