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Once Upon a Time in Quantum Computing: A Grounded Theory Study on Hardware Purchasing

Quantum computing is a potentially disruptive field, and a significant amount of resources are invested in technology advancements. The business-related research, however, is a relatively unexplored area. This master’s thesis explores the key factors that buyers consider when purchasing quantum computing hardware, the perception towards start-ups versus established quantum computing companies, and

Existentiell hälsa, Teori och användning i dagens svenska samhälle

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera begreppet existentiell hälsa ur ett antropologiskt, teoretiskt och genealogiskt perspektiv. Hur förstås och används begreppet i den svenska kontexten, i till exempel tidningar, studiegrupper etc. Uppsatsen innehåller dessutom en begränsad intervjustudie om hur några individer i olika åldrar, situationer och med olika utbildningar förstår begreppet existentiell hThe purpose of this thesis is to study the concept of existentiel helth (Swedish: Existentiell hälsa) from an anthropological, theoretical and genealogical perspective, including when and where the concept came to be in Sweden. I will also investigate how understood and used the concept is in today´s Swedish society, through both litterature review and in-depth interviews. The main research questi

An assessment of circular economy measures in the construction value chain for offshore wind turbines

The construction sector is responsible for high energy consumption and large emissions of carbon dioxide, which is strongly linked to building materials. Within the European Union, the construction sector generates more than a third of all waste and circular economy is considered as a suitable approach to tackle these challenges. Furthermore, the need for renewable energy sources has increased, wi

The Examination of Alternative Methods for Sperm Cell Lysis and Purification of Sexual Assault Samples

Forensic sexual assault samples typically contain a mixture of a small quantity of sperm cells and a high quantity of epithelial cells. This relationship complicates the generation of a DNA profile, which prompts the need for differential lysis and extraction of the DNA. Differential extraction is a lengthy method that includes multiple tube transfers and requires a purification step. Amicon Ultra

Control Aid Implementation -Modelling and simulation of triple extruder-

In the production of their High Voltage Direct Current Cables (HVDC) and High Voltage Alternating Current Cables (HVAC), NKT uses triple extruders to create layers of insulation and semi-conduction. A model to predict the effect of extruder inputs on the cable’s insulation and semi-conducting layers has been created and trained to predict the extruder in discrete time. The project developed a deep

Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers: Evidence from Egypt, 2000-2020

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a crucial element of globalization; knowledge spillovers, increasing employment, and technology transfer through inward FDI promote economic growth. Egypt is the top FDI recipient in Africa, and empirical literature finds a positive correlation between FDI and economic growth in the country; however, there are limited academic discourses on the channels through w

The EU Taxonomy and the Energy Supply Sector - A qualitative case study on the implications of the EU Taxonomy on the regulatory reporting requirements in the energy supply sector

The EU Taxonomy provides a clear set of criteria for identifying sustainable economic activities and facilitating investment flows in alignment with sustainable practices. Although dynamic, the Taxonomy emphasizes the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity conservation, making it crucial for companies, policymakers, and capital markets. To meet the EU's environmental goals, a

Empowering Women, Supporting Children. Early Childhood Development Centers as a Strategy to Reduce Unpaid Care Work and Promote Women’s Economic Empowerment in Nyanza, Rwanda.

This thesis examines the effects of early childhood development centers (ECDC) on unpaid care work (UCW) and women's economic empowerment in Rwanda. Thanks to the collaboration of ActionAid Rwanda (AAR), data from a sample of women in Nyanza district was collected and analyzed to gain insights into UCW dynamics and the role of ECDCs in women's lives. The findings indicate that ECDCs have s

The Impact of the Swedish Student Financial Aid Income Ceiling - A Student Perspective

Swedish students obtaining student financial aid from Centrala Studiestödsnämnden (CSN) face an income ceiling of how much they can earn per half a calendar year before their aid is lowered according to a matrix. The thesis investigates how CSN’s income ceiling impacts students. It is important to examine it as it is a hot topic both in the public debate and among politicians. The analysis of the

Organized Crime and Government Trust under the Covid-19 pandemic. The case study of Sicily.

Do municipalities in which organized crime is strongly established present lower Covid-19 vaccination rates, as a proxy for government trust? This paper aims to answer this question in the specific case of the Italian region of Sicily. Specifically, the analysis exploits a panel dataset of 390 Sicilian municipalities over 107 weeks (between the 27th of December 2020 and the 1st of January 2023) to

Wealthy and Healthy? An Exploration of the Relationship between Pension Income, Healthcare Expenditure and the Health Status of the Elderly – A Study on Hungary

This paper examines the relationship between pension income and health consumption expenditure on the household level with a supporting analysis of the realtionship between individual pension income and health status. A relationship that becomes increasingly as health expenditures increase with ageing populations and changing pension systems. Using individual and household data from Hungary in 5 y

Reconceptualizing Cross-Cutting Political Expression on Social Media : A Case Study of Facebook Comments During the 2016 Brexit Referendum

Political communication research has long sought to understand the effects of cross-cutting exposure on political participation. Here, we argue for a paradigm shift that acknowledges the agency of citizens as producers of cross-cutting expression on social media. We define cross-cutting expression as political communication through speech or behavior within a counter-attitudinal space. After expli

Supply Chain Management: Increasing Performance and Coordination in a Sales & Operations Planning Context

Alfa Laval’s business unit Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger uses Sales and Operations Planning to balance supply with demand to ensure profitable growth. Currently, the business unit is experiencing inefficiencies as they fail to execute the plans from Sales and Operations Planning. Large inventories, high obsolescence, material availability, and “firefighting” are some problems mentioned. To support

Klimatberäkning i små- och medelstora företag

Bygg- och fastighetssektorn stod år 2020 för 21% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser (Boverket, 2023a). För att synliggöra och därigenom minska klimatpåverkan vid uppförandet av nya byggnader blev det den 1 januari 2022 obligatoriskt att genomföra klimatdeklaration av nya byggnader som kräver bygglov, med vissa undantag (Boverket, 2021a). Klimatdeklarationen ska redovisa klimatpåverkan frånThe construction and real estate sector accounted for 21 % of Sweden’s total green-house gas emissions in 2020. To mitigate the impact of new buildings, the Swedish government introduced a new law on climate declaration for new buildings called “lag om klimatdeklaration”. The law requires most new buildings, which already re-quired building permits, to perform a climate declaration. The climate de

Knowing how : Estate Management, Practical Knowledge, and Agency among Aristocratic Women in Early Modern Sweden

In the seventeenth Century, Swedish aristocratic women successfully acted as managers of landed estates, mills and iron works, and exerted agency in politics. Making qualified decisions and overseeing complex enterprises, their actions in many ways contradicted the prevailing patriarchal ideology. While explanations for this agency have stressed several intersecting factors, the role of learning a

Koloniområdet -Den lilla staden

Den här rapporten tar avstamp i ett personligt intresse för koloniområden och en nyfikenhet och önskan om att gestalta en ny typ av koloniområde. Målet har genom arbetet varit att skapa ett område med en mer öppen och inbjudande karaktär men att samtidigt behålla känslan av ett intimt och privat rum i staden. Rapporten följer den undersökande process som leder fram till gestaltningsförslaget. Rapp