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Simulation of Gas Channel Temperatures during Transients for SGT-800

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery has developed dynamic gas turbine models to compute performance parameters such as temperature, pressure, mass flow and power during transients. Results from the current dynamic model correspond to measured data except for gas channel temperatures that change too fast during transients. The measurement of gas channel temperature is also a source of error due to th

The potiential of the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii to produce bioethanol in lignocellulosic conditions

Today, bioethanol is predominately produced with conventional feedstock that may not be desired for ethanol production due to their primary food and animal feed value. Therefore, lignocellulosic biomass, a relatively cheap and non-food competitive biomass has received attention. However, the complexity of lignocellulosic biomass poses challenges to developing a large-scale production process compe

Trustication costs- En studie av förtroende och efterlevnad i en franchisekedja

Syfte: Studien syftar till att genom empiriskt underlag från franchiserelationer bidra med ytterligare information angående hur en agents förtroende för en principal påverkar en agents opportunistiska beteende, och i förlängningen huruvida en agents förtroende för en principal är en faktor som bör beaktas i transaktionskostnadsteorin. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod där en induktiPurpose: The study aims at, on an empirical basis of franchise relationships, to provide further details on how the agent's trust in the principal affects the agent's opportunistic behavior, and ultimately whether the agent's trust in the principal is a factor to be considered in the transaction cost theory. Methodology: The study is a qualitative research where an inductive approach

Vattenrening på Örtoftaverket - processvatten, rökgaskondensat och dagvattendammar

Denna rapport beskriver optimering och analysering av Örtoftaverkets vatten till recipient i följande tre områden: • Processvattenreningen, fällning och flockning • Rökgaskondensatet, kvicksilverreduktion • Dagvattendammar, reningsgrad Processvattenreningens fällning och flockning var i behov av intrimning för att öka flockstorleken och –hållfastheten, och på så vis underlätta avskiljningen av meThis report describes the optimization and analysis of the outgoing water to recipient from the heat and power plant Örtoftaverket. The following three areas were investigated: • Process water purification, coagulation and flocculation • Flue gas condensate, mercury reduction • Stormwater ponds, degree of purification The coagulation and flocculation of the process waterwas in need of optimizatio

Variable Displacement Pump Design Optimization

Hög energieffektivitet och god fordonsdynamik är två av de viktigaste fokusområdena för drivsystem i personbilar. En central komponent i BorgWarner:s produkter för momentöverföring är en lamellkoppling som regleras med hjälp av trycksatt olja från en hydraulisk axialkolvpump. Ett alternativ för att reducera energiförbrukningen och samtidigt förbättra pumpens prestanda är att variera pumpens deplacEnergy efficiency and good vehicle dynamics are two of the main focus areas for passenger car drive systems. A central component in BorgWarner’s torque transfer products is a multi-plate clutch which is actuated by pressurized oil from a hydraulic axial-piston pump. One way to reduce the energy consumption and improve the performance of the pump is to let the displacement of the pump vary dependin

We don't do innovation. But if we did, it would probably be the best innovation in the world

Syftet med studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för chefers roll i innovationsprocesser inom unga kunskapsintensiva organisationer, med fokus på deras direkta och indirekta påverkan på innovation. Studien är utförd enligt kvalitativ forskningsstrategi, där insamlingen av data skedde genom intervjuer. Materialet analyserades sedan med hjälp av en innehållsanalys. Teorin grundas i aktuell forskning kThe purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding for the role of managers in innovation processes within young knowledge intense organizations, with focus on their direct and indirect influence. The study was conducted according to a qualitative research strategy and the collection of data was executed through interviews. A content analysis was used to analyse the data. The theoretical per

Corporate Restructuring through Spin-offs: Evidence on Shareholder Wealth from Western Europe

This paper investigates and quantifies shareholder wealth effects arising through spin-off announcements in Western Europe. Building on existing research the study seeks to add recent results and to further investigate whether the effect of spin-off announcements on shareholder value has altered in current times. In order to find out to what extent abnormal returns around the announcement date for

Big Data i Bygg - Vägen till bättre ekonomistyrning?

