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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Solutions from space? A dynamic capabilities perspective on the growing use of satellite technology for managing sustainability in multi-tier supply chains

Distant upstream tiers in supply chains are hotspots for sustainability issues that expose focal firms to growing reputational, financial, operational and legal risks – yet sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practice and research still focus on dyadic buyer-supplier relationships due to poor upstream transparency. Recently, however, focal firms have started adopting satellite technology as

Production of natural pigments from A. platensis grown on wastewater from local treatment facility.

Although microalgae have been considered for the biological treatment of wastewater since the 1950’s, their potential to efficiently remove pollutants from various streams remains largely untapped and is yet to be utilized at large scale. The production of algal biomass and extraction of high-value compounds has, however, become increasingly popular with large scale farms and biorefineries around Harnessing Microalgae: Transforming Wastewater into Valuable Pigments Innovative solutions are constantly sought to address the challenges of wastewater treatment and the increasing demand for sustainable products. One promising approach involves utilizing microalgae in a biorefinery system that not only cleans wastewater but also extracts valuable pigments from the biomass. This concept presents

Post-Disaster Recovery & ʻTemporaryʼ Living

This thesis examines the integration of post-disaster recovery into urban renewal to foster a more sustainable district. The complex and multidimensional nature of post-disaster recovery necessitates a comprehensive understanding of various disciplines. Instead of focusing solely on physical reconstruction, this research seeks to enhance temporary living conditions by considering the entirety of t

Repartition: Monetary Incentives as a Colonial Policy

This study is concerned with understanding the impacts of the changed incentive structure introduced with the repartition policy in 19th century colonial Greenland. Using archival research, this study shows how the policy was designed to increase industrious behavior and caring for one another by introducing monetary incentives. By transcribing data on catch yield, it is for the first time possibl

Applying Large-Scale Transcriptomic Data to Analyze In Vitro Human Hypothalamic Differentiation Protocols

The increased prevalence of obesity is causing challenges on individual and socioeconomic levels. Neuronal subtypes of the hypothalamus control appetite regulation through the secretion of peptide hormones and neurotransmitters. Our limited knowledge of early molecular patterning of the human hypothalamus sets a challenge to design human in vitro models for cellular studies and drug screening. In

Economic Theory and Economic History: A Methodological Review of their Connection in the Development of Economic History as a Discipline

Throughout the development of economic history as a discipline, the methodological controversy between histographical investigation and formal theorisation from economics proper, explicit and implicit, has been steadily accentuated since the well-known “battle of methods” (Methodenstreit) in the late 19th century. From the impact of theory to history, which marks the emergence of new economic hist

Tuning fresh : radiation through rewiring of central metabolism in streamlined bacteria

Most free-living planktonic cells are streamlined and in spite of their limitations in functional flexibility, their vast populations have radiated into a wide range of aquatic habitats. Here we compared the metabolic potential of subgroups in the Alphaproteobacteria lineage SAR11 adapted to marine and freshwater habitats. Our results suggest that the successful leap from marine to freshwaters in

3 Genomic inventory of permafrost microorganisms

The genomic inventory of a permafrost soil can be obtained through genomic characterization of the whole community (metagenomics) and/or an organism isolated from permafrost through culture or single-cell based methods. While there is often debate among the scientific community over whether genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, or culture-based methods are best, the most promising current work combi

Mesoporous titanium dioxide films using partially fluorinated surfactant templates in ethanol

Mesoporous titanium dioxide films have been produced via a self assembly pathway at the air-ethanol interface using partially fluorinated surfactants as structure directing agents. The high level of surface activity displayed by partially fluorinated compounds in alcohols has been used to generate an ordered film at the air-solution interface, as titanium oligomers condense into an ordered inorgan

MAXPEEM : a spectromicroscopy beamline at MAX IV laboratory

MAXPEEM, a dedicated photoemission electron microscopy beamline at MAX IV Laboratory, houses a state-of-the-art aberration-corrected spectroscopic photoemission and low-energy electron microscope (AC-SPELEEM). This powerful instrument offers a wide range of complementary techniques providing structural, chemical and magnetic sensitivities with a single-digit nanometre spatial resolution. The beaml

