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Effects of natural solar radiation on manikin heat exchange

The main objective was to compare short wave radiation from Thorn lamp to solar radiation. In sun all manikin front zones get more or less evenly radiated but in the lab the radiated power reaches some zones more than others. Tests were carried out on the thermal manikin Tore under clear sky in a building corner facing the sun. The manikin was turned so that in the end of each trial the sun faced

Effekter av LTHs pedagogikutvecklingsaktiviteter på LTH-lärarnas undervisning

Vi har studerat hur omfattningen av den kursansvariga lärarens behörighetsgivande pedagogikutbildning (BHU) samvarierar med studenternas bedömningar av den pedagogiska kvalitén på kurser uttryckt genom kursutvärderingarnas data från Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ). Vi har även studerat hur CEQ-resultaten ser ut beroende på ifall den kursansvariga läraren har graden Excellent Teaching Practit

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This paper presents a general view, from a Swedish perspective, of one of the less known Queens of Sweden, Isabella (Elisabeth) of Habsburg. She was the daughter of Philip I and Joan I of Castile, and thus the sister of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. She married the Danish-Norwegian-Swedish King Christian II, in Sweden generally known as Christian the Tyrant. After a short biography of the Scan

Bemanningsarbete, flexibilitet och likabehandling. En studie av svensk rätt och kollektivavtalsreglering med komparativa inslag

Temporary agency work has come to the fore during recent years as the phenomenon in itself has become more frequent on many national labour markets. This thesis examines how, by means of labour law and collective bargaining, the balance between, on the one hand, the employers’ need for flexibility, and on the other hand, the work-force’s need for stability and continuity in the form of income and

Inhibitory neurotransmission in lower oesophagus

Popular Abstract in Swedish Regleringen av esofagus och den nedre esofagussfinkterns motilitet har rönt intresse på grund av dess betydelse vid vissa sjukdoms-tillstånd såsom gastroesofageal reflux och akalasi. Den nedre esofagussfinktern har vidare använts som modell för farmakologiska och fysiologiska studier av viss typ av autonom neurotransmission, s k icke-adrenerg, icke-kolinerg (NANC) neuroThe inhibitory neuromuscular control of the human and cat lower oesophagus was investigated by morphological, functional, and biochemical methods. A supply of nerve fibres and myenteric cell bodies, containing nitric oxide synthase (NOS), haem oxygenase (HO)-2, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (PACAP) was observed. The highest density of nerve

Breast-feeding, nasopharyngeal colonization and otitis media.

This thesis analyzed the relationship between breastfeeding, nasopharyngeal colonization and acute otitis media (AOM) in children. Nasopharyngeal cultures were collected from 400 children and milk samples from their mothers in connection with the scheduled visits to well baby clinics at 1-3, 4-7 and 8-12 months of age, and episodes of AOM and URI were documented. The nasopharyngeal flora was acqui

Klimatkänslighet och utsläppsbanor

Klimatkänslighet – ett viktigt begrepp Klimatkänsligheten definieras som den långsiktiga temperaturökning som blir resultatet av en fördubbling av mängden koldioxid i atmosfären. Även om definitionen hänvisar till en fördubbling av halten koldioxid i atmosfären, gäller den generellt även för en fördubbling av halten koldioxidekvivalenter, vilket är ett omräkningsmått som innefattar alla växthusgas

Spatial variability linking carbon resource heterogeneity and microorganisms; causes and consequences

Popular Abstract in Swedish Organiskt kol och mikroorganismer har ofta en mycket hög spatiell variation i jorden. Dessutom är mikroorganismer ofta begränsade av mängden kol även om detta beror på den den relativa koncentrationen av kväve, fosfor och organiskt kol i systemet. Man kan dock anta att mikroorganismers biomassa och aktivitet kan samvariera med halten organiskt kol i jordar som har en föOrganic carbon and bacteria have a high variability at different scales in the soil, and organic carbon may be a limiting factor for growth of soil bacteria. Thus, it can be expected that these co-vary at different scales in the soil. In this thesis, I have studied the spatial interaction between soil bacteria and natural and contaminant (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, PAH) organic carbon. The o

Triaxial shape with rotation around the longest principal axis in 142Gd

The observed high-spin states in 142Gd are interpreted as based on a triaxial nucleus rotating around the classically unfavored longest principal axis. For the first time such an interpretation is supported by experimental data including lifetimes which have been measured using DSAM with EUROBALL in the 114}Sn(32S,2p2n)142Gd reaction at 160~MeV.

Applying ISA 95 - a vendor perspective

The SIMATIC IT family of products from SIEMENS A&D AS MES, addresses the MES (Manufacturing Execution System) market. One of the products is explicitly aimed for manufacturing execution management.The ISA 95 standard is of highest relevance for products targeting this market since the standard addresses the Manufacturing Operations domain as well as its integration with the Business systems do