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Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Studies of Laser-Induced Dynamics in Solids

X-ray diffraction is an invaluable tool in the field of structural dynamics. In the work described in this thesis, time-resolved X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out to investigate ultrafast lattice dynamics. Ultrashort laser pulses were used to induce non-thermal melting and large-amplitude strain waves, and X-rays were used to probe these phenomena. Non-thermal melting was studied in i

Packaging paradoxes in food supply chains exploring characteristics, underlying reasons and management strategies

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore different types of packaging paradoxes and the reasons for their existence in food supply chains. Design/methodology/approach: The research uses a multiple case study approach with rich empirical data from seven leading companies in Swedish food supply chains. The research uses coding and a paradox theory lens to analyse packaging paradoxes, both wi

Protein production, kinetic and biophysical characterization of three human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase mutants associated with Miller syndrome

Miller syndrome is a rare Mendelian disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH). Human DHODH, a Class II DHODH, is an integral protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) catalyzing the fourth step of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway. Here we present a summary of the state of knowledge regarding Miller syndrome in the absence of any

Att så vidare 25

När Certec i år arrangerar ”Certec informerar” för 25:e gången firar vi det genom att i bild och text ge bort en tankebok med 25 viktiga tankar och tankesätt som vuxit fram under åren som gått.Att skapa ny kunskap tar tid. När vi till vardags håller på med att skapa användvärd teknik genom människonära design är det sällan någon quick fix. Bakom uppnådda resultat finns det en ständigt pågående teo

Mortality over 14 years in MTX-refractory patients randomized to a strategy of addition of infliximab or sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroquine

Objective: To compare mortality risk over up to 14 years of follow-up in methotrexate-refractory patients with early RA randomized to a strategy starting with addition of infliximab vs addition of SSZ and HCQ. Methods: Data was from the two-arm, parallel, randomized, active-controlled, open-label Swefot trial in which patients with early RA (symptom duration

Digital Twins Are Not Monozygotic - Cross-Replicating ADAS Testing in Two Industry-Grade Automotive Simulators

The increasing levels of software- and data-intensive driving automation call for an evolution of automotive soft-ware testing. As a recommended practice of the Verification and Validation (VV) process of ISO/PAS 21448, a candidate standard for safety of the intended functionality for road vehicles, simulation-based testing has the potential to reduce both risks and costs. There is a growing body

Universell utformning – Hur designar vi ett samhälle för alla?

de senaste fem åren har begreppet universellutformning fått ett allt större genomslag i den svenskafunktionshinderpolitiken. En viktig anledning till detta är att Sverige ratificerade den så kalladefunktionsrättskonventionen år 2008. I konventionenförs universell utformning fram som huvudprincip ochnationellt åtagande för allt nytt som skapas i samhället.Det innebär att alla nya produkter, varor,

Family Secrecy : Experiences of Danish German Children Born of War, 1940-2019

Families with children born to Danish mothers and German soldiers during WWII often resorted to secrecy to ward off discrimination and harm. Not knowing their origins, though, could have long-term consequences for the identity formation of these children born of war (CBOW). Based on a qualitative analysis of personal testimonies and interviews, this paper shows that the secret burdened,protected,

Joint Analog Beam Selection and Digital Beamforming in Millimeter Wave Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems

Cell-free massive MIMO systems consist of many distributed access points with simple components that jointly serve the users. In millimeter wave bands, only a limited set of predetermined beams can be supported. In a network that consolidates these technologies, downlink analog beam selection stands as a challenging task for the network sum-rate maximization. Low-cost digital filters can improve t

The participatory turn in Swedish ageing research : Productive interactions as learning and societal impact

Collaboration between academia and actors outside academia (AOAs) has been proclaimed as a way for society to confront challenges in different fields. This ‘participatory imperative’ is anchored in EU research policy. The paper explores the participatory imperative in contemporary Swedish aging research. Three kinds of motives for participatory research as a way to societal impact emerged in the s

High-resolution impact assessment of climate change on building energy performance considering extreme weather events and microclimate – Investigating variations in indoor thermal comfort and degree-days

Climate change and urbanization are two major challenges when planning for sustainable energy transition in cities. The common approach for energy demand estimation is using only typical meso-scale weather data in building energy models (BEMs), which underestimates the impacts of extreme climate and microclimate variations. To quantify the impacts of such underestimation on assessing the future en

CD105+CD90+CD13+ identifies a clonogenic subset of adventitial lung fibroblasts

Mesenchymal cells are important components of specified niches in the lung, and can mediate a wide range of processes including tissue regeneration and repair. Dysregulation of these processes can lead to improper remodeling of tissue as observed in several lung diseases. The mesenchymal cells responsible remain poorly described, partially due to the heterogenic nature of the mesenchymal compartme

Combined diffusion-relaxometry microstructure imaging : Current status and future prospects

Microstructure imaging seeks to noninvasively measure and map microscopic tissue features by pairing mathematical modeling with tailored MRI protocols. This article reviews an emerging paradigm that has the potential to provide a more detailed assessment of tissue microstructure—combined diffusion-relaxometry imaging. Combined diffusion-relaxometry acquisitions vary multiple MR contrast encodings—

Mission Impossible? : The Moral Discomfort among Swedish and Norwegian Welfare Bureaucrats Encountering Refugees

This article builds on qualitative interviews with employees in Norwegian and Swedish welfare state institutions and explores how they experience and make sense of their work with newly arrived refugees. The task of these street-level bureaucrats was to care for and simultaneously push the refugees to quickly become working taxpayers. Both as fellow human beings and as bureaucrats, however, our in

Convalescent plasma treatment in severely immunosuppressed patients hospitalized with COVID-19: an observational study of 28 cases

BackgroundImmunosuppressed patients are particularly vulnerable to severe infection from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), risking prolonged viremia and symptom duration. In this study we describe clinical and virological treatment outcomes in a heterogeneous group of patients with severe immunosuppression due to various causes suffering from COVID-19 infection, who