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Species interactions and community structure

In this theses I have focused on how the mechanisms of species interactions affect community structure. It is well known that certain species may have a particularly strong influence on the structure of a community. What is not fully understood is how to characterize these species that have such a strong impact on community structure. In my work, I have work tried to find out what makes such speci

The mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer on frying of beefburgers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt mål var att förstå och fördjupa kunskapen om de mekanismer som kontrollerar värme- och masstransport vid stekning av djupfrysta hamburgare. Avhandlingen redovisar bl. a. hur olika faktorer som val av köttråvara, sönderdelningen av köttet, diametern på hamburgaren och tillagningstemperatur bestämmer värme- och massöverföring i hamburgaren under tillagning. TemperatuThe aim of the present work was to gain better understanding of the mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer during thermal processing of beefburgers. The effects of different factors such as the chemical composition and comminution of the meat raw material, the pan temperature and the meat patty diameter on the characteristics of heat and mass transfer were studied. The evolution of the char

The Holocaust on Postwar Battlefields : Genocide as Historical Culture

The book is the sixth collection of reports from The Holocaust and European Historical Culture, a research project based at Lund University. The aim of the project and the book is to study the interpretations and representations of the Holocaust in various post-war European societies and states.

Models for Wet Scrubbing of SO2 and NOx

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet har bestått av att dels experimentellt samt dels med hjälp av matematiska modeller undersöka och kartlägga förloppen för nya samt "gamla" metoder att rena rökgaser från kol- och olje eldade kraftverk.Combustion of fossil fuels is the main source for emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Emission regulations and the growing environmental awareness will make great demands upon cost-effective deSO2 and deNOx techniques in the future. Many of the techniques available today have been on the market for a long time, however, most of them still have a potential for improvement. To be able t

A low delay multiple reader passive RFID system using orthogonal TH-PPM IR-UWB

Current passive RFID systems face the challenges to locate mobile objects in real time in indoor environments, including the realization of low delay as well as effective cooperation among readers and accurate ranging ability in the physical layer. In order to overcome these challenges, this paper presents a low delay multi-reader passive RFID system using ultra high frequency (UHF) radio as the f