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On the Spiral Structure of NGC 5248: An Analytic Approach

An improved nonlinear asymptotic theory of spiral density waves is developed. It extends the theory developed by Yuan & Kuo to a global theory, not just one limited to the vicinity of the resonance. It can then be applied to the recent high-resolution observations of CO and HST NICMOS of nearby spiral galaxies. As an example, we apply the theory to the nearby grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 524

Characteristics of Welding Fumes

The aerosols from 13 common electric arc welding processes have been characterized regarding total emission, particle size distribution, elemental composition and, when applicable, the oxidation state of chromium. The characterizations have been performed systematically for different combinations of welding current and welding voltage.

From Roots to Routes: Tropes for trippers

This article suggests that the current discourses of globalization in anthropology, cultural studies and post-colonial studies are expressions and elaborations on a specific socially positioned perspective that has become a contender for a new ideological representation of the world. It is important to recognize that this representation is not so much the result of research but an immediate expres

Beskattning av aktiebolag vid företagsöverlåtelser: En skatterättslig vägledning för köpare och säljare av företag

Varje dag överlåts företag och företagsgrupper omstruktureras. Ofta rör det sig om stora värden och det är inte ovanligt att en företagsöverlåtelse påverkar de inblandade parterna under lång tid. Skatt är ofta den väsentligaste transaktionskostnaden. Av den anledningen är det mycket viktigt att kunna förutse de skattekonsekvenser som uppkommer i och med överlåtelsen. Beskattning av aktiebolag vi

On starlings and farming: population decline, foraging strategies, cost of reproduction and breeding success

Popular Abstract in Swedish Staren i jordbrukslandskapet Under de senaste tre decennierna har staren (Sturnu's vulgari's) i likhet med många andra fågelarter knutna till jordbrukslandskapet minskat kraftigt i antal, både i Sverige och i stora delar av västra och norra Europa. Det finn's flera tänkbara förklaringar till detta, men eftersom jordbruket under samma tidsperiod genomgått stora förändriThe European Starling Sturnus vulgaris as many other farmland bird species has been declining during the last decades. The cause of these declines is generally believed to be changes with in agricultural methods affecting breeding and survival of birds. For starlings in Southern Sweden the amount of pasture in the landscape surrounding breeding colonies is the key factor. We found a positive relat

Cold War Sweden and the Media : A Historiographical Overview and a Glance Ahead

This article offers an overview of some main approaches in Swedish Cold War studies with a specific attention to how this field of research has dealt with the media as historical sources. The historiographical development is divided into two major research paradigms, one focusing on politics and Sweden in the postwar global environment, and the other focusing on the cultural aspects of the Cold Wa

Nocturia in the elderly. Aspects on epidemiology, pathogenesis, and antidiuretic treatment.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nocturi, att vakna för att gå upp och tömma urinblåsan på natten, förekommer i alla åldrar hos kvinnor såväl som hos män. Prevalensen ökar med ökande ålder. Nocturi kan vara ett symptom på hjärtsvikt, okontrollerad diabetes mellitus, benign prostatahyperplasi och sömnapné. Den ökade förekomsten av nocturi hos äldre (65+) beror dock inte endast på högre sjuklighet. ÅldraAnalysis of nocturia questionnaires mailed to all persons aged 65 years or more in Tierp, a Swedish rural community, showed that the number of nocturnal voids was highly correlated with urge and incontinence. No correlation between nocturia and a known and treated hypertension, angina, congestive heart failure or diabetes mellitus was detected. Frequency-volume charts from elderly subjects with tw

Hydrological response of sedum-moss roof

Eco-roofs are becoming popular for aesthetic reasons and also as units of stormwater systems. It is thought that such roofs with soil cover and vegetation reduces the total runoff, the peak flows and improves the quality of the roof water. Here are reported investigations of runoff from thin, 3-4 cm soil, extensive green roofs with sedum-moss in southern Sweden. The two-year study was performed on

The scent of sandstone – exploring a TRB material

The aim of this article is to briefly explore how quartz-rich sandstone might have been perceived by TRB societies. Using the senses as a point of departure, it discusses how sandstone was selected for grinding stones and for dry walling in megaliths, emphasizing the significance of the visual as well as the mechanical properties of the material. The article also acknowledges the complexity of th

The Early Jesus Prayer and Meditation in Greco-Roman Philosophy

This article deals with the early development of the Jesus prayer in Early Christian monasticism of the 4th to the 7th century. It proceeds in two steps. First, a quite uniform matrix of practices and aims related to three early monastic authors (John Cassian, Diadochus of Photike, and John Climacus) is discerned. It is evident that the practice is not clearly defined in this period. It is also ap