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Your search for "*" yielded 532521 hits

Independent in the heard: Inclusion and exclusion as social processes. : Proceedings from the 9th GRASP conference, Linköping University, May 2014: Independent in the heard: Inclusion and exclusion as social processes. The 9th GRASP conference, Linköping University, May 2014

GRASP (Group and Social Psychology) is an interdisciplinary conference, which aims to provide a community around social psychological issues for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students from the Nordic countries within the fields of psychology, sociology, education, behavioural sciences and social work to share, exchange, learn, and develop preliminary results, new concepts, ideas, princi

Exploring Direct Conversion of Human Glia into Therapeutic Neurons

Direct neuronal reprogramming of a somatic cell into therapeutic neurons, without a transient pluripotent state, provides new promise for the large number of individuals afflicted by neurodegenerative diseases or brain injury. This approach could be potentially applied directly in the brain by targeting resident cells as a source of new neurons. Direct neuronal conversion of resident glial cells i

Emphysema severity index (ESI) associated with respiratory death in a large Swedish general population

Recently, it has been shown and validated that presence and severity of emphysema on computed tomography could be estimated by a novel spirometry based index, the emphysema severity index (ESI). However, the clinical relevance of the index has not been established. We conducted cox-regression analyses with adjustment for age, smoking, sex, forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and forced vital ca

Homotopic contralesional excitation suppresses spontaneous circuit repair and global network reconnections following ischemic stroke

Understanding circuit-level manipulations that affect the brain’s capacity for plasticity will inform the design of targeted interventions that enhance recovery after stroke. Following stroke, increased contralesional activity (e.g. use of the unaffected limb) can negatively influence recovery, but it is unknown which specific neural connections exert this influence, and to what extent increased c

Fetal 3D cardiovascular cine image acquisition using radial sampling and compressed sensing

PURPOSE: To explore a fetal 3D cardiovascular cine acquisition using a radial image acquisition and compressed-sensing reconstruction and compare image quality and scan time with conventional multislice 2D imaging.METHODS: Volumetric fetal cardiac data were acquired in 26 volunteers using a radial 3D balanced SSFP pulse sequence. Cardiac gating was performed using a Doppler ultrasound device. Imag

Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, årsrapport för 2018

Detta är den nionde årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljöövervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivilliga

Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, årsrapport för 2019

Detta är den tionde årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljöövervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivilliga

Stable silicon isotopes uncover a mineralogical control on the benthic silicon cycle in the Arctic Barents Sea

Biogeochemical cycling of silicon (Si) in the Barents Sea is under considerable pressure from physical and chemical changes, including dramatic warming and sea ice retreat, together with a decline in dissolved silicic acid (DSi) concentrations of Atlantic inflow waters since 1990. Associated changes in the community composition of phytoplankton blooms will alter the material comprising the deposit

Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, årsrapport för 2020

Detta är den elfte årsrapporten från Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning, ett nationellt miljöövervakningsprogram som koordineras av Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket sedan 2010. Svensk Dagfjärilsövervakning är ett samarbete mellan Sveriges Entomologiska Förening, Naturvårdsverket, Lunds universitet, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Länsstyrelserna. Verksamheten möjliggörs av frivilliga l

Modelling of magnetic microbubbles to evaluate contrast enhanced magnetomotive ultrasound in lymph nodes – a pre-clinical study

Objectives: Despite advances in MRI the detection and characterisation of lymph nodes in rectal cancer remains complex, especially when assessing the response to neoadjuvant treatment. An alternative approach is functional imaging, previously shown to aid characterisation of cancer tissues. We report proof of concept of the novel technique Contrast-Enhanced Magneto-Motive Ultrasound (CE-MMUS) to r

Joint Modeling of Singleton Preterm Birth and Perinatal Death Using Birth Registry Cohort Data in Northern Tanzania

Understanding independent and joint predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes is essential to inform interventions toward achieving sustainable development goals. We aimed to determine the joint predictors of preterm birth and perinatal death among singleton births in northern Tanzania based on cohort data from the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC) zonal referral hospital birth registry b

A novel process design for automated quality analysis in an integrated biopharmaceutical platform

This contribution describes a novel process design consisting of the implementation of a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system into an existing integrated biopharmaceutical purification platform in order to extend the possibilities of analysis. This setup is controlled by a custom-made set of software tools, namely the combination of Orbit along with a C# based program called Satell

Outcomes following surgical repair of absent pulmonary valve syndrome : 30 years of experience from a Swedish tertiary referral centre

Surgical approach with reduction pulmonary artery plasty and valved conduit in patients with respiratory compromise prior to repair is associated with excellent long-term survival at the cost of a higher reintervention rate. OBJECTIVES: Absent pulmonary valve syndrome is a rare congenital heart defect with pulmonary artery dilatation and secondary airway compression. Although preoperative respirat

Body-dysmorphic, hoarding, hair-pulling, and skin-picking symptoms in a large sample of adolescents

Few studies have investigated body-dysmorphic, hoarding, hair-pulling, and skin-picking symptoms in adolescents and how they relate to mental health, quality of life, suicide attempts, and non-suicidal self-harm. We used a quota sampling procedure and contacted 100 secondary centres in the Southeast of Spain, of which 34 participated in the study. A sample of 5,345 adolescents (12–18 years) comple

Can Bureaucrats Break Trust? Testing Cultural and Institutional Theories of Trust with Chinese Panel Data

What is the relationship between trust and the quality of political institutions in a society? According to an influential cultural perspective, social trust—the belief that most people can be trusted—is a value inculcated during individuals’ formative years, and remains fixed afterward. A second perspective holds that social trust reflects experiences throughout the life course, particularly inte

Analysis of Computational Efficiency in Iterative Order Batching Optimization

Order Picking in warehouses is often optimized with a method known as Order Batching, which means thatone vehicle can be assigned to pick a batch of several orders at a time. Although there exists a rich body ofresearch on Order Batching Problem (OBP) optimization, one area which demands more attention is that ofcomputational efficiency, especially for optimization scenarios where warehouses have