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Molekylär patologi – nyckeln till målinriktad cancerbehandling

Molekylär kunskap om tumörutveckling leder till allt fler målinriktade cancerbehandlingar.Heltäckande molekylär tumörkarakterisering ger möjlighet att undersöka samtliga behandlingsalternativ med en analys.Arbetsutskottet för solida tumörer inom Genomic Medicine Sweden samarbetar för att etablera regional och nationell infrastruktur för storskalig tumörsekvensering och kopplad dataanalys i sjukvårRapidly expanding knowledge of the molecular landscape of cancers has resulted in the implementation of an increasing number of specific therapies targeted at tumors with specific molecular aberrations. In response to this development, new tools for predictive testing for molecular targets need to be implemented in routine health care. To achieve robust future molecular diagnostic pathology, and e

Stratofly mr3 – how to reduce the environmental impact of high-speed transportation

This paper addresses the main progresses and achievements of the H2020 STRATOFLY Project, funded by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 framework, specifically looking at the latest results in terms of environmental sustainability. In particular, starting from reporting the main environmental challenges posed by high-speed civil transportation, at local, regional and global levels, thi

Field-resolved high-order sub- cycle nonlinearities in a terahertz semiconductor laser,

The exploitation of ultrafast electron dynamics in quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) holds enormous potential forintense, compact mode-locked terahertz (THz) sources, squeezed THz light, frequency mixers, and comb-basedmetrology systems. Yet the important sub-cycle dynamics have been notoriously difficult to access in operationalTHz QCLs. Here, we employ high-field THz pulses to perform the first ultr

Establishment of an immortalized human erythroid cell line sustaining differentiation potential without inducible gene expression system

Ex vivo manufactured red blood cells (RBC) generated from immortalized erythroid cell lines which can continuously grow are expected to become a significant alternative in future transfusion therapies. The ectopic expression of human papilloma virus (HPV) E6/E7 gene has successfully been employed to establish these cell lines. To induce differentiation and maturation of the immortalized cell lines

Decision-making fitness of methods to understand Sustainable Development Goal interactions

The integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) presents a challenge to implementing the 2030 Agenda. Analytical methods to support decision-makers are often developed without explicitly incorporating decision-makers’ views and experience. Here, we investigate whether existing methods are fit-for-purpose in supporting decision-makers at national and subnational levels. We identif

Subcutaneous cladribine to treat multiple sclerosis : experience in 208 patients

Objective: To report on safety and effectiveness of subcutaneous cladribine (Litak®) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Methods: Litak® was offered to MS-patients irrespective of disease course. Litak® 10 mg was administered for 3–4 days during week 1. Based on lymphocyte count at week 4, patients received another 0–3 doses at week 5. A second course was administered 11 months later. Follow-up i

Artificial intelligence detection of missed cancers at digital mammography that were detected at digital breast tomosynthesis

Purpose: To investigate how an artificial intelligence (AI) system performs at digital mammography (DM) from a screening population with ground truth defined by digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), and whether AI could detect breast cancers at DM that had originally only been detected at DBT. Materials and Methods: In this secondary analysis of data from a prospective study, DM examinations from 14

Sensory organ investment varies with body size and sex in the butterfly pieris napi

In solitary insect pollinators such as butterflies, sensory systems must be adapted for multiple tasks, including nectar foraging, mate-finding, and locating host-plants. As a result, the energetic investments between sensory organs can vary at the intraspecific level and even among sexes. To date, little is known about how these investments are distributed between sensory systems and how it varie

Analyses of mads‐box genes suggest hvmads56 to regulate lateral spikelet development in barley

MADS‐box transcription factors are crucial regulators of inflorescence and flower development in plants. Therefore, the recent interest in this family has received much attention in plant breeding programs due to their impact on plant development and inflorescence architecture. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of HvMADS‐box genes in lateral spikelet development in barley (Hordeum

Screening immigrant mothers for postpartum depression. Development and feasibility of an educational Intervention for nurses in the child health services.

