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Dendrokronologisk analys av fastigheten Borgmästaren 11 i Kalmar
Adsorption of 3-(triethoxysilyl)propionitrile on a rutile TiO2(110) surface : An X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study
The adsorption of 3-(triethoxysilyl)propionitrile (TESP) on a reduced rutile TiO2(110) surface has been investigated using synchrotron-based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). We have studied TESP adsorption on two surface preparation of rutile TiO2 (110) to explore the role of surface defects. In the first preparation, the adsorption of TESP was studied on reduced TiO2 (1
Engineered MSW landfills as a future material resource and a sink for long-term storage of organic carbon
A controlled, highly engineered landfill has many similarities to natural peatlands or other natural anoxic sediment deposits. In anaerobic MSW landfills, generally about 30-50 percent of the total carbon content in the waste can be converted into biogas and be collected as resource for energy or chemical industry. Remaining long-lived organic carbon, e.g. from lignin remains un-degraded, Organic
Higher aggrecan 1-F21 epitope concentration in synovial fluid early after anterior cruciate ligament injury is associated with worse knee cartilage quality assessed by gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging 20 years later
Background: To investigate if cartilage related biomarkers in synovial fluid are associated with knee cartilage status 20 years after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Methods: We studied 25 patients with a complete ACL rupture without subsequent ACL reconstruction or radiographic knee OA. All had a delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) 20 years af
Shadow health records meet new data privacy laws
Large sets of health data can enable innovation and quality measurement but can also create technical challenges and privacy risks. When entities such as health plans and health care providers handle personal health information, they are often subject to data privacy regulation. But amid a flood of new forms of health data, some third parties have figured out ways to avoid some data privacy laws,
Reconstruction and identification of boosted di-τ systems in a search for Higgs boson pairs using 13 TeV proton-proton collision data in ATLAS
In this paper, a new technique for reconstructing and identifying hadronically decaying τ+τ− pairs with a large Lorentz boost, referred to as the di-τ tagger, is developed and used for the first time in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. A benchmark di-τ tagging selection is employed in the search for resonant Higgs boson pair production, where one Higgs boson decays into a boosted
Integrated bio-chemostratigraphy of Lower and Middle Triassic marine successions at Spiti in the Indian Himalaya : Implications for the Early Triassic nutrient crisis
In this paper we study the Lilang Super Group in the Spiti area, Indian Himalaya to understand environmental changes in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction. We focus on the Mikin and Kaga Formations, which span the Induan to Ladinian stages of the Lower and Middle Triassic. These strata formed on the southern mid-palaeolatitude margin of East Gondwana and are interpreted as condensed,
Contemporary use of phytotherapy in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia : results from the EVOLUTION European registry
Background: To use the European Association of Urology Research Foundation (EAURF) registry data to determine the proportion of contemporary Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Enlargement (LUTS/BPE) patients prescribed phytotherapy, and to determine their subjective quality of life and clinical progression responses. Methods: This was a prospective multicenter multinatio
Exploring multidimensional operationalizations of precarious employment in swedish register data – a typological approach and a summative score approach
Objectives This study aimed to explore multidimensional operationalizations of precarious employment (PE) in Swedish register data using two approaches: (i) a typological approach and (ii) a dimensional, summative scale approach. It also examined the distribution of sociodemographic and occupational characteristics of precarious employees in Sweden. Method Register data was retrieved on individual
Soot Oxidation Studies in an Optical Diesel Engine Using Laser-Induced Incandescence and Extinction : The Effects of Injector Aging and Fuel Additive
Previous studies have shown that injector aging adversely affects the diesel engine spray formation and combustion. It has also been shown that the oxygenated fuel additive tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether (TPGME) can lower soot emissions. In this study, the effects of injector aging and TPGME on the late cycle oxidation of soot were investigated using laser diagnostic techniques in a light-du
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A strong mitigation scenario maintains climate neutrality of northern peatlands
Northern peatlands store 300–600 Pg C, of which approximately half are underlain by permafrost. Climate warming and, in some regions, soil drying from enhanced evaporation are progressively threatening this large carbon stock. Here, we assess future CO2 and CH4 fluxes from northern peatlands using five land surface models that explicitly include representation of peatland processes. Under Represen
Novel three-dimensional chitosan-carbon nanotube–PVA nanocomposite hydrogel for removal of Cr6+ from wastewater
A novel hybrid nanocomposite adsorbent was prepared by encapsulation of multi-walled carbon nano-tubes within polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan hydrogel (Cs/MWCNT/PVA) and cross-linked with glu-taraldehyde. The chemical reactions between the components affected the position and intensities of the infrared bands. This nanocomposite has excellent Cr6+ ions adsorption efficiency. The optimal conditions of t
Airborne bacteria during surgery in hospital operating rooms with different ventilation systems
Did natural selection make the Dutch taller? A cautionary note on the importance of quantification in understanding evolution.
Posthuman Property and Law: Commodification and Control through Information, Smart Spaces and Artificial Intelligence
This book analyses the phenomenon of digitally mediated property and considers how it problematises the boundary between human and nonhuman actors. The book addresses the increasingly porous border between personhood and property in digitized settings and considers how the increased commodification of knowledge makes visible a rupture in the liberal concept of the property owning, free, person. En
Impacts of mild and severe COVID-19 on sick leave
Inhibition of iduronic acid biosynthesis by ebselen reduces glycosaminoglycan accumulation in mucopolysaccharidosis type I fibroblasts
Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS-I) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme alpha-L-iduronidase, which removes iduronic acid in both chondroitin/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) and heparan sulfate (HS) and thereby contributes to the catabolism of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). To ameliorate this genetic defect, the patients are currently treated by enzyme replacement and bone
Worse cardiovascular prognosis after endovascular surgery for intermittent claudication caused by infrainguinal atherosclerotic disease in patients with diabetes
Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an established risk factor for intermittent claudication (IC) and other manifestations of atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease. Indications for surgery in infrainguinal IC are debated, and there are conflicting reports regarding its outcomes in patients with DM. Aims of this study were to compare both short- and long-term effects on total- and cardiovas