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Sustainable meetings – communicating to enhance the industry’s resilience

There are many definitions of resilience, but in general it refers to the ability of a system, which may be a community, society, or economic system that are exposed to extreme disturbances, persistent stress, or hazards to resist, absorb, accommodate, adapt to, transform and recover from effects of the situation in a timely and efficient manner (PreventionWeb n.d.;). Sustainability is focused on

Land cover classification using machine-learning techniques applied to fused multi-modal satellite imagery and time series data

Land cover classification is one of the most studied topics in the field of remote sensing, involving the use of data from satellite sensors to analyze and categorize different land surface types. There are numerous satellite products available, each offering different spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. Consequently, several methodologies have been developed to efficiently determine land

Shared reading för patienter med anorexia nervosa: En reflexiv tematisk analys av deltagares och läsledares upplevelser

Shared reading är en läsfrämjande metod som, inom ramen för ett forskningsprojekt, har varit en del av behandlingen dagvård för patienter med anorexia nervosa. Föreliggande studie undersökte deltagarnas och läsledarnas upplevelser av shared reading. Sju semistrukutrerade intervjuer genomfördes, fem med deltagare och två med läsledare, och analyserades med reflexiv tematisk analys. Analysen av inteShared reading is a literature-promoting method that, as part of a research project, has been incorporated into the day care treatment for patients with Anorexia nervosa. The present study explored the experiences of participants and reader leaders involved in Shared reading. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted, five with participants and two with reader leaders, and were analyzed usin

Superdeformation in the N = z Nucleus 36Ar : Experimental, deformed mean field, and spherical shell model descriptions

A superdeformed rotational band has been identified in 36Ar, linked to known low-spin states, and observed to its high-spin termination at Iπ = 16+. Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky and spherical shell model calculations assign the band to a configuration in which four pf-shell orbitals are occupied, leading to a low-spin deformation β2 ≈ 0.45. Two major shells are active for both protons and neutrons,

Workshop 1 report : Regulatory regimes: National and comparative regulation of public transport

This workshop considered whether there was a need for a fourth way (or ways) to organise and regulate public transport to complement the three existing models of classic regulation, deregulation and limited competition (including competition for the market). This was particularly viewed from the perspective of what constitutes a good (public) transport authority. The evidence was based on five sou

Enabling battery circularity : Unlocking circular business model archetypes and collaboration forms in the electric vehicle battery ecosystem

Achieving battery circularity is crucial for meeting the targets of net-zero emission vehicles by 2030 and enabling climate-neutral transportation by 2050. To facilitate this transition, firms operating in the electric vehicle (EV) battery ecosystem must reassess their value creation, capture, and delivery methods. Although EV battery second life presents a promising solution for circularity, many

International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) Consensus Conference on Current Issues in Bladder Cancer : Working Group 3: Subcategorization of T1 Bladder Cancer

Emerging data on T1 bladder cancer subcategorization (aka substaging) suggests a correlation with oncological outcomes. The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) organized the 2022 consensus conference in Basel, Switzerland to focus on current issues in bladder cancer and tasked working group 3 to make recommendations for T1 subcategorization in transurethral bladder resections. For

Potential subtype-specific therapeutic approaches in small cell lung cancer

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) remains one of the most aggressive thoracic malignancies with an especially dismal prognosis. While the detection of various targetable driver mutations and immune checkpoints have revolutionized the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), there has been only modest therapeutic innovation over the past decades in SCLC. In this review, we ai

Melting Security – Indigenous Livelihood in the Canadian Arctic

The COP21 Paris Agreement is considered a milestone on the way to limiting global warming to 1.5°C. For the first time in history, a climate convention is signed by all 198 members of the UNFCCC, with each signatory state being responsible for developing their own climate strategy that considers the national circumstances. Given Canada’s colonial history, the Canadian government has a special res

Uppsåt och vapenattrapper - Om otjänliga försök och NJA 2023 s. 393

Denna uppsats undersöker NJA 2023 s. 393 (”Vapenattrappen”), och dess konsekvenser för såväl gällande rätt som domstolarnas rättstillämpning. Domen kom under våren 2023 att kritiseras hårt. I målet stod två män åtalade för försök till vapenbrott, eftersom de påstods ha försökt inneha vapen. Vapnen byttes emellertid ut mot en ofarlig attrapp av polis ca. fyra månader innan de tilltalade dök upp, vaThis paper examines NJA 2023 s. 393 ("The Dummy Weapon"), and its consequences for both current law and practical legal application. The verdict would come to be heavily criticized during the spring of 2023. Two men were prosecuted in the case. They were charged with attempted exceptionally aggravated weapons offence, since they had allegedly tried to possess firearms. The firearms had,

The Paradox of Gender Equality and Female Entrepreneurship

Title: The Paradox of Gender Equality and Female Entrepreneurship; A study seeking to elucidate the perceptions and value systems that underlie entrepreneurial activity among women in Sweden Seminar date: January 10th, 2024 Course: FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Stella

The association between meteorological factors and the prevalence of acute-on-chronic liver failure : A population-based study, 2007–2016

Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect(s) of meteorological factors on the prevalence of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) based on 10-years’ worth of population data. Methods: We retrospectively collected ACLF case data from January 2007 to December 2016 from three major hospitals in Fuzhou City, China. Climatic data, including rainfall, mean temperature, dif

How research travels to policy: The case of Nordic peace research

How is peace research connected to practice? Observers have argued that peace research has gone from activist, political ideals about changing the world to being a methods-driven field of research that has lost all criticality. This article adds empirical substance to the debate by investigating the case of Nordic peace research and its relationship to practice. Through interview data with more th

Wearable Devices to Improve Physical Activity and Reduce Sedentary Behaviour : An Umbrella Review

BACKGROUND: Several systematic reviews (SRs), with and without meta-analyses, have investigated the use of wearable devices to improve physical activity, and there is a need for frequent and updated syntheses on the topic.OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate whether using wearable devices increased physical activity and reduced sedentary behaviour in adults.METHODS: We conducted an umbrella review sear

The underlying order : Isomerism as a blueprint to control the behavior of sugar-based (bio)surfactants

Surfactants are ubiquitous in formulated products and technologies. As one of the most important commodity chemicals, their remarkable consumption leads to the necessity of finding sustainable alternatives. Although the use of renewable sources limits the available chemical space for a “Green” production, the great variety of naturally occurring precursors, i.e., fatty acids and sugars, opens a my

Sahara's surface transformation forced an abrupt hydroclimate decline and Neolithic culture transition in northern China

The remote forcing from land surface changes in the Sahara is hypothesized to play a pivotal role in modulating the intensity of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) through ocean-atmospheric teleconnections. This modulation has far-reaching consequences, particularly in facilitating societal shifts documented in northern China. Here, we present a well-dated lake-level record from the Daihai Lake

Spatial Stories of Peace. The case of the Greater Gola Landscape.

This thesis follows the interdisciplinary tradition that exists in global studies by performing a spatial analysis of the imaginary of peace(s) and conservation as a practice of peace(s) and thus contributing to the fields of environmental peacebuilding, peace- and conflict studies, and geography. The thesis has its theoretical starting point in environmental peacebuilding and is drawing and build

Hjulet snurrar men hamstern är död

Samhället präglas av en ökande social acceleration där teknologisk utveckling och strävan efter effektivisering, påverkar arbetslivet och skapar nya sätt för individen att uppleva tid. Genom att tillämpa begrepp som social acceleration, resonans och tid undersöker uppsatsen samspelet mellan dessa i förhållande till de senmoderna fenomenen gränslöst arbete och prekarisering. Målet är att bidra med