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The Frontal Lobes. Development, Function and Pathology
Sweden - Cultural and Institutional Dimensions of Developing and Reforming Social Security Systems
The paper gives a brief presentation of the cultural and institutional specificities of Sweden and how these cultural and institutional specificities impact the development of the Swedish social welfare system over periods of change, transition and strategic adjustment. The paper concludes by presenting a suggestion of a new view of the relationship between culture and social welfare systems, whic
Progress and problems in Lichenology in the nineties, Hemmeslövs Konferenshotell, Båstad, Sweden, 30 August - 4 September 1992 : programme. The Second International Lichenological Symposium, IAL 2; organized by the International Assocation for Lichenologists
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Open access : expansion from articles to books?
Legitimacy Beyond the State? Re-examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors
Ingmar Bergman och 'dom svarta' : några nedslag i jazzmusikens betydelser
Study of the uses of jazz music in Ingmar Bergman's early films".
Gods i kontinuitet och omvandling
Concentration difficulties in the School environment. A study of children with ADHD, Autism spectrum disorders, and Down’s syndrome in their learning situation.
High-chromaticity Optics for the MAX IV 1.5 GeV Storage Ring
The MAX IV facility currently under construction in Lund, Sweden will include a 1.5 GeV storage ring. To prevent head-tail instability, the negative natural chromaticities of the MAX IV 1.5 GeV storage ring have been corrected to positive values using sextupole gradients in the focusing quadrupoles along with dedicated sextupole magnets. To allow adjustment of the chromaticity correction, weak cor
Perspectives on randomization and readiness for change in a workplace intervention study
Developing Principles and Models for Substainable Forestry in Sweden.
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Ströja kyrka – en aristokratisk medeltidskyrka
Today, Brahe Church mainly exhibits signs of the period of greatness of Visingsö island during the seventeenth century. However, there are also traces from much earlier periods. Ströja Church was built during the twelfth century, when the House of Erik and the House of Sverker contested for the title of king and the island of Visingsö had a prominent position in the new country of Sweden. We do no
Impact work-rate and wear of a loosely supported beam subject to harmonic excitation
Impact work-rate of a weakly damped beam with elastic two-sided amplitude constraints subject to harmonic excitation is calculated. Impact work-rate is the rate of energy dissipation to the impacting surfaces. The beam is clamped at one end and constrained by unilateral contact sites near the other end. This system was an object of a vibro-impact experiment which was analyzed in our earlier paper
A life cycle cost approach to optimising indoor climate systems
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PCR-based detection of microorganisms in complex biological samples
The detection of microorganisms by PCR can be divided into four steps: (1) sample collection, (2) sample preparation, (3) DNA amplification and (4) detection of PCR products. The major problem in developing PCR-based detection methods is the sample preparation step. This step is necessary to overcome problems caused by PCR inhibitors and it determines, to a large extent, the sensitivity of the PCR
Lighting Recommendations in Operating Theatres
“The eyes lead the body.” A good visual environment is important for performance and wellbeing. Unsatisfactory visual conditions often induce a strained posture, more or less unconsciously, in an effort to improve vision. The requirements for the visual environment in an operating theatre are high. Surgeons or assistants who are having visual problems can induce treatment hazards. The purpose of t
Therapeutic aspects of oral and pharyngeal swallowing dysfunction. Videoradiographic and videomanometric analyses of adult healthy volunteers and dysphagic patients.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Dysfagi är ett symptom på onormal sväljningsförmåga. Detta symptom kan förekomma i samband med många olika sjukdomstillstånd men är vanligast i samband med olika neurologiska sjukdomar t ex stroke. Symptomen kan variera från en lätt känsla av upphakning och svårigheter att svälja specifik föda till livshotande kvävningsanfall. Logopeder har de senaste decennierna tagit In this study simultaneous videoradiography and intraluminal manometry (videomanometry) have been used in combination in three studies to analyze how different therapeutic strategies affect the physiology of swallowing in healthy volunteers and in patients with pharyngeal dysfunction. Analyses of healthy volunteers showed few significant measurable effects on the pharyngeal swallow. Some decreased