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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

ABCC3 is a novel target for the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a very aggressive disease, lacking effective therapeutic approaches and leaving PDAC patients with a poor prognosis. The life expectancy of PDAC patients has not experienced a significant change in the last few decades with a five-year survival rate of only 8%. To address this unmet need, novel pharmacological targets must be identified for clinical inter

Anatomy of rocky planets formed by rapid pebble accretion : II. Differentiation by accretion energy and thermal blanketing

We explore the heating and differentiation of rocky planets that grow by rapid pebble accretion. Our terrestrial planets grow outside of the ice line and initially accrete 28% water ice by mass. The accretion of water stops after the protoplanet reaches a mass of 0.01 ME where the gas envelope becomes hot enough to sublimate the ice and transport the vapour back to the protoplanetary disc by recyc

Defining and describing complementary and alternative medicine

The definition of complementary and alternative medicine has been much debated in recent years as this type of therapy has increasingly become a focus of public and academic attention. Individual authors typically stipulate a definition for purposes of their particular articles, and definitions have varied with the perspectives and affiliations of authors. The panel on definition and description o

Öka andelen hållbar konsumtion genom att fokusera på rätt hållbarhetsmål i varumärkesarbetet

Många organisationer har i flera år försökt positionera sig som hållbara, men inte lyckats. Dels är det få kunder som uppmärksammar satsningarna, dels verkar det inte driva deras köpvilja. Nuvarande konjunkturläge gör inte heller hållbarhetsarbetet enklare. Vad kan man göra för att potentiella och nuvarande kunder ska uppmärksamma arbetet man gör och dessutom engagera sig i varumärkets hållbarhets

The Cultural Sector and Development in Mozambique : An exploration through depoliticization theories

This thesis examines the intersection between the cultural sector and international development in Mozambique, focusing on the practical implications of the increased attention given to the sector and the depoliticization processes that have emerged. Three research questions are addressed: - What are the practical implications of the increased attention given to the cultural sector by internationa

"Be fit, my age, big c**k": Engagements with Hegemonic Masculinity, Hetero(homo)normativity and Discrimination among Queer Male Dating App Users in Malmö and Copenhagen - A Thematic and Summative Content Analysis

This exploratory research addresses a significant gap in feminist, cultural, and digital geographies by examining the geographic variations of how hegemonic masculinity, hetero(homo)normativity and discrimination is exhibited by MSM dating apps users in two distinct city contexts. Drawing from a post-structuralist humanistic perspective, the study explores how dominant ideologies shape exclusionar

Does learning equal happiness? Research-based evidence on the impact of lifelong learning on subjective well-being

Discussions about changing the focus of assessing development progress from economic output to human well-being have sparked a rise in interest in the social sciences' research on subjective well- being in recent years. Such a transition necessitates investigating subjective well-being, its determinants, and how they interact with one another. Previous studies show ambiguity in describing the

How Does it Feel to be Connected with Nature? A Qualitative Study of Meditation Practitioners in Sweden.

For the past centuries, human-nature relationships have deteriorated into a drastic disconnection, characterized by a lack of compassion for nature and insufficient action for mitigating environmental degradation. This study investigates connectedness with nature (CWN) among regular meditation practitioners. Nine in-depth interviews were conducted with meditation practitioners active in Sweden. Th

Verkställbara förvaltningsbeslut - Förvaltningsförfarandet möter utsökningsförfarandet - en analys

Huruvida förvaltningsdomstols dom ska anses utgöra exekutionstitel är en fråga som Högsta domstolen behandlat vid ett antal tillfällen. I rättsfallet NJA 1991 s. 363 ansåg Högsta domstolen att förvaltningsdomstols dom utgjorde exekutionstitel. I pleniavgörandet NJA 2013 s. 413 var Högsta domstolen av motsatt uppfattning och menade att förvaltningsdomstols dom inte skulle anses utgöra exekutionstitWhether a judgment of an administrative court should be considered an enforceable title is a question that the Swedish Supreme Court has addressed on several occasions. In the decision NJA 1991 p. 363, the Supreme Court considered that a judgment of an administrative court constituted an enforceable title. However, in the plenary hearing NJA 2013 p. 413, the Supreme Court was of the opposite opini

Med hjälp av EDI kan man spela vad som helst. En studie om EDI i ensembleundervisning på gymnasieskolans estetiska program

I mötet med EDI i ensembleundervisning under VFU väcktes ett intresse kring EDI samt om dess möjligheter och begränsningar i ensemblesammanhang. Studien syftar till att undersöka dessa aspekter; upplevelsen och innebörden av instrumentet samt hur instrumentet fungerar i ensembleundervisning på gymnasiets estetiska program. Litteraturgenomgången behandlar den musikteknologiska utvecklingen i skolanDuring our internship we experienced EDI in ensemble teaching and our interest about EDI:s possibilities and limitations in ensemble arose. The purpose of the study aims to investigate; the experience and meaning of the instrument and how the instrument works in ensemble teaching in the high school's music program. The chapter Literature Review treats the evolution of music technology in the s

Decolonizing architecture in Africa

For many cultures, architecture represents more than just physical structures. It signifies culture, affiliation, and ownership within a specific society. However, in many African contexts, various coercive and assimilative historical, socioeconomic, and cultural phenomena, such as colonialism, have caused a divergence between the people’s architecture, way of life, and culture. Furthermore, the i

Atomistic structure of a micelle in solution determined by wide Q-range neutron diffraction

The accepted picture of the structure of a micelle in solution arises from the idea that the surfactant molecules self-assemble into a spherical aggregate, driven by the conflicting affinity of their head and tail groups with the solvent. It is also assumed that the micelles size and shape can be explained by simple arguments involving volumetric packing parameters and electrostatic interactions.

