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Influence of Compound Events on a Natural Watercourse in an Urban Coastal Region - Co-simulation of Rainfall, River Flow and Sea Level

Hotet mot staden: Vattnet och klimatförändringarna Klimatförändringarna kommer att göra staden mer utsatt för översvämningar från hav, regn och naturliga vattendrag, vilket riskerar att skada närliggande byggnader och infrastruktur. Västra Trelleborg är redan idag drabbat av översvämningar till följd av regn, flödet i Ståstorpsån och höga havsnivåer, och påverkan kommer att öka under det kommandeOne of the greatest challenges for today’s society is the effect of climate change and especially its impact on urban coastal cities. In southern Sweden, a future climate is forecast to result in higher peak rainfall intensities, higher sea levels and higher yearly river flows. Compound events and seasonal variability are novel areas of expertise, but earlier studies and reports have concluded tha

Modeling wind-induced currents in lake Bolmen, Sweden, using TELEMAC 2D

Transport and material intermixing within lake systems have a significant impact on lake water quality. However, since researchers are primarily concerned with biological, environmental, and ecological aspects, physics and hydrodynamic behavior in lake water currents frequently receive less attention. The results of several wind-induced current circulation scenarios in Lake Bolmen with its complic

Kvinnors riskperception i relation till klimatförändringar

Forskning visar att kvinnor känner ett större engagemang för klimatet, men också en större oro för klimatförändringar och dess konsekvenser. Tidigare forskning visar även att vita män som har en konservativ politisk orientering är de som är minst oroade för klimatförändringar. Syftet med detta kvalitativa arbete är att med hjälp av intervjuer skapa en förståelse för kvinnors upplevelse av klimatfö

Produktutveckling för framtidens arbetsplatser

Företag har genomfört stora förändringar efter att den svenska Folkhälsomyndigheten införde rekommendationer om hemarbete till följd av Covid-19 pandemin. Distansarbete har ökat kraftigt i omfattning och prognosen är att även efter pandemin kommer det flexibla arbetssättet kvarstå. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka vilka eventuella utmaningar som distansarbete medför för framtidenCompanies have implemented major changes due to the recommendations of remote work introduced by the Swedish Public Health Agency as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Remote work has rapidly increased, and the forecast is that this flexible working method will remain. The purpose of this thesis is to examine which challenges remote work entails for offices in the future, and with this data presen

But a surface

BUT A SURFACE is a product that offers a surface which helps users to switch between positions they like freely when working from home with devices like laptops. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has become a “new normal”. Compared with working in the office or school, people usually perform more relaxed in positions like sitting casually on lounge chairs or sofas when working from h

"Man måste bevisa att man inte är kriminell längre" - En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas erfarenheter av sin återintegrering i samhället

The aim of this study has been to shed light on former criminals' experiences of their own reintegration into society, and to gain a better insight of how social services and probation services has played a part in that process. The study is based on eight semi structured interviews with former criminals’ who are currently active in the organisation KRIS. In order to analyze our empirical mate

The Role of Gender and Childcare Responsibility on the Impact of Covid-19 on Employment - A Comparative Study by Gender Equality Index Across EU27 Countries

Research on employment and Covid-19 has shown that women across the world have shouldered many negative socioeconomic consequences of the current global pandemic. This study looks at the relationship between gender, having children, and living with a partner, and the likelihood of losing employment or experiencing a decrease in paid working hours during the first wave of Covid-19 in the EU27 count

Understanding contextual factors influencing insourcing decisions at a Swedish manufacturing company

Problem description: A vast amount of research has been done on outsourcing due to the trend of outsourcing activities to low-cost countries that have influenced the manufacturing industry. However, many researchers emphasize that there is not enough research conducted on the subject of insourcing decisions. Hence, it is necessary to explore this area further to create a deeper understanding of th

The Effect of Gravitational Encounters on Binary Planetesimals

Binary planetesimals in the Kuiper belt can experience close encounters with other bodies. These encounters can disturb the orbital dynamics of the binary in several ways. Energy can be added to the system by the impactor body and lead to the disruption of the binary. Less energetic encounters can alter the orbital elements of the mutual orbit of the binary. The impactor could swap with one of the

Age segregation: An explorative discussion - manifesto- about the role of architecture as a tool of age integration

This thesis takes upon the explorative discussion of the role of architecture as a tool of age integration, which means this is a manifesto appealing to the architectural discourse. The thesis started off with the goal to design a facility that is age inclusive, but after conducting research and discovering different places that work with this concept, my aim has shifted. This aim has been readdre

The informal tactics of the Bangladeshi student migrant restaurant workers in Sweden: Crime or Survival Strategies?

