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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

Conservative random walk*

Recently, in [11], the “coin-turning walk” was introduced on Z. It is a non-Markovian process where the steps form a (possibly) time-inhomogeneous Markov chain. In this article, we follow up the investigation by introducing analogous processes in Zd, d ≥ 2: at time n the direction of the process is “updated” with probability pn; otherwise the next step repeats the previous one. We study some of th

Copy number variants as modifiers of breast cancer risk for BRCA1/BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers

The contribution of germline copy number variants (CNVs) to risk of developing cancer in individuals with pathogenic BRCA1 or BRCA2 variants remains relatively unknown. We conducted the largest genome-wide analysis of CNVs in 15,342 BRCA1 and 10,740 BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers. We used these results to prioritise a candidate breast cancer risk-modifier gene for laboratory analysis and biolog

Flux identification methods of sedimentation

Any reasonable model of sedimentation contains the nonlinear hindered-settling flux function. If one assumes ideal conditions and no compression, then there exist several theoretically possible ways of identifying a large part of the flux function from only one experiment by means of formulas derived from the theory of partial differential equations. Such identification methods, including new resu

Yrkesfiskare i- och på marginalen: : Fiske, hummersafaris och snöskottning

Tjänstesamhället och den tjänsteinriktade ekonomin som växt fram under efterkrigstiden (Yarmolinsky 1968), innebär nya förhållningssätt, krav och villkor för traditionella yrkesgrupper. En händelse som pandemin ritade ytterligare om förhållningssätt och normer kring arbetet. Varje tid har sina föreställningar om arbete, vad som är en lämplig anställd eller en bra chef. Varför sker sådana normförsk

Automatic Differentiation over Fluid Models for Holistic Load Balancing

Microservice applications consist of a set of smaller services interacting in a graph structure to deliver the full application. Jobs will traverse this graph in different paths, both depending on the type of job, but also on the current load of different service replicas. Different paths will incur different scenario-specific costs, dependent on, e.g., deployment and the underlying cloud system.

Evaluation of cellular stress responses in magnetomotive ultrasound

Early and accurate diagnoses are important for successful cancer treatment. Lymph node involvement is often critical, and magnetomotive ultrasound (MMUS) has been proposed for its detection and characterization. MMUS relies on a magnetic contrast agent, for example, iron oxide nanoparticles, delivered to the tissue of interest, magnetically set in motion and detected using ultrasound. The magneto-

Seminal progastricsin

Lundquist and Seedorff [1] demonstrated the presence of a zymogen in human seminal fluid, that could be activated into an active enzyme by acidification to pH 2. As the enzyme was purified, it became evident that it was in fact equivalent to the minor gastric enzyme originally named as progastricsin (EC [2–6].This report provides a short review on the similarities and differences between

Retrospective observational studies in ultra-rare sarcomas: A consensus paper from the Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS) community of experts on the minimum requirements for the evaluation of activity of systemic treatments

Background: In ultra-rare sarcomas (URS) the conduction of prospective, randomized trials is challenging. Data from retrospective observational studies (ROS) may represent the best evidence available. ROS implicit limitations led to poor acceptance by the scientific community and regulatory authorities. In this context, an expert panel from the Connective Tissue Oncology Society (CTOS), agreed on

Predictive value of molecular subtypes and APOBEC3G for adjuvant chemotherapy in urothelial bladder cancer

Objective: Although targeted approaches have become available in second- and third-line settings, platinum-based chemotherapy remains the standard first-line treatment for advanced muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Therefore, the prediction of platinum resistance is of utmost clinical importance. Methods: In this study, we established a routine compatible method for the molecular classificati

Beskattning av energibranschens vinster

I rapporten analyseras inkomstskatte- och fastighetsbeskattningens betydelse för reinvesteringar i energibranschen. Bl.a. görs beräkningar av skatteuttagen i en jämförande studie med beskattningen av den svenska bolagssektorn. Vidare analyseras kopplingen mellan redovisning och beskattning och uppkomna skattekrediter.

When attentional and politeness demands clash : The case of mutual gaze avoidance and chin pointing in Quiahije Chatino

Pointing with the chin is a practice attested worldwide: it is an effective and highly recognizable device for re-orienting the attention of the addressee. For the chin point to be observed, the addressee must attend carefully to the movements of the sender’s head. This demand comes into conflict with the politeness norms of many cultures, since these often require conversationalists to avoid meet