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“Being our own researchers”: knowledge claims about the risks of using the copper IUD among social media active women in Sweden

A large amount of information on health-related issues is today distributed via the internet, including in user-directed forums. People seeking to inform themselves can thereby access contradictory information, stemming from health care institutions as well as other actors. Such information can concern claimed adverse effects of established medical interventions. An example is alternative knowledg

Professional Coping Strategies in a Temporal Perspective : A Pilot Study on How Swedish General Practitioners Deal With Challenges Inherent in Pain Management

The aim of this study was to explore how general practitioners cope with the challenges they face when trying to provide effective interventions to pain patients within the organizational context of a health center. Based on interviews with 15 Swedish providers, the study suggests that the challenges that general practitioners experience in the consultations with patients must be understood in a tThe aim of this study was to explore how general practitioners cope with the challenges they face when trying to provide effective interventions to pain patients within the organizational context of a health center. Based on interviews with 15 Swedish providers, the study suggests that the challenges that general practitioners experience in the consultations with patients must be understood in a t

Att göra högre studier tillgängliga - ett lärarperspektiv

Från politiskt håll finns idag en tydlig politisk intention att studenter med funktionshinder ska inkluderas i högskolornas och universitetens utbildningar. Denna artikel tar upp vad som hindrar respektive möjliggör att dessa politiska intentioner om tillgänglighet och mångfald implementeras i undervisningen. Analysen baseras på en fallstudie av en samhällsvetenskaplig institution vid ett svenskt

Tjänstemän hanterar förändringar : - kampen mot ohälsan i nytt ljus

Artikeln berör problematiken om hur tjänstemän reagerar på förändringar i sin yrkesroll. Som specifikt fall används kampen mot ohälsan och Försäkringskassans handläggare. Författaren, Stina Hall, är doktorand vid Lunds universitet i ämnet statsvetenskap. Studien som redovisas är en del av ett större projekt om tjänstemannaroller i förändring.

Fertility-related information received by young women and men with cancer–a population-based survey

Background: Infertility is a well-known sequela of cancer treatment. Despite guidelines recommending early discussions about risk of fertility impairment and fertility preservation options, not all patients of reproductive age receive such information. Aims: This study aimed to investigate young adult cancer patients’ receipt of fertility-related information and use of fertility preservation, and

British Romanticism and Denmark

Traces a multifaceted discourse about Denmark in British eighteenth-century and Romantic-period cultureOffers original perspectives on British, Danish, and European Romanticism, and the relationship between themContributes to the scholarly discussion of Romantic nationalism and the emergence of the idea of ‘regional’ cultural identities in the early nineteenth centuryAddresses a wide range of Nord

“Suddenly we have hope that there is a future” : two families’ narratives when a child with spinal muscular atrophy receives a new drug

Purpose: This study aims to explore negotiations of hope in everyday life for families where a child with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) has received a new drug treatment. Methods: A narrative design was used, drawing on interviews and participant observations in two families with children with SMA, types 1–2, to situate family experiences of hope in everyday life. Narrative analysis was used on th

Quasi-static contraction during runaway gas accretion onto giant planets

Gas-giant planets, like Jupiter and Saturn, acquire massive gaseous envelopes during the approximately 3 Myr-long lifetimes of protoplanetary discs. In the core accretion scenario, the formation of a solid core of around ten Earth masses triggers a phase of rapid gas accretion. Previous 3D grid-based hydrodynamical simulations found that runaway gas accretion rates correspond to approximately 10 t

Moving Up in the World : Japan’s Manipulation of Colonial Imagery at the 1910 Japan-British Exhibition

This article uses 1910 Japan–British Exhibition as a case study for examining the strategies employed by Japanese leaders to win Western acceptance for Japan as a ‘great power’ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Like other contemporaneous imperial powers, Japanese leaders employed colonial imagery and discourses of otherness at large expositions to raise their status compared to

Assimilation, Association and French Advice to Japan on how to Rule Taiwan

What trans-imperial connections existed between the French and Japanese Empires? One example that is frequently recounted in Japanese colonial historiography involves the 1895 advice of French legal expert Michel Revon over what administrative system Japan should adopt in Taiwan. According to these accounts, Revon advocated a French assimilationist system for the island in a policy brief that woul

The ESCAPE dark matter test science project

A Dark Matter Science Project is being developed in the context of the ESCAPE project. The goal of this ESCAPE Science Project is to highlight the synergies between different communities and experiments searching for dark matter by producing new results and making the necessary data and software tools fully available, in particular focusing on data management, data analysis and computing. As part

On the steady-state workpiece flow mechanism and force prediction considering piled-up effect and dead metal zone formation

The manufacturing of miniaturized components is indispensable in modern industries, where the uncut chip thickness (UCT) inevitably falls into a comparable magnitude with the tool edge radius. Under such circumstances, the ploughing phenomenon between workpiece and tool becomes predominant, followed by the notable formation of dead metal zone (DMZ) and piled-up chip. Although extensive models have

Fashioning a Scientific Persona in a Colonial Borderland : The Many Identities of William Smith Clark in 1870s Colonial Hokkaido

In the 1870s, William Smith Clark was a successful botanist and president of Massachusetts Agricultural College. Nevertheless, frustrated by university politics, financial difficulties, and perhaps a midlife crisis, Clark was recruited by the Japanese government to establish an agricultural college on the northeast Asian island of Hokkaido, where Japan had recently begun an ambitious settler colon