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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Modelling and experiments of glassy polymers using biaxial loading and digital image correlation

Experimental data are needed to evaluate constitutive models. The richer the experimental data, in terms of different deformation modes for example, the better the constraints on the model. To this end, the mechanical response of glassy polycarbonate (PC) is studied using biaxial tension experiments with novel sample geometries. Deformation fields are measured using full-field digital image correl

The epidemiology of metastases in neuroendocrine tumors

The epidemiology of metastases in neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is virtually unknown. The present novel approach took use of two nationwide Swedish registers to assess the distribution of metastatic sites in comparison to adenocarcinoma. 7,334 patients with NET were identified from the Swedish Cancer Registry. Metastatic sites were identified from the National Patient and Cause of Death Registries.

Potential clinical use of the EDTA-infusion test

The introduction of assays for the intact parathyrin (parathyroid hormone) has dramatically improved the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. However, in some patients with mild or intermittent hypercalcaemia, when plasma concentrations of intact parathyrin may be within the normal reference concentrations, the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism may still be

Coping strategies and cancer incidence and mortality : The Japan Public Health Center-based prospective study

Background Psychological stress is a modifiable risk factor for health outcomes and can be managed through coping mechanisms. Biological and behavioral hypotheses have been proposed to explain the association between stress coping strategies and cancer outcomes. Methods The Japan Public Health Center-based study asked questions on coping behaviors in its 10-year follow-up survey. 55,130 subjects a

A Service Oriented Perspective of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

This paper brings forward a service oriented perspective, based on practical experiences from designing information systems (IS) as services. Viewing IS as services are beneficial but still an unexplored approach in organizations. In this paper, we present an analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs) systems through the perspective of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This paper contribut

The trapping of organic matter within plant patches in the channels of the Okavango Delta : a matter of quality

The role of in-stream aquatic vegetation as ecosystem engineers in the distribution of organic matter was investigated in the Okavango Delta, one of the world’s largest oligotrophic wetlands. The Okavango channel beds are covered up to 50% with submerged macrophyte patches. By accumulating and concentrating organic matter in the sediments below the patches, macrophytes are likely able to locally f

Factors driving the use of dermoscopy in Europe : a pan-European survey

BACKGROUND: When used correctly, dermoscopy is an essential tool for helping clinicians in the diagnosis of skin diseases and the early detection of skin cancers. Despite its proven benefits, there is a lack of data about how European dermatologists use dermoscopy in everyday practice.OBJECTIVES: To identify the motivations, obstacles and modifiable factors influencing the use of dermoscopy in dai

Impacts of land use on climate and ecosystem productivity over the Amazon and the South American continent

The Amazon basin is characterized by a strong interplay between the atmosphere and vegetation. Anthropogenic land use and land cover change (LULCC) affects vegetation and the exchange of energy and water with the atmosphere. Here we have assessed potential LULCC impacts on climate and natural vegetation dynamics over South America with a regional Earth system model that also accounts for vegetatio

The Paleozoic Origin of Enzymatic Lignin Decomposition Reconstructed from 31 Fungal Genomes

Wood is a major pool of organic carbon that is highly resistant to decay, owing largely to the presence of lignin. The only organisms capable of substantial lignin decay are white rot fungi in the Agaricomycetes, which also contains non–lignin-degrading brown rot and ectomycorrhizal species. Comparative analyses of 31 fungal genomes (12 generated for this study) suggest that lignin-degrading perox

Promotion of nitrifiers through side-stream bioaugmentation : A full-scale study

Bioaugmentation of nitrifiers from a side-stream treatment is an efficient method for boosting the mainstream process at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Although this technology has been known for several years, the number of full-scale applications for it is limited. For a WWTP approaching its critical nitrogen load capacity, the benefits are doubled if the introduced side-stream treatment f

Anticipated guilt for not helping and anticipated warm glow for helping are differently impacted by personal responsibility to help

One important motivation for people behaving prosocially is that they want to avoid negative and obtain positive emotions. In the prosocial behavior literature however, the motivations to avoid negative emotions (e.g., guilt) and to approach positive emotions (e.g., warm glow) are rarely separated, and sometimes even aggregated into a single mood-management construct. The aim of this study was to

Absolute quantification of microbial proteomes at different states by directed mass spectrometry

Over the past decade, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has evolved into the main proteome discovery technology. Up to several thousand proteins can now be reliably identified from a sample and the relative abundance of the identified proteins can be determined across samples. However, the remeasurement of substantially similar proteomes, for example those gene

A heterogeneous landscape does not guarantee high crop pollination

The expansion of pollinator-dependent crops, especially in the developing world, together with reports of worldwide pollinator declines, raises concern of possible yield gaps. Farmers directly reliant on pollination services for food supply often live in regions where our knowledge of pollination services is poor. In a manipulative experiment replicated at 23 sites across an Ethiopian agricultural

Integrating care for neurodevelopmental disorders by unpacking control : A grounded theory study

Background: To establish integrated healthcare pathways for patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (ND) such as autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is challenging. This study sets out to investigate the main concerns for healthcare professionals when integrating ND care pathways and how they resolve these concerns. Methods: Using classic grounded theory (Glase

Interaction between the obesity-risk gene FTO and the dopamine D2 receptor gene ANKK1/TaqIA on insulin sensitivity

Aims/hypothesis: Variations in FTO are the strongest common genetic determinants of adiposity, and may partly act by influencing dopaminergic signalling in the brain leading to altered reward processing that promotes increased food intake. Therefore, we investigated the impact of such an interaction on body composition, and peripheral and brain insulin sensitivity. Methods: Participants from the T

Acute pancreatitis : a prospective study on incidence, etiology, and outcome

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Prospective and population-based studies on the incidence of acute pancreatitis (AP) are lacking. Alcohol consumption has increased considerably in Iceland during the last decade. We aimed to determine the incidence, etiology, severity, and complications of AP and compare the results with a previous study on AP in Iceland.METHODS: A prospective population-based study of patien