Mullet - a multifunctional workingspace

In today’s design environment we are constantly in movement. Whether it is making models or tracing a sketch, we need to go to specific stations intended for the task. It is not just time consuming but also a problem. Stress might occur due to the fact that you never know whether the light table or the cutting mat will be preoccupied. Designers’ needs are not reached and in the end they m

Framtiden för lärande: En undersökning av ChatGPTs effekter på studenters inlärning och kritiska tänkande

Denna uppsats syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur ChatGPT kan användas inom utbildningssektorn för att främja inlärning och kritiskt tänkande bland universitetsstudenter. Studien är baserad på akademisk litteratur som rör inlärning, AI inom utbildning samt kritiskt tänkande. Den empiriska datainsamlingen består av en kvalitativ metod i form av fyra intervjuer varav respondenterna studerar på

How Has the Current Electricity Crisis in South Africa Affected the Development of Renewable Energy within the Independent Power Producer Procurement Programmes?

This thesis examines the effects of South Africa’s electricity crisis on the government-driven development of renewable energy from 2007 to 2023 by testing the applicability of the energy security framework. The electricity crisis presents itself through regular electricity cuts, extreme power tariff rises and a lack of long-term sustainability due to the high reliance on coal and Eskom, the monop

Configurations of underreported cyclist-motorised vehicle and single cyclist collisions : Analysis of a self-reported survey

Lower severity cycling collisions, and single cyclist collisions (or single bicycle crashes) are significantly underreported in police statistics, introducing biases into the types of collisions that are available for analysis. Furthermore, many lower severity collisions do not appear in other collision data sources (e.g. hospital and insurance data). This in turn affects priorities for cyclist sa

Tvistlösningsmekanismer vid internprissättning – en studie av svenska och EU-rättsliga skattetvistlösningsmekanismer i ljuset av rätten till en rättvis rättegång

I ljuset av BEPS-projektets strävan efter effektivare tvistlösningsförfaranden i samband med dubbelbeskattning har EU tagit fram mekanismer som avser att effektivisera skattetvistlösning inom unionen. Resultatet blev rådets direktiv (EU) 2017/1852 av den 10 oktober 2017 om skattetvistlösnings-mekanismer i Europeiska unionen (skattetvistlösningsdirektivet), vilket sedan 2019 även är implementerat iIn the light of the BEPS projects aim to implement more effective dispute resolution mechanisms in situations where a double taxation may occur the EU have worked to develop mechanisms to make dispute resolution within the union more effective. The EU’s effort resulted in the Council Directive (EU) 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017 on Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the European Union (the Tax Dis

Lagligen grundat tvång? Om användande av tvångsåtgärderna bältesläggning och fasthållning vid behandling mot barnets vilja

I den psykiatriska tvångsvården av barn används tvångsåtgärderna bältesläggning och fysisk fasthållning vid genomförandet av medicinering och sondmatning mot barnets vilja. Vilka tvångsåtgärder som får vidtas i dessa verksamheter styrs av regleringen i lag (1991:1128) om psykiatrisk tvångs-vård (LPT). LPT medger undantag till det grundlagsstadgade skyddet mot påtvingade kroppsliga ingrepp som var In the compulsory psychiatric care of children, the coercive measures of belt restraint and physical restraint are used to administer treatment, such as medication and tube feeding, against the child's will. The coercive measures that may be used in these care settings are regulated by the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act (LPT). The LPT permits exceptions to the constitutional protection agains

En gammal lagstiftning i ny kostym? En rättslägesanalys med särskilt fokus på domstolarnas tolkning och tillämpning av brottet olaga integritetsintrång

Brottet olaga integritetsintrång trädde i kraft i svensk lagstiftning den 1 januari år 2018 och infördes som en del i det politiska arbetet med att modernisera den svenska straffrätten till att på ett mer tillfredsställande sätt kunna möta de utmaningar som uppstått i vårt alltmer digitaliserade samhälle. Internets framväxt har inneburit positiva såväl som negativa konsekvenser, både för individenThe crime of unlawful invasion of privacy took effect in Swedish legislation January 1st 2018 and was introduced as part of the political work to modernize Swedish criminal law to be able to meet the legal challenges in our increasingly digitized society in a more satisfactory way. The rise of the Internet has had positive as well as negative consequences, for individuals as well as for the democr