Geriatrikundervisningen klarar inte framtidens behov
Regeringen bör tydligare styra läkar- och sjuksköterskeutbildningarna för att kunna säkerställa att utbildningarna i geriatrik motsvarar vårdens behov.
Regeringen bör tydligare styra läkar- och sjuksköterskeutbildningarna för att kunna säkerställa att utbildningarna i geriatrik motsvarar vårdens behov.
Varför använder män våld mot kvinnor som de inlett en kärleksrelation med och hur förklaras detta våld av de män som utövar dessa handlingar? Dessa frågor är centrala i detta kapitel där våldsutövande män begripliggör det våld som de använt mot sina tidigare eller aktuella partners. Analysen bygger på intervjuer med män som påbörjat behandling på grund av att de använt våld i nära relationer. I ka
The electronic structure and excited state properties of a series of iron carbene photosensitizers are elucidated through a combination of X-ray absorption measurements and density functional theory calculations. The X-ray absorption spectra are discussed with regard to the unusual bonding environment in these carbene complexes, highlighting the difference between ferrous and ferric carbene comple
Sweden has gained worldwide reputation for its family friendly policies and the high share of women in paid employment. This book points to the particular importance of early activation policies in the increase of women’s paid employment and in changing gender and family relations. It explores how the activation of women into paid work actually was accomplished: On what ideational grounds, and usi
Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (SRM-MS) -based semi-quantitation was performed to assess the validity of 46 selected candidate proteins for specifically diagnosing large-cell neuroendocrine lung carcinoma (LCNEC) and differentiating it from other lung cancer subtypes. The scaling method was applied in this study using specific SRM peak areas (AUCs) derived from the endogenous refer
The success of real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis is partly limited by the presence of inhibitory compounds in the nucleic acid samples. For example, humic acid (HA) from soil and aqueous sediment interferes with amplification and also quenches the fluorescence of double-stranded (ds) DNA binding dyes, thus hindering amplicon detection. We aimed to counteract the HA fluorescence quenching effect by ble
Aim: The study was undertaken to explore whether shortening of striated muscle during activity is associated with release of bound Ca2+ into the myofibrillar space as has previously been proposed in order to explain the depressant effect of active shortening. Methods: The experiments were carried out on single muscle fibres isolated from the anterior tibialis muscle of Rana temporaria. The fibres
Twelve years after their discovery in plants, prohibitins (PHBs) have retained their status as some of the most enigmatic mitochondrial proteins. Although the original hypothesis that PHBs act as negative cell cycle regulators has lost its impetus in plants, the essential molecular function(s) PHB complexes perform in the inner mitochondrial membrane are now beginning to be understood. We review t
To obtain a global overview of how mitochondria respond to stress, we aimed to define the plant mitochondrial stress response (MSR). By combining a set of 1196 Arabidopsis thaliana genes that putatively encode mitochondrial proteins with 16 microarray experiments on stress-related conditions, 45 nuclear encoded genes were defined as widely stress-responsive. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) f
Koncentrationen av myndigheter i huvudstaden ökar risken för korruption. Staden är stor, men nätverken snäva. Det är en av flera anledningar varför pågående omlokalisering av statsförvaltningens myndigheter till orter utanför Stockholm är nödvändig.
Two 60-GHz band voltage controlled oscillators (VCOs) designed in a 28-nm ultrathin body and buried oxide fully depleted silicon on insulator (UTBB FD-SOI) CMOS process are demonstrated and compared. Both VCOs have identical cross-coupled nMOS cores and dissipate 3.15 mW from a 0.9-V supply. The first design uses a standard FET current source and achieves a figure of merit (FOM) of −181 dBc/Hz, wh