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It Takes Aloha to Hula: The Struggle for Native Hawaiian Sovereignty
Hegemony through Education and Governance: Re-thinking gender education research and scholarship
In the increasingly global educational enterprise and all that it entails,a number of substantial changes can be traced in what is commonly viewed as education, its goals, its uses and usefulness. Over and above the broardly defined phenomenon of globalisation, the influence of suprantional regimes can be discerned. Supranational regimes have increasingly grown in power and importance, not least a
Accelerating educational development through academic leadership
Regulating indirect aspects in the product chain: The emergence of a life cycle approach in environmental law.
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Professonalization and deprofessionalization of teaching
Teachers in elementary and secondary schools are striving for professional status. In todays fighting for higher salaries they rank themselves in the same category as masters of engineering, business administration and lawyers. However their ambitions are not an exclusively modern phenomenon. This paper analyze from a historical perspective todays neoliberal influences on teacher education and tea
Studying the science of economics: Outline of a realist sociology of science
This paper discusses the prospect of a sociology of science informed by the critical realist philosophy of science. The discussion departs from the need for a theoretical framework to account for theoretical struggle and reproduction in the field of econom-ics. The recent talk about an ontological turn in science studies and the wider back-ground for such a turn is then related to the earlier turn
Taboos and Realities: Rapes in Present-day Vietnam
Comparison between fatigue crack growth modelled by continuous dislocation distributions and discrete dislocations
Forskare kan få ny superanlägging i Lund
On the Achievable Accuracy in Identification Problems
Grymhet som rutin
Poverty, Poor Conditions Drive Gulf Migrant Workers to Suicide
Employees’ perceptions of intervention exposure and intervention effectiveness: a preventive work organizational intervention.
Better Turn the Other Cheek: The Tragedy of Electoral Boycott and Protest
Retrofitted Solar Domestic Hot Water System for Single-Family Electrically-Heated Houses: Development and testing
In Sweden, there are roughly half a million single family houses that use electric heating for both domestic hot water production and space heating. Since electricity is the most expensive energy source in Sweden, it is interesting to install a high solar fraction solar thermal system to reduce the energy use in these houses. One of the most significant bottlenecks for deployment of solar heating