Post partum depression är ett omfattande folkhälsoproblem som utlandsfödda mödrar löper ökad risk att drabbas av. Rutinmässig screening av alla nyblivna mödrar för post partum depression har implementerats i många länder för att öka identifikationen, men tidigare forskning indikerar att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal upplever screening av utlandsfödda mödrar som en svår arbetsuppgift. Det övergripanPostpartum depression is a major public health problem, which immigrant mothers are at particular risk of being affected by. Routine screening is implemented by many countries to increase identification, but research suggests that health care professionals experience screening of immigrant mothers as challenging. The overall aim of this thesis was therefore to develop an evidence-based educational

The importance of Cyclophilins and Mps1 in cancer

Hepatic fibrosis is a pathological response to chronic liver injuries such as chronic alcohol consumption, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or chronic viral infections. No antifibrotic compound has been approved for liver fibrosis and if the cause of the chronic injury is not solved, fibrosis can progress to cirrhosis. Currently the only treatment for liver cirrhosis is liver transplantat

Big accents in stockholm swedish : nuclear accents, prenuclear accents, and initiality accents

Stockholm Swedish has a distinction between so-called big accents and small accents (in addition to a lexical contrast between tone accent 1 and tone accent 2). The function and distribution of the big versus small accent has never been fully understood. West Germanic languages lack a corresponding distinction. While it is known that big accents appear on information-structural focus, this fact ca

On the prognostic value of Heparin-binding protein in Sepsis

Sepsis causes major morbidity and mortality worldwide. There is wide consensus that biomarkers have an important role in sepsis research and patient care. Heparin-binding protein (HBP) is a neutrophil-derived, proinflammatory and vascular permeability-inducing protein and a promising novel sepsis biomarker. In this thesis, we investigate some aspects of the prognostic accuracy and added value of s

Surgical aspects on patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic limb-threatening ischemia

Background: During the 21st century, diabetes mellitus (DM) and peripheral artery disease (PAD) have become global problems. It is estimated that 19-34% of individuals with DM will develop a foot ulcer during their lifetime, and many will be amputated.Aim:-To study dietary and lifestyle factors associated with prevention of PAD among individuals with DM. -To evaluate outcomes after vascular and en

Site, frequency, and duration of pain in young children with spina bifida

PURPOSE: To investigate the: (1) percent of children with spina bifida (SB) complaining of pain, (2) frequency, duration, and cause of pain by sex, level of lesion type of SB, and ambulation status, (3) body sites reported to hurt, by variables in objective 2, and (4) associations between physical and mental/emotional health between caregiver and child.METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 101 caregiv

The experiences of early career geriatricians throughout Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected older adults and brought about unprecedented challenges to geriatricians. We aimed to evaluate the experiences of early career geriatricians (residents or consultants with up to 10 years of experience) throughout Europe using an online survey. We obtained 721 responses. Most of the respondents were females (77.8%) and residents in geriatric medicine (54.

Vitamin E infused highly cross-linked cemented cups in total hip arthroplasty show good wear pattern and stabilize satisfactorily : a randomized, controlled RSA trial with 5-year follow-up

Background and purpose - Vitamin E infused highly cross-linked polyethylene (VEPE) was introduced in order to enhance oxidative resistance in highly cross-linked polyethylene cups in total hip arthroplasty (THA). We have, with a follow-up of 5 years, evaluated wear characteristics of 2 identically designed cemented cups with the only difference being the material, VEPE or ultra-high molecular weig

Environmental barriers and housing accessibility problems for people with Parkinson’s disease : A three-year perspective

Background: Although housing accessibility is associated with important health outcomes in other populations, few studies have addressed this in a Parkinson’s disease population. Aim: To determine the most severe environmental barriers in terms of housing accessibility problems and how these evolved over 3 years among people with Parkinson’s disease. Material and Methods: 138 participants were inc