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Repair of prestressed concrete bridges : stress distribution and prestressing losses

Today we are faced with the problem of a growing number of existing prestressed concrete bridge structures that are in need of repair work. With prestressed concrete in particular, it is difficult to anticipate how the stress distribution in an existing structure will be affected by the removal or addition of concrete due to repair work. With the impending implementation of Eurocode in Europe, th

Religionsfriheten i den demokratiska och sekulära staten : en kritisk diskursanalys av debatten gällande böneutrop i Sverige

This thesis deals with religion in the secular and democratic state. To demonstrate the complex tension between the freedom of religion and secular principles, Jürgen Haber-mas's theories about the post-secular society has been used to implement a critical dis-course analysis which examines five debating articles that specifically focuses on the question about the call to prayer for Muslims in

Det virtuella skyltfönstret- En studie om identitetsbyggande på Facebook ur ett generationsperspektiv

I denna studie undersöker jag hur individer ser på en online-identitet på Facebook. Syftet med studien är att nå ökad förståelse för hur individer resonerar kring skapandet och upprätthållandet av en online-identitet.Studien tar särskilt sin utgångspunkt i ett generationsperspektiv och fokuserar på likheter och skillnader mellan digitala och icke-digitala generationer i deras framställning online.

Deformationsegenskaper och möjliga spännvidder för prefabricerade betongbjälklag

This report contains a study of the deflections of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs in an effort to obtain acceptable span lengths. The objective of the report is to investigate the parameters that affect deflections and to determine whether it is possible to increase the standard span of these slabs without changing structural properties such as depth, width or the quality of concrete and

Samordning av installationer och plastgjuten betongstomme i flerbostadshus

Den vanligaste byggmetoden för flerbostadshus i Sverige är att stommen gjuts på byggarbetsplatsen. Tidigare examensarbeten har visat att stor potential finns för att förbättra samordningen mellan platsgjuten stomme och installationer för att under kortare tid färdigställa betongstommen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att identifiera och analysera tekniska lösningar samt förbättringsmöjligheter

Mångfald som koncept

Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att ta reda på hur ett företags mångfaldsarbete konceptualiseras, hur detta implementeras och förmedlas internt samt hur det tas emot av medarbetarna i organisationen. Frågeställningar: - Hur konceptualiseras IKEA Malmös mångfaldsarbete? - Hur implementeras och kommuniceras mångfaldsarbetet på IKEA Malmö? - Hur upplever medarbetarna mångfaldsarbetet? Metod: En kva

Montesquieus maktdelningslära i historisk belysning: En studie avseende maktdelningen i 1809 års svenska regeringsform och 1814 års norska grundlag

I denna uppsats undersöks i vilken mån den svenska regeringsformen från 1809 respektive den norska grundlagen från 1814 överensstämmer med Montesquieus maktdelningslära. Frågeställningen besvaras med hjälp av en idéanalys genom att de båda grundlagarna jämförs med en av oss konstruerad idealtyp av Montesquieus maktdelningslära. Vår undersökning visar att den verkställande makten i de båda grundlag

Rektorn som en väktare av demokratin? Offentligt etos och lojalitet i rektorernas arbete

This work analyses mostly the role of the headmaster in the public and private school, and the balance of democratic and economical values – the public ethos. It also analyzes how governance affects the work of the headmaster and the space for acting between the laws within the institutions. Before the presentation of the used theories, the idea about New Public Management as ideal and background

Rural depopulation policies in Sweden: What can rural municipalities do to reverse a population decline?

There is an urbanization process going on all over the world and even if the process has a slower pace in Sweden now than during the industrialization period, the rural areas has experienced a general population decline the last two decades, despite a population growth nationally. This population decline has negative consequences for the Swedish rural municipalities and most of them uses, beside t

Method development and applications - hollow fiber SLM extraction of mono and dicarboxylic acids

A highly sensitive (LOD= 0.04-0.4 ng/ml) method was developed for the detection and quantification of monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids (C3 -C10) by GC-MS. These compounds exist in trace amount as essential components of secondary organic aerosols i.e. they are important constituents of atmospheric aerosols. Membrane extraction technique was utilized for selective enrichment (1-4300 times) of

Consumer Participation in FMCG Crowdsourcing Contests

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to the existing literature on co-creation, specifically regarding the phenomenon of consumer participation in crowdsourcing contests. By taking a consumer perspective, it is our ambition to improve the conceptualization of the phenomenon of participants motives, experiences, attitudes and feelings, in general and related to the brand, in

Kan buller orsaka inaktivitet på fritiden?

Syftet med arbetet var att genom en enkätstudie undersöka om buller kunde leda till inaktivitet på fritiden. Undersökningen genomfördes på ett medelstort företag i södra Sverige. Under en månad delades 40 stycken enkäter ut på två utvalda avdelningar på företaget. Arbetarna på den ena avdelningen arbetade i en ljudnivå upp till 100 dB(A). En kontrollgrupp rekryterades samtidigt och deras bullerniv

Performance of Hedge Funds in the European Market

The aim of this paper is to investigate the performance of hedge funds during the period between December 1999 and March 2012. We consider 8 different investment styles for the European market. As it has been argued in several papers hedge funds differ from traditional funds, since it allows for diversification and lower systematic risk. Previous studies show inconclusive results regarding whether

Realism och krig - en kritisk granskning av den realistiska teorins förmåga att analysera fenomenet nya krig

Since the end of the world wars and the post cold-war era during the 2Oth century, Mary Kaldor argues that a new phenomenon, New Wars, can be seen across the planet. New Wars differ from Old Wars in it’s structure, where the actors participating in the New Wars are more complex to define. The actors in the New Wars are no longer only state actors, but a mix of international and national, public an

The Liability of Internet Service Providers for Copyright Infringements: exception to copyright protection derived from freedom of expression

The question of secondary liability of internet intermediaries for illegal content online is closely linked to the enjoyment of freedom of expression that has to be guaranteed both online and offline. The provisions concerning internet service providers’ liability in Europe include ‘notice and take down’ procedure, blocking measures and injunctions against intermediaries, which are all well-desi

Saturation Intensity of Rare Earth Ions Doped Crystals

The thesis is primarily concerned with rare earth ions doped into yttrium ortho silicate crystals, RE:YSO. It is considered to be an ambitious platform for the development of quantum computing schemes. One such scheme requires the detection of single cerium ions. The project was aimed at measuring the saturation intensity of cerium 5d-4f transition which is needed for the single ion detection. Th

The Power-Relations of Danida Business Partnerships in Nepal - A study in governmentality, identities and practices

Danish development policy is increasingly orienting towards the private sector and development through economic growth. Development programs are heavily influenced by a neo-liberal discourse, and they alter power-relations, identities and practices where they intervene in local contexts. The purpose of this thesis is to denaturalize the taken-for-granted truth established in the development discou

Plattgårdar och avhysta byar - plattgårdssystemets spridning och förändring av landskapet

The aim of this study is to describe how the establishment of large farms (plattgårdar) in the county of Scania changed the landscape in the areas of the former villages, hamlets and small holdings. It is also important to find out if the establishment of the large farms was depending on the enclosure-reforms during the 19th century. Another aim of this study is to describe how the system with lar

Evaluation of Global Wave Climate Based on the JMA/MRI-AGCM Climate Change Projection

In this study global wave climates for present and future climates are simulated with the WAM model, based on wind fields from the JMA/MRI-AGCM3.2 climate projection. The projected wave fields are analysed and compared for the two periods of 1979-2003 and 2075-2099, and climate change induced differences are identified. It is found that the wave climate is strongly dependent on latitude, with the