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Tropic of Value
Morphology and Properties of Polymer Blends -Polypropylene and a Thermoplastic Elastomer -Polypropylene/Polyamide (1/1) and a Modified Thermoplastic Elastomer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fram till början av 80-talet var det främsta sättet, för att ta fram ett material med en ny egenskapsprofil, att framställa en ny polymer. Att ta fram denna polymer tog både lång tid och stora kostnader i anspråk. Utvecklingen gick i stället mot att blanda redan kända polymerer och på så sätt kombinera deras individuella egenskaper. De flesta polymerer är inte blandbaraThe search for polymeric materials with new property profiles has stimulated a great interest into polymer blends and reactive processing. During recent years many new blends have reached the market. Although some of these are homogeneous mixtures of polymers, most commercial blends are composed of immiscible polymers, and contain two or more polymeric phases. The properties of such blends depend
Det lokala trafiksäkerhetsarbetet och dess organisation
Uncertainty of oscillator strengths derived from lifetimes and branching fractions
A widely used method for determination of transition probabilities and oscillator strengths is based on measurements of branching fractions and radiative lifetimes. In the present work the different sources of uncertainty in branching fraction measurements using Fourier transform spectroscopy and lifetime measurements using laser induced fluorescence are discussed. A detailed description is presen
Messenger molecules and receptors in the human trigeminovascular system
The initiation of a migraine attack involves a primary central nervous system dysfunction with subsequent activation of the trigeminovascular system. In trigeminal ganglia, the expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) have been demonstrated by immunocytochemistry. During migraine attacks, the level of released CGRP is increased. Meanwhi
Neurohormonal Modulators in the Parathyroid Gland. Localization and regulation.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är en sammanläggningsavhandling och består av åtta delarbeten. Delarbetena är publicerade i internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter, utom delarbete VI-VIII som är föremål för granskning i sådana tidsskrifter inför möjlig publikation. Alla delarbeten representerar studier av bisköldkörteln. Bisköldkörtlarna (parathyroidea) är belägna i anslutning tillThe occurrence and distribution of neurohormonal peptides, neuroendocrine markers and receptors in parathyroid nerve fibers and endocrine cells are described, using immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, image analysis and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Immunocytochemical studies revealed that parathyroid glands of chicken, rat, guinea-pig, cat, dog and sheep contained adren
Enzymatic metal-chelation by porphyrins
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad har jag gjort de senaste åren? Och varför? Det är det många som har undrat. Så stundtals även jag. Vad jag skriver nedan syftar inte till att förklara detta, utan är bara ämnat som en kort introduktion. Jag har de senaste åren jobbat med gener och proteiner från både växter och bakterier. Både gener och proteiner är väldigt små saker, men även den minsta lilla sak This thesis deals with the structure and function of two different enzymes, ferrochelatase and magnesium chelatase, that catalyse similar reactions. When this work started, a three-dimensional model of ferrochelatase existed. Much was known about the enzyme, but some details remained unclear. The focus has been to establish where the metal and the porphyrin binds to the enzyme, and how they are pu
U-Pb baddeleyite ages of Meso- and Neoproterozoic dykes and sills in central Fennoscandia: a review
Kommersialismeller konst - social positionering och konstruktion av professionella hip-hop-identiteter
Time to speak : Cognitive and neural prerequisites for time in language
Time is a fundamental aspect of human cognition and action. All languages have developed rich means to express various facets of time, such as bare time spans, their position on the time line, or their duration. The articles in this volume give an overview of what we know about the neural and cognitive representations of time that speakers can draw on in language. Starting with an overview of the
Småländsk världsindustri - en studie om entreprenörer och kluster 1950-2002
The thesis describes and analyzes six companies’ origins and development over the period 1950-2002, a time when the Swedish industrial sector was dominated by companies that were formed in the early 1900s. The firms, situated in the same region, have after an eventful journey become world leaders in the segment of machines with capacity to lift more than five tonnes. Investigations in Swedish busi
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Cellular polyamine homeostasis
År 2001 – tillbaka till Kubricks och Clarkes framtid
Essä om datorn som dröm och verklighet med utgångspunkt i Arthur C Clrkes roman År 2001 och Stanley Kubricks filmversion med samma namn.
Numerical Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Ribbed Surfaces in the Bend Part of a U-Duct
This work concerns two-dimensional numerical simulations of the flow and temperature fields inside smooth and ribbed bend (turn) parts of a U-duct with relevance for internal tip cooling of gas turbine blades. The ribs are placed internally on the outermost bend surface. The renormalization group (RNG) k-epsilon turbulence model was used to solve the momentum and energy equations inside the bend (
Environmental effect on recovery after stroke.
Effect of Pin Base-Fillet on Heat Transfer Enhancement of an Internal Blade Pin-Finned Tip-Wall
A common way to cool the tip is to use serpentine passages with 180-deg turn under the blade tip-cap. Improving internal convective cooling is therefore required to increase the blade tip life. In this paper, augmented heat transfer of a blade tip has been investigated numerically. The computational models consist of a two-pass channel with 180-deg turn and pin-fins mounted on the tip-cap, and a s