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Nitric oxide in central nervous structures associated with water balance and micturition

Popular Abstract in Swedish I min avhandling har jag valt att studera kväveoxid (nitric oxide, NO) i de delar av det centrala nervsystemet (CNS), dvs hjärna och ryggmärg, som är inblandade i styrningen av vattenbalans och vattenkastning (miktion). NO, en gas och 1987 identifierad som en fysiologisk signalmolekyl bla i CNS, kan dock ej studeras i nervceller pga sin korta livslängd. Den molekyl jag The role of nitric oxide (NO) in the central control of water balance and micturition has not yet been established. In the present thesis, where female rats were used, neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) distribution was studied in structures of the central nervous system known to be associated with the above mentioned control. Moreover, the concert action of a NOS inhibitor and oxytocin (OT), intrathecal

Security industry convergence – bridging the knowledge divide

Convergence in the electronic security industry entails the meeting of two very different business cultures, which is currently manifesting itself in the form a knowledge gap. In view of this, the crucial strategic resources needed to succeed in the converged electronic security market of tomorrow will be a combination of competences, ca- pabilities and skills sets – or knowledge, in short – drawn

X-Ray Techniques for Aerosol Sulfur Baseline Assessment Along an Urban Freeway

Atmospheric aerosol particles have been sampled near a Los Angeles freeway and analyzed by proton-induced X-ray emission, PIXE, as a sulfur baseline study in September 1974 before 1975-model automobiles, equipped with catalytic emission control devices, appeared in large numbers. The sampling plan was optimized according to the requirements of X-ray analysis techniques, fluctuations in air flow ac

Binding animals and weaving conflict. On the meanings of animal ornamentation.

The article is about the symbolic meanings of animal ornamentation in a long term perspective. Special interest is payed to the relation between the images in animal ornamentation and verbal expressions in early medieval skaldic poetry. The article also deals with animal ornamentation in a gender perspective.

Who tested my software? Testing as an organizationally cross-cutting Activity

Abstract in UndeterminedThere is a recognized disconnect between testing research and industry practice, and more studies are needed on understanding how testing is conducted in real-world circumstances instead of demonstrating the superiority of specific methods. Recent literature indicates that testing is a cross-cutting activity that involves various organizational roles rather than the sole in

Selective vulnerability in neurodegeneration: insights from clinical variants of Alzheimer's disease.

Selective vulnerability in the nervous system refers to the fact that subpopulations of neurons in different brain systems may be more or less prone to abnormal function or death in response to specific types of pathological states or injury. The concept has been used extensively as a potential way of explaining differences in degeneration patterns and the clinical presentation of different neurod

Newborn pain cry analysis based on pitch frequency tracking.

The aim of the newborn pain cry analysis is to test the hypothesis that cry can be used as a tool to detect signs of nocioceptive pain. Previous studies applying signal processing techniques to analyze the sound of these cries have been done. The subject of this paper is to adapt and improve the original method with the help of new signal processing methods. The pitch frequency is extracted from t

Complement inhibitor C4b-binding protein in primary Sjögren's syndrome and its association with other disease markers.

A subgroup of patients suffering from primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) display unexplained low levels of complement components C3 and/or C4 which is associated with increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a major fluid-phase complement inhibitor which can influence C4 and C3 levels. Therefore we analysed C4BP levels in the sera of patients with pSS to better underst

An outline of a Basque computerized grammar

Basque is spoken by approximately 660,000 people (Trask 1997) in the Basque Country, straddling the border between northern Spain and southern France, particularly in rural areas of the Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa coastline, as well as inland Gipuzkoa and the foothills of the Pyrenees in Navarre. Virtually all Basque speakers are bilingual with either Spanish or French. Nevertheless, Basque is, due to it

An Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop on the Bend Surface of a U-duct

This work concerns experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop and heat transfer for turbulent flow inside a U-duct and in particular the bend part. Such duct geometries can be found in many engineering applications where cooling air extracts heat from hot internal walls of the duct, e.g., passage cooling inside gas turbine blades. The details of the duct geometry were as follows: the cros