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Effect of perioperative blood transfusion and cell saver on the incidence of postoperative infective complications in patients with an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta

OBJECTIVE: To find out if there was an association between perioperative blood transfusion and the development of infective complications, and whether the use of the cell saver for autologous transfusion had any influence.DESIGN: Retrospective study.SETTING: University Hospital.SUBJECTS: 102 consecutive patients who had been operated on for aneurysms of the abdominal aorta.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: M

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• Peritonitis carcinomatosa occurs in 10% of patients with colorectal carcinoma. • Compared with patients with lung and liver metastases, survival in patients with peritonitis carcinomatosa is worse if treated with systemic chemotherapy. However, treatment with cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) offers longer survival than systemic chemotherapy. • A Dutch r

Is there still a place for interval appendectomy?

In order to find out whether an interval appendectomy is necessary after an appendicitis with a palpable mass, we retrospectively studied the reports of 50 patients who underwent an interval appendectomy. Out of the 50 patients 5 (10%) developed complications of the appendiceal mass. Intraoperative findings of the interval appendectomy: 32 (64%) had adhesions; 2 (4%) appendices were resorbed; 2 (4

Incidence and prevalence of systemic sclerosis in Sweden, 2004–2015, a register-based study

Objectives: we aim to present an in-depth report of the incidence and prevalence of systemic sclerosis (SSc) in Sweden in a nation-wide register-based study covering the entire Swedish population Methods: each individual residing in Sweden is given a unique personal identity number. We linked the National Patient Register and the Total Population Register to identify 1) patients with prevalent SSc

Cellular architecture of human brain metastases

Brain metastasis (BrM) is the most common form of brain cancer, characterized by neurologic disability and an abysmal prognosis. Unfortunately, our understanding of the biology underlying human BrMs remains rudimentary. Here, we present an integrative analysis of >100,000 malignant and non-malignant cells from 15 human parenchymal BrMs, generated by single-cell transcriptomics, mass cytometry, and

Classic Thrombophilias and Thrombotic Risk Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults : A Population-Based Cohort Study

BACKGROUND: Five classic thrombophilias have been recognized: factor V Leiden (rs6025), the prothrombin G20210A variant (rs1799963), and protein C, protein S, and antithrombin deficiencies. This study aimed to determine the thrombotic risk of classic thrombophilias in a cohort of middle-aged and older adults. METHODS AND RESULTS: Factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A and protein-coding variants in

Rapportering av projektet Forskares behov av lagringslösningar för forskningsdata – ett samarbete mellan SNIC, SND, SUNET, Chalmers tekniska högskola och Örebro universitet

Det svenska e-infrastrukturlandskapet är fragmenterat och trots rekommendationer från beslutsfattare så ökar fragmenteringen. De nationella aktörer som har uppdrag och/eller mandat som rör forskningsdata är främst SNIC, SND, och Sunet. Dessa aktörer tillhandahåller tjänster och stöd till forskare under olika delar av forskningsdatalivscykeln. På grund av de oklara mandat och uppdrag som råder nati

Microcanonical entropy of the infinite-state potts model

In this investigation we show that the entropy of the two-dimensional infinite-state Potts model is linear in configurational energy in the thermodynamic limit. This is a direct consequence of the local convexity of the microcanonical entropy, associated with a finite system undergoing a first-order transition. For a sufficiently large number of states q, this convexity spans the entire energy ran

Context matters : The importance of dimerization-induced conformation of the LukGH leukocidin of Staphylococcus aureus for the generation of neutralizing antibodies

LukGH (LukAB) is a potent leukocidin of Staphylococcus aureus that lyses human phagocytic cells and is thought to contribute to immune evasion. Unlike the other bi-component leukocidins of S. aureus, LukGH forms a heterodimer before binding to its receptor, CD11b expressed on professional phagocytic cells, and displays significant sequence variation. We employed a high diversity human IgG1 library

Glycyl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus : Wide structural divergence with other prokaryotic glycyl-tRNA synthetases and functional inter-relation with prokaryotic and eukaryotic glycylation systems

The tRNA glycylation system is amongst the most complex aminoacylation systems since neither the oligomeric structure of the enzymes nor the discriminator base in tRNAs are conserved in the phylae. To understand better this structural diversity and its functional consequences, the prokaryotic glycylation system from Thermus thermophilus, an extreme thermophile, was investigated and its structural

Circulating plasma microRNAs in systemic sclerosis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension

Objectives: SSc-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension (SSc-APAH) is a late but devastating complication of SSc. Early identification of SSc-APAH may improve survival. We examined the role of circulating miRNAs in SSc-APAH. Methods: Using quantitative RT-PCR the abundance of mature miRNAs in plasma was determined in 85 female patients with ACA-positive lcSSc. Twenty-two of the patients had SSc

Världens sju underverk

Boken är en översiktlig genomgång och analys av den antika världens sju underverk, med utblick mot liknande fenomen i modern tid.

The technological work of standing in

The narrative of the Western modernity is a story about technological progress where technology gradually has replaced humans in the world of work. Yet, the relationship between technology and humans is more complex than that. This is illustrated by Jeff Bezos’ idea of “Artificial Artificial Intelligence,” where humans are hired as stand-ins when automatized systems fail. Much has been said about The narrative of the Western modernity is a story about technological progress where technology gradually has replaced humans in the world of work. Yet, the relationship between technology and humans is more complex than that. This is illustrated by Jeff Bezos’ idea of “Artificial Artificial Intelligence,” where humans are hired as stand-ins when automatized systems fail. Much has been said about

Exposure to radiation from global system for mobile communications at 1,800 MHz significantly changes gene expression in rat hippocampus and cortex

We have earlier shown that radio frequency electromagnetic fields can cause significant leakage of albumin through the blood-brain barrier of exposed rats as compared to non-exposed rats, and also significant neuronal damage in rat brains several weeks after a 2 h exposure to a mobile phone, at 915 MHz with a global system for mobile communications (GSM) frequency modulation, at whole-body specifi

Non-thermal effects of EMF upon the mammalian brain : The Lund experience

The environment in which biology exists has dramatically changed during the last decades. Life was formed during billions of years, exposed to, and shaped by the original physical forces such as gravitation, cosmic irradiation and the terrestrial magnetism. The existing organisms are created to function in harmony with these forces. However, in the late 19th century mankind introduced the use of e

A glycyl radical site in the crystal structure of a class III ribonucleotide reductase

Ribonucleotide reductases catalyze the reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. Three classes have been identified, all using free- radical chemistry but based on different cofactors. Classes I and II have been shown to be evolutionarily related, whereas the origin of anaerobic class III has remained elusive. The structure of a class III enzyme suggests a common origin for the three c

Detection and mitigation of deception attacks on cloud-based industrial control systems

In recent years, because the cloud can provide huge advantages regarding storage and computing resources, industry has been motivated to move industrial control systems to the cloud. However, the cloud also introduces major security challenges, since moving control systems to the cloud can enable attackers to infiltrate the system and establish an attack that can lead to damages and disruptions wi