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Evolving geriatric anthropometrics- an interplay with lifestyle changes, birth cohort effects, and survival implications. : Results from the general population study, “Good Aging in Skåne,” Sweden.
There is a rising proportion of aging population worldwide. The high vulnerability of older adults to morbidity and mortality introduces an enormous health and economic burden to themselves and the society. The established leading cause of death among older adults is due to chronic and vascular diseases. These conditions are related to the nutritional status and are preventable with the help of ac
Skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs. Prevalence and correlates of bacterial infections and colonization assessed through clinical and epidemiological studies.
Referring physicians underestimate the extent of abnormalities in final reports from myocardial perfusion imaging
Background It is important that referring physicians and other treating clinicians properly understand the final reports from diagnostic tests. The aim of the study was to investigate whether referring physicians interpret a final report for a myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) test in the same way that the reading nuclear medicine physician intended. Methods After viewing final reports conta
Continuous and simultaneous determination of venous blood metabolites
Metabolic syndrome is associated with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and prediabetes. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of interrelated clinical disorders. Difficulties in regulating glucose levels in blood are implicated in many of these disorders. Lactate, another energy metabolite, is produced under anaerobic conditions and can be used to monitor the balance between aerob
Sports-related eye injuries
Paleoredox and pyritization of soft-bodied fossils in the ordovician frankfort shale of New York
Multiple beds in the Frankfort Shale (Upper Ordovician, New York State), including the original "Beecher's Trilobite Bed," yield fossils with pyritized soft-tissues. A bed-by-bed geochemical and sedimentological analysis was carried out to test previous models of soft-tissue pyritization by investigating environmental, depositional and diagenetic conditions in beds with and without soft-tissue pre
The influence of sulfate concentration on soft-tissue decay and preservation
To explore how seawater chemistry might influence exceptional Burgess Shale-type preservation, freshly-killed shrimp and annelids were covered in clay and exposed to high and low sulfate concentrations for up to six weeks of anaerobic decay. Decay was monitored by carbon mass balance calculations and non-destructive imaging. Decay rates and visual distortion of shrimp cuticle and muscle appear slo
Mission och motmakt: islamisk da'wa i en global kontext
Algorithm-Architecture Co-Design for Digital Front-Ends in Mobile Receivers
Popular Abstract in English From the pure technological perspective (leaving the business aside), the design of electronic devices, such as mobile phones, is an extremely complex process often involving a large number of disciplines, from mastering complicated mathematical models to proficiency of physical and electrical properties of specific materials involved in the manufacturing. In order to oThe methodology behind this work has been to use the concept of algorithm-hardware co-design to achieve efficient solutions related to the digital front-end in mobile receivers. It has been shown that, by looking at algorithms and hardware architectures together, more efficient solutions can be found; i.e., efficient with respect to some design measure. In this thesis the main focus have been plac
14-3-3 expression in denervated hippocampus after entorhinal cortex lesion assessed by culture-derived isotope tags in quantitative proteomics
Activation of astrocytes accompanies many brain pathologies. Reactive astrocytes have a beneficial role in acute neurotrauma but later on might inhibit regeneration. 2D-gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry were applied to study the proteome difference in denervated hippocampus in wildtype mice and mice lacking intermediate filament proteins glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin
Fragments that repeat the characteristics other than functional of its model
Disentangling the record of diagenesis, local redox conditions, and global seawater chemistry during the latest Ordovician glaciation
The Late Ordovician stratigraphic record integrates glacio-eustatic processes, water-column redox conditions and carbon cycle dynamics. This complex stratigraphic record, however, is dominated by deposits from epeiric seas that are susceptible to local physical and chemical processes decoupled from the open ocean. This study contributes a unique deep water basinal perspective to the Late Ordovicia
Full-thickness retinal transplants : a review
Embryonic full-thickness rabbit neuroretinal sheets were transplanted to the subretinal space of adult hosts. This was accomplished by using a new transplantation technique involving vitrectomy and retinotomy. The grafts were followed from 10 to 306 days after surgery and were then examined by different histological techniques. In the light microscope, the transplants were seen to develop the norm
MHC expression in fragment and full-thickness allogeneic embryonic retinal transplants
BACKGROUND: The study was carried out to evaluate the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules in retinal transplants with different tissue integrity.METHODS: Twelve adult rabbits received an allogeneic subretinal neuroretinal transplant, in the form of either fragmented embryonic cells or a complete full-thickness embryonic retina. A controlled transvitreal approach was used
Från framtidsvärld till sagoland: Intervju med Neil Gaiman
Intervju med science fiction- och fantasyförfattaren Neil Gaiman.
Copy number analysis indicates monoclonal origin of lethal metastatic prostate cancer.
Many studies have shown that primary prostate cancers are multifocal and are composed of multiple genetically distinct cancer cell clones. Whether or not multiclonal primary prostate cancers typically give rise to multiclonal or monoclonal prostate cancer metastases is largely unknown, although studies at single chromosomal loci are consistent with the latter case. Here we show through a high-reso
Investigation of Shifts and Interaction of Signals In High-contrast Transmission Spectroscopy
In the recently introduced high-contrast transmission version of saturated absorption laser spectroscopy, narrow signals are obtained from dense atomic samples subject to strong pumping. A study of possible systematic shifts of the signals in this domain of rather extreme experimental conditions was performed in order to assess the validity of spectroscopic data obtained with this technique. Certa
Sverige bör gå i bräschen för nordisk mikrofinans
Microscopic theory for intersubband spontaneous emission
The amplified spontaneous emission spectra of quantum-cascade laser structures is computed with a Keldysh Green's functions theory. We show that the emission spectra are sharpened in comparison to gain spectra due to wave guide propagation. In addition the different dependence on level occupation causes moderate differences between gain and emission peak positions. Our fit-parameter-free theory is