This thesis inquiries into the reasons and consequences of the relationships between formal and informal laws with a particular focus on the Bangladeshi student migrant restaurant workers’ everyday encounters of informality within Bangladeshi-owned restaurants in Sweden. Consequently, this study interleaved in socio-legal scholarships of informality. Departing from the pure legal centric emphasis

Ge dig hän: en kvalitativ studie om att vara ett med sig själv

Hängivelse tycks vara ett helt outforskat ämne. Denna studie var kanske först ut med att inom psykologisk forskning undersöka upplevelsen av hängivelse i stunden. Syftet med studien var att förstå hängivelse, vad som främjar den och vad som hindrar den. En kvalitativ ansats tillämpades och deltagarna, som alla hade kreativa yrken, intervjuades om sina upplevelser av att ge sig hän. Fyra intervjuerDevotion seems to be an unexplored research topic. This study may be the first within the field of psychology to examine what it is like to experience devotion in the moment. The aim of the study was to understand devotion, what fosters its presence and what hinders its presence. A qualitative approach was undertaken, and the participants, all of whom worked within the creative realm, were intervi

Smart Patient Band

Sjukhus har börjat värdera att spåra tillgångar så som medicinsk utrustning, och användningen av sådana tjänster ökar. Sony Corporation är det företag som ansvarar för Sony Groups elektronikprodukter och lösningar. Sony Corporation har utvecklat ett system, Visilion Care, för positionering och analys av utrustning i realtid för sjukvården, för att hjälpa personal och ledning att spara tid, öka proHospitals have started to nd great value in tracking assets such as medical equipment, and the use of such services is increasing. Sony Corporation is the company responsible for the Sony Group's Electronics Products and Solutions business. Sony Corporation has developed a system, Visilion Care, for healthcare real-time positioning and analytics of equipment, to help personnel and management s

The impact of proximity to social networks towards financiers on start-up fundraising in Germany

Within the start-up ecosystem, young and small firms often face a significant challenge by acquiring external capital, the so-called funding gap. A trend throughout the recent years was, (and still is), the geographical clustering of financial institutions and investors in financial concentrated areas, which are referred to as financial centers. Those areas create huge disparities between differen

Moralens väktare - Kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras moraliska uppdrag

Morality and morally charged decision-making is a fundamental part of work conducted in any human service organization. Social workers employed in these organizations are tasked with evaluating whether their clients are eligible for social assistance. This evaluation process is tied to the client’s moral behavior, social condition and economic situation. While the laws and guidelines regulating th

Visualizing Lattice Dynamics in 2D TMD Heterostructures Using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

Atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors like transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers have garnered significant interest in the recent past due to their extraordinary opto-electronic properties, along with the possibility to seamlessly stack these layers into atomically precise van der Waals heterostructures. Type-II 2D semiconductor heterostructures show photoinduced interlaye

Citylogistikens komplexitet - En kvalitativ studie om hur samarbete fungerar inom citylogistik där flera olika aktörer verkar

Fler människor tenderar ständigt att bosätta sig i städer samtidigt som handelsvaror och transporter ökar. Det innebär utmaningar i att utforma en citylogistik som ska hantera ökningen på den komprimerade ytan som staden erbjuder. Citylogistik är komplext, det grundar sig i antalet aktörer med dess mångfald, men även policys och utformningar som kan utmana logistiken i staden. Citylogistik präglas

Legacy effects of spring temperature anomalies on seasonal productivities in northern ecosystems

Klimatförändringar förväntas ha en stor inverkan jordens ekosystem i framtiden och till en viss grad har en sådan påverkan redan börjat märkas av. Exempelvis har man märkt att trädens lövknoppar brister ut allt tidigare om vårarna, samtidigt som vissa flyttfåglar väljer att stanna i Norden över de mildare vintrarna, i stället för att flytta till sydligare breddgrader. Det här är troligtvis en konsLegacy effects of spring temperature anomalies on seasonal productivities in northern ecosystems Direct and lagged effects from spring temperature anomalies for the time-period 2001-2018 have been investigated for northern ecosystems (> 30°N). Three different data sets of Gross Primary Production (GPP) estimates (GOSIF, NIRvGPP and FLUX GPP) have been used in tandem with concurrent climate data

Income Inequality in the Swedish City of Malmö - Evidence of The Great Leveling 1905-1950

From the 1920s to the 1970s, a great leveling in incomes occurred throughout the industrialized world. However, our knowledge on the trends and causes of the great leveling are inconclusive, especially as research primarily has focused on the trends of the top 10 percent of income earners. By compiling a new micro dataset on the individual level from tax records for specific top and low-income dis

A place to play - Children's design threaded in the urban fabric of Rosengård.

In urban areas, the battle of space is more important than ever. The spaces and environments we grow up in are shown to be crucial for the identity we develop throughout our childhood. Therefore, the way our cities are designed and developed can largely impact who we become. The whole perception of society starts with children’s play, yet we tend to deprioritize their playing environments. For dec