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Ingen annan använder Instagram så varför ska jag? : en analys av medieanvändning på internatskola

B-uppsatsen är författad av Elin Johansson och Daniella Nordström i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet. Det finns mycket forskning kring sociala mediers för- och nackdelar. Den kontext som finns på internatskolor finns det dock inte mycket forskning kring. Studien syftar därför till att undersöka huruvida gymnasieelever på int

Tema kulturarv : Temamodeller om ABM i svenska statliga offentliga utredningar 1945–89

In an explorative manner this article uses a data driven digital history set-up to focus on broad cultural heritage issues in Sweden during the second half of the 20th century. By distant reading and topic modeling a dataset of 3100 Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) between 1945–89, the article gives a new perspective of how the Swedish state examined and discussed national cultural herita

Determination of the degree of branching in normal and amylopectin type potato starch with 1H-NMR spectroscopy : Improved resolution and two-dimensional spectroscopy

Starch from genetically modified potatoes was found to be highly branched compared with normal potato varieties through the use of 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The average chain length, blue-value,and the wavelength at maximum absorptivity clearly show that the new potato varieties produce amylopectin starch. Correlation between the degree of branching as determined by 1H-NMR and starch-iodine complexatio

Major histocompatibility complex class I binding glycopeptides for the estimation of 'empty' class I molecules

Different forms of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I heavy chains are known to be expressed on the cell surface, including molecules which are functionally 'empty'. Direct peptide binding to cells is obvious during sensitization of target cells in vitro for cytotoxic T lymphocyte killing and 'empty' MHC-I molecules are comparatively abundant on TAP- 1 2 peptide transporter mutant cell

The Cherenkov Telescope Array transient and multi-messenger program

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a next generation ground-based very-high-energy gamma-ray observatory that will allow for observations in the >10 GeV range with unprecedented photon statistics and sensitivity. This will enable the investigation of the yet-marginally explored physics of short-time-scale transient events. CTA will thus become an invaluable instrument for the study of the phys

HAWC J2227+610: a potential PeVatron candidate for the CTA in the northern hemisphere

Recent observations of the gamma-ray source HAWC J2227+610 by Tibet AS+MD and LHAASO confirm the special interest of this source as a galactic PeVatron candidate in the northern hemisphere. HAWC J2227+610 emits Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays up to 500 TeV, from a region coincident with molecular clouds and significantly displaced from the nearby pulsar J2229+6114. Even if this morphology favour

Dvärgagen vid Vombsjön 2013-2021, samt ett nyfynd vid Sövdesjön

Cyperus fuscus was thought to be extinct in Sweden until it was rediscovered at Lake Vombsjön, Skåne, after 63 years in 2013. The species also occurred at the lake 2014—2021, but in very variable numbers. The variation depended largely on the water level during late summer. Favourable conditions in form of low levels in late summer have also occurred prior to 2013, though less frequently than in r

Speak bigly and carry a soft stick: En fallstudie om desertering inom säkerhetsapparaten under den orangea revolutionen

I den här uppsatsen kommer en möjlig förklaring till varför säkerhetsstyrkor drabbas av desertering och ordervägran vid fredligt civilt motstånd utforskas. Forskningsfrågan är angelägen, då tidigare forskning om civilt motstånd har funnit ett starkt samband mellan säkerhetsstyrkor som deserterar och lyckat civilt motstånd. Få studier har däremot frågat sig varför desertering sker. Uppsatsens fråge

Andrologisk undersökning bör ingå i infertilitetsutredningen

Impaired semen quality is present in approximately 50% of all infertile couples, indicating decreased fertility in the male. The etiology is unknown in 40-60% of the cases and standard semen parameters provide limited information about the cause and the chance for pregnancy in vivo or in vitro. Assessment of sperm DNA strand breaks may therefore be useful for optimal infertility treatment. Since t

Prospects for Galactic transient sources detection with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

Several types of Galactic sources, like magnetars, microquasars, novae or pulsar wind nebulae flares, display transient emission in the X-ray band. Some of these sources have also shown emission at MeV-GeV energies. However, none of these Galactic transients have ever been detected in the very-high-energy (VHE; E>100 GeV) regime by any Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope (IACT). The Galactic Transient

Parallel solution synthesis of a 'carbohybrid' library designed to inhibit galactose-binding proteins

Parallel solution S-alkylations of a 1-thio-β-D-galactopyranoside derivative with Michael acceptors and α-chloroketones, followed by ketone reductions, reductive aminations, and acylations were developed to yield a library of 1-thio-β-D-galactopyranosides carrying small and diverse polar- neutral, hydrophobic, aromatic, cationic, or anionic non-carbohydrate aglycon structures. Screening of the lib

The role of recommender systems in fostering consumers' long-term platform engagement

Purpose: Recommender systems (RS) are designed to communicate with users and drive consumers' engagement with the platform. However, little is known about the strength of this relationship and how RS can create stronger consumer engagement (CE) with the platform brand. Addressing this gap, this paper examines the role of RS in converting consumers' short-term engagement with the RS to their longer

Sveriges säkerhetsdiskurs och hotet från kinesiska direktinvesteringar

Denna studie är en diskursanalys med WPR-ansats av den svenska regeringens och säkerhetspolisens uttryckta syn på kinesiska direktinvesteringar. Utifrån säkerhetiseringsteorin analyseras diskursen i statsråds uttalanden, regeringens Arbetet i frågor som rör Kina respektive säkerhetspolisens årsböcker. Denna studie ämnar att öka förståelsen för om aktörerna uppvisar säkerhetiserande eller avsäkerhe

Strategies in the fight for legalising abortion: A qualitative interview study on the strategies used in Argentina’s abortion rights movement

This exploratory investigation examines the Argentinian social movement for abortion rights, to provide material of strategies used by a successful social movement. By conducting interviews with participants of the movement, scholars, and representatives of feminist organisations in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the research gains first-hand insight to chart the strategies that were used. Assisting the

Spatial Navigation and Its Association with Biomarkers and Future Dementia in Memory Clinic Patients Without Dementia

Background and ObjectivesImpaired spatial navigation is considered an early sign in many neurodegenerative diseases. We aimed to determine whether spatial navigation was associated with future dementia in patients with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and to explore associations between spatial navigation and biomarkers of Alzheimer disease (AD) and neurodegene

Real-world experience among patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma after Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor failure in Europe : The SCHOLAR-2 retrospective chart review study

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) after relapse is associated with poor prognosis. No standard of care exists and available evidence for treatments is limited, particularly in patients who fail Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitor (BTKi) therapy. This multicentre retrospective chart review study, SCHOLAR-2, addresses this knowledge gap and reports on data collected from 240 patients with relapsed/refractory

“Det ligger inte riktigt i rollen att du pratar” : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om allmänreportrars erfarenheter av att bevaka olycksplatser

A reporter is often required to report from different types of accidents, and this could be traumatic experiences. At the same time, a journalist is the only person who operates at these scenes without professional training in meeting persons in a state of shock. In the field of crisis coverage, there is much to learn regarding what consequences this will bring to the individual reporting from var