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Do Trade Unions Really Give Rise to Social Losses?
Walkabililty as a feasiblity - Studying walking in the built environment from a transport persepctive
Regionalizing fine time-scale rainfall affected by topography in semi-arid Tunisia
The characteristics of fine time-scale rainfall are important in many hydrological applications, such as infiltration, erosion and flooding. The spatial properties of such rainfall are, however, seldom known, especially for arid and semi-arid areas. A better knowledge of fine time-scale rainfall and also comparison with daily rainfall may yield possibilities for disaggregation. For this purpose, r
Verksamhetsberättelse 2003
Strukturella och fysikaliskt-kemiska förändringar av kostfiber vid hantering, lagring och processning
Back to the Past: Screenings of Swedish Films in the Swedish-American Community until 1950
A spatial formulation of anisotropic material at large strains with application to cubic material symmetry
Mytomspunnen institution fyndigt avdramatiserad
Propagation of Coherent Light Pulses with PHASE
The current status of the software package PHASE for the propagation of coherent light pulses along a synchrotron radiation beamline is presented. PHASE is based on an asymptotic expansion of the Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral (stationary phase approximation) which is usually truncated at the 2nd order. The limits of this approximation as well as possible extensions to higher orders are discussed. The
The Finnish Passive is Really a Passive
Codex simulations
By "codex simulations" or codex simulaters" I intend the various hard- and software products that imitate the form of the codex and /or simulate the function of it. They can be designed with the main purpose either to transfer literary work, as with "ordinary" electronic books, or to communicate the looks of a specific original artefact, as with those simulaters used by libraries for displaying di
Remissvar: Små företag och konkurrenslagen Ds 1998:72
Remissvaret invänder mot ständigt återkommande detaljförändringar av den svenska konkurrenslagstiftningen. På Europaplanet pågår en viktig moderniseringsprocess. Konkurrensverket bör ges befogenhet att tillämpa reglerna direkt i sin verksamhet. Relationerna mellan EG-regler och svensk rätt behöver tydliggöras för att eliminera risker för konflikter. Kosmetiska förändringar av den svenska rätten i
Heat-treated high-fat diet modifies gut microbiota and metabolic markers in apoe-/- mice
BACKGROUND: High-fat diet has been known to have adverse effects on metabolic markers, as well as the gut microbiota. However, the effect of heat processing of high-fat diet, which leads to formations of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) has not been clearly distinguished from the effect of unheated fat. This study compared the effect of high-fat diet with heat-treated high-fat diet on adipos