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The Learning Condition: Arendt's Theory in Relation to Goal Directed Thinking
Expression of enzymatically active rat liver and human placental catechol-O-methyltransferase in Escherichia coli; purification and partial characterization of the enzyme
To produce sufficient amounts of recombinant catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) for structural and functional studies the coding regions of the rat liver and human placental COMT genes have been introduced into a bacterial expression vector pKEX14. Recombinant COMT was produced in Escherichia coli up to 10% of total bacterial protein after the induction of the T7 RNA polymerase gene with isopropy
Aspartic proteinase from barley seeds is related to animal cathepsin D
Going green in architecture practice in Egypt: Passive design from training to practice
The nuclear skin thickness treated as a Strutinsky variable
Knowledge Managing and Knowledge Management Systems in Inter-organizational Networks
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Abstract in German Die Verdichtung internationalen und häufig auch interkulturellen Kontaktes und Austausches in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen menschlicher Tätigkeit haben eine Welt geschaffen, in welcher der Zugang zu anderen, alternativen Wissensdomänen leichter denn je erscheint. Vor allem die Wissenschaft wird im allgemeinen als die Gewinnerin dieser globalen Vernetzung angesehen. Gleichzei
Sandra of the tuliphouse or how to live in a free state
Bound to be Modern : Cloth Bindings and Literature as Thing
Paper presented at the seminar "Reading Things" at CRAASH, Cambridge University. With industrialization in the 19th century, book culture went through a number of changes. Like many other goods, literature began to be sold in retail packages – readymade bookbindings that conveyed the character of the literary content of the book. Objects such as packages and bookbindings took on an increasingly im
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Abstract in German Die Untersuchungen von mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandelten Restabfällen haben gezeigt, dass im Rahmen einer 9 wöchigen Rotte im Containersystem die organikreiche Fraktion stabilisiert - und das Emissionspotentials um ca. 95 % verringert werden kann. Darüber hinaus erfolgt durch biologische Abbau- und Umbauprozesse der Aufbau einer Huminstoffmatrix, die einerseits im Feststoff aThe research study on mechanical-biological pre-treated wastes has shown, that the emission potential can be reduced of appr. 95% while the aerobic treatment in a con-tainer system of a large-scale treatment plant. Humification processes can be detected, Humic substances are build up while the aerobic processes and can be analyzed in the organic matter and in the eluate. The humic substances are p
Innovation i praktiken
Israel och Palestina - en eller två stater?
Analyserar den israeliska debatten om enstatslösning versus tvåstatslösning.
The Formation of the Monk: Evagrius Ponticus, Plato and the Eight Generic Vices
A Doll's House Revisited: The Nora Performance on Contemporary Swedish Stage
This conference paper discusses Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House as a part of women's liberation movement.
A modified probing feeding strategy: control aspects
The paper presents a fermentation technique, which combines the advantages of the probing feeding strategy and the temperature limited fed-batch technique. The early phase of the cultivation is run under glucose limited conditions by using the original probing technique. When the maximum oxygen transfer capacity of the reactor is reached, the temperature is decreased to lower the oxygen demand. A
Murder walks in Ystad
High-intensive rainfall and water erosion types
Bribery offences under Vietnamese criminal law in comparision with Swedish and Australian criminal law
Popular Abstract in Undetermined The thesis is written within the project Strengthening Legal Education in Vietnam.There have been attempts, all over the world, to address bribery with recourse to criminal law. As many other countries, Vietnam has been doing activities that show the determination of combating and controlling corruption, including strengthening penal provisions in terms of bribery. However, the situation of bribery in Vietnam is still alarming. For Vietnamese law enforcement authorities, crimin
O-methylation of L-dopa in melanin metabolism and the presence of catechol-O-methyltransferase in melanocytes.
O-Methylation of L-dopa was investigated as a possible regulatory mechanism in melanin metabolism. The methylation product of L-dopa, 3-O-methoxytyrosine was detected in extracts of cultured human melanocytes. The enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase is responsible for this O-methylation and that of the dihydroxyindolic intermediates of melanogenesis. The enzyme is present in melanocytes in its sol