Creation of identity value in video advertising: Performing identity myths of stigmatized groups of society

Brands have changed their approach to advertising, instead of offering products, nowadays they offer ways of living and seeing the world. To do so, they own a symbolic language which is embodied in advertising discourse. Brands aim to create more profound relationships with consumers and to concretise it, they have a variety of strategies at hand. The most common is through brand personification,

Methane dynamics regulated by microbial community response to permafrost thaw

Permafrost contains about 50% of the global soil carbon. It is thought that the thawing of permafrost can lead to a loss of soil carbon in the form of methane and carbon dioxide emissions. The magnitude of the resulting positive climate feedback of such greenhouse gas emissions is still unknown and may to a large extent depend on the poorly understood role of microbial community composition in reg

Characterization of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis enzyme CP40

Amazing scissors or revolutionizing treatments? Autoimmune diseases, cancer and allergies are something that is on the rise in the Western world and can cause major problems in everyday life, in the worst case even death. In addition to that, we have a growing problem with antibiotic-resistant bacteria and increased complications for both healthy people, and especially for those who already have

Experience without self : Phenomenology and neural correlates of selflessness

Det här avhandlingsprojektet handlar om självmedvetande och hur det förhåller sig till medvetande i stort. Mer specifikt handlar det om jagupplevelse, känslan av att vara ett jag, och om denna känsla med nödvändighet finns med i alla våra upplevelser eller inte. Vad betyder det då att ha en känsla av att vara ett jag? Det kan betyda flera saker, exempelvis känslan av att vara samma person över tidThe present dissertation project concerns the relationship between self and consciousness. Specifically, it concerns the phenomenal sense of self and if this is a necessary component of all experience or not. What is it to have a sense of self? This can refer to several things, such as the sense of being a continuous person through time, the sense of having a body, the sense of being in control of

Postoperative three-dimensional endoanal ultrasound findings and relation to anal fistula plug failure

ObjectivesTo explore the utilization of three-dimensional (3D) endoanal ultrasound (EAUS) for the follow-up of the anal fistula plug (AFP), describe morphological findings in postoperative 3D EAUS, and evaluate if postoperative 3D EAUS combined with clinical symptoms can predict AFP failure.Materials and methodsA retrospective analysis of 3D EAUS examinations performed during a single-centre study

ABCC3 is a novel target for the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a very aggressive disease, lacking effective therapeutic approaches and leaving PDAC patients with a poor prognosis. The life expectancy of PDAC patients has not experienced a significant change in the last few decades with a five-year survival rate of only 8%. To address this unmet need, novel pharmacological targets must be identified for clinical inter

Anatomy of rocky planets formed by rapid pebble accretion : II. Differentiation by accretion energy and thermal blanketing

We explore the heating and differentiation of rocky planets that grow by rapid pebble accretion. Our terrestrial planets grow outside of the ice line and initially accrete 28% water ice by mass. The accretion of water stops after the protoplanet reaches a mass of 0.01 ME where the gas envelope becomes hot enough to sublimate the ice and transport the vapour back to the protoplanetary disc by recyc

Defining and describing complementary and alternative medicine

The definition of complementary and alternative medicine has been much debated in recent years as this type of therapy has increasingly become a focus of public and academic attention. Individual authors typically stipulate a definition for purposes of their particular articles, and definitions have varied with the perspectives and affiliations of authors. The panel on definition and description o

Öka andelen hållbar konsumtion genom att fokusera på rätt hållbarhetsmål i varumärkesarbetet

Många organisationer har i flera år försökt positionera sig som hållbara, men inte lyckats. Dels är det få kunder som uppmärksammar satsningarna, dels verkar det inte driva deras köpvilja. Nuvarande konjunkturläge gör inte heller hållbarhetsarbetet enklare. Vad kan man göra för att potentiella och nuvarande kunder ska uppmärksamma arbetet man gör och dessutom engagera sig i varumärkets hållbarhets

The Cultural Sector and Development in Mozambique : An exploration through depoliticization theories

This thesis examines the intersection between the cultural sector and international development in Mozambique, focusing on the practical implications of the increased attention given to the sector and the depoliticization processes that have emerged. Three research questions are addressed: - What are the practical implications of the increased attention given to the cultural sector by internationa