Studien tar upp några konkreta förslag på hur tillämpningen av Big Data kan gå till i byggbranschen vilket kan exemplifieras med analyserade materialpriser, resursförbrukning per moment och kostnad för olika logistiska lösningar. Resultatet av studien påvisar att Big Data kan vara en väg till bättre ekonomistyrning. Det har blivit dyrt att bygga i Sverige och byggnadsprisindex stiger snabbare än

Investigating Different Register Allocation Techniques for a GPU Compiler

Register allocation is one of the most critical parts of an optimizing com- piler. Although a great effort has been put into researching how to allocate registers, not much of it has been focused on vector registers. This report seeks to find out what fundamentally new problems arise when allocating vec- tor registers rather than scalar registers, how the previously known problems change in vector

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This bachelor thesis is a critical policy analysis of two legislative proposals, L155 and L158, currently debated in the Danish Parliament. The proposals concern security measures for the potential extraction of uranium and other raw materials in Greenland. The aim of the paper is to examine the premises of the mentioned discussion and thereby derive knowledge about the current power relations bet

Utvärdering och design av trådlös kommunikation mellan smart dosett och Smartphone

A product with the need for a wireless communication between itself and a smartphone will be developed. A suitable wireless protocol and module will be chosen and evaluated. How should the software be designed? What functions should be available? In the end the module and software will be tested in the field to see how it works in reality. For the choosing of protocol, the following will be discus

A Microcanonical Comparison of Richardsons Equations With The BCS Mean Field Approximation

The exact solution of the reduced pairing Hamiltonian is compared to the BCS mean field approximation for low particle numbers in finite systems. A combination of two different methods for solving the Richardson equations is presented. One of the methods originally intended to be solved analytically is instead adapted to a numerical scheme. The comparison includes the pairing gap parameter, as app

Lateral Utveckling - En kvalitativ studie om hur en horisontellt strukturerad organisation arbetar med Talent Management-strategin

Talent Management-strategin har i dagens användning ofta ett hierarkiskt fokus, i denna uppsats studeras därför hur en horisontellt strukturerad organisation använder strategin. Studien visar tydliga tecken på att Talent Management kan användas på andra sätt än hur den befintliga strategin är utformad. Uppsatsen påvisar att ett komplement till utvecklingsaktiviteterna inom Talent Management kan va

Fall Detection Using Depth Maps Acquired by a Depth Sensing Camera

I en tid där befolkningen ökar och medellivslängden blir äldre förändras villkoren för vården. Den största kostnaden inom svensk vård idag är relaterade till äldre människor och fallskador. I den här uppsatsen presenteras en framtagen lösning som detekterar fall och sparar information om vad som händer under ett fall. Ett fall i sig självt är väldigt svårt att stoppa, men det finns faktorer runt mIn a time when the population and life expectancy increase, the demands on health care change. The biggest cost in Swedish health care today is related to accidents regarding falls of old people. This Master's thesis presents a solution to fall detection and logging of data from falls. Falls themselves are hard to stop, but there are several factors behind falls that can be changed in order to

An Analysis of the Determinants of Credit Card Use Among Urban Residents in China

Along with globalization, the use of credit cards has become popular among Chinese urban residents; China has witnessed the tremendous growth in the accumulated number of credit cards issued and the amount of credit loans utilized. The new-classical consumption theory holds individuals responsible for the use of credit loans, however, from Veblen’s institutional perspective, the use of credit card

Developing a Product Segmentation Process - a case study at a construction-equipment company

Problem description: In production and operations management, companies deal with a sometimes huge variety of products. Differences in for example sales volume, demand uncertainty or strategic criticality result in different needs of handling. As a consequence, companies that offer a wide range of products often struggle with the control of their production and inventory systems. An approach that

Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulations for Basket Option Pricing where underlying assets follow a Time-Changed Meixner Levy Process

Using derivative securities can help investors increase their expected returns as well as minimize their exposure to risk. For a risk-averse investor, options can oer both insurance and leverage and for a more risk-loving investor they can be used as speculation. Basket option is a kind of option whose payo depends on an arbitrary portfolio of assets. The basket is made out of a weighted sum of as

Memory Energy Optimizations for IoT Processors

In battery operated devices, such as mobile phones, power consumption is an important constraint, as it has a direct impact on the battery lifetime. Trying to extend the battery lifetime as much as possible has been one of the major targets in device development for the past years. Together with advances in the battery technology, several techniques, usually referred as low-power design techniques