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Cette étude est ancrée dans une approche transdisciplinaire de l’apprentissage des langues secondes et étrangères (Douglas Fir Group 2016), composée de trois niveaux interdépendants : un niveau macro, caractérisé par des structures idéologiques et politiques à l’échelle de la société, un niveau méso où se situent les établissements scolaires régis par des contraintes sociales, économiques et cultu

Iron Photoredox Catalysis-Past, Present, and Future

Photoredox catalysis of organic reactions driven by iron has attracted substantial attention throughout recent years, due to potential environmental and economic benefits. In this Perspective, three major strategies were identified that have been employed to date to achieve reactivities comparable to the successful noble metal photoredox catalysis: (1) Direct replacement of a noble metal center by

Migrating Young Unaccompanied Children and the Mobile Commons : Law, Vulnerability, and the Practice of Family Reunification in Sweden

In this article I call for an awareness of the mobile commons– the informal support that exists among migrating people, NGOs, and activists – in relation to the realization of family reunification. Taking its point of departure in a concrete case of family reunification for young unaccompanied children, the article seeks to expose how the traditional legal notion of the liberal subject fails to pr

An exploratory modelling study of chemiluminescence in ammonia-fuelled flames. Part 2

The detailed kinetic mechanism of the author was extended by reactions describing formation and consumption of excited species which are formed in NH3+CH4+air flames, complementing the modelling efforts presented in Part 1. Currently the model includes the following excited species: O(1D), OH*, O2*, CH*, CH2(1), NO2*, NO(A), NH*, N2(A), NH2*, C2*, CO2*, CH2O*, and CN*, among which many were observ

Randomized clinical Trial Comparing drug Eluting Stent Zilver PTX® Versus Bare Metal Stent Zilver Flex® for Treatment of Lesions in Femoral and Popliteal Arteries in Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia

Objective: Drug eluting stents (DES) might improve the results of stenting in the femoropopliteal (FP) segment, but randomized data between DES and BMS in the treatment of patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI) is lacking. The aim of this study was to perform a randomized comparison, between DES and bare metal stent (BMS) implantation in a subgroup of CLTI patients with lesions in

The "Black Butterflies": Color in God Help the Child and the Inverted White Gaze

The discourse on beauty has primarily been focused on the white gaze to prescribe its normative standards. The white gaze conceptualizes the way in which beauty is dwelled on within society: the foisting of Caucasian-looking beauty canons on black women, and the veneration of whiteness as superior. Black bodies are vanguards, either being desired or erased. In literature, the expression “white gaz

Rapid Profiling of Protein Complex Reorganization in Perturbed Systems

Protein complexes constitute the primary functional modules of cellular activity. To respond to perturbations, complexes undergo changes in their abundance, subunit composition, or state of modification. Understanding the function of biological systems requires global strategies to capture this contextual state information. Methods based on cofractionation paired with mass spectrometry have demons

Plasma phosphorylated tau 217 in preclinical Alzheimer's disease

An accurate blood test for Alzheimer's disease that is sensitive to preclinical proteinopathy and cognitive decline has clear implications for early detection and secondary prevention. We assessed the performance of plasma phosphorylated tau 217 (pTau217) against brain PET markers of amyloid [[11C]-labelled Pittsburgh compound B (PiB)] and tau ([18F]MK-6240) and its utility for predicting longitud

Development, Validation, and Clinical Utility of a Six-gene Signature to Predict Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Background: Molecular signatures in prostate cancer (PCa) tissue can provide useful prognostic information to improve the understanding of a patient's risk of harbouring aggressive disease. Objective: To develop and validate a gene signature that adds independent prognostic information to clinical parameters for better treatment decisions and patient management. Design, setting, and participants:

Climate and forest properties explain wildfire impact on microbial community and nutrient mobilization in boreal soil

The boreal landscape stores an estimated 40% of the earth's carbon (C) found in terrestrial vegetation and soils, with a large portion collected in thick organic soil layers. These ground stores are subject to substantial removals due to the centurial return of wildfire, which has strong impacts on the soil microbial community and nutrient cycling, which in turn can control ecosystem recovery patt

The barriers of circular public procurement for ICTs

Offentlig upphandling är en inköpsprocess av nyttjas av offentliga verksamheter såsom myndigheter och kommuner. Årligen spenderar Sverige ca 800 miljarder kronor via offentliga upphandlingar, vilket har en stor inverkan på miljön då dessa kontrakt ofta följer den linjära ekonomiska modellen, slit- och släng samhället. Begreppen cirkularitet och cirkulär ekonomi är relativt nya koncept som har de sThe EU procured for roughly 202000 MEUR (14% of the EU GDP) during 2021 in the public sector. The majority of these contracts are traditional, linear business model purchases. The EU has been developing several strategies, guidelines, and policies for sustainable purchasing, with Circular Public Procurement for a Circular Economy (CE) being one of them, but the implementation rate is low. Electron

Integrating eco-evolutionary dynamics into matrix population models for structured populations : Discrete and continuous frameworks

State-structured populations are ubiquitous in biology, from the age-structure of animal societies to the life cycles of parasitic species. Understanding how this structure contributes to eco-evolutionary dynamics is critical not only for fundamental understanding but also for conservation and treatment purposes. Although some methods have been developed in the literature for modelling eco-evoluti

Design on CO2 capture based on adsorption-absorption integration and energy storage for energy supply buildings with fixed carbon emission

A novel design for the energy storage by adsorption-absorption for the partial CO2 capture of the energy supply buildings with fixed CO2 emission is proposed. The new design successfully utilizes the attainment of the low energy consumption and implements energy storage through adsorption part, overcoming the deficiencies of poor selectivity through absorption part. Numerical approaches have been