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Circulating levels of growth hormone in postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a cardiovascular autonomic disorder with poorly understood etiology and underlying pathophysiology. Since cardiovascular morbidity has been linked to growth hormone (GH), we studied GH levels in patients with POTS. We conducted an age-sex-matched case-control study in patients with POTS (age 31 ± 9 years; n = 42) and healthy controls (32 ± 9 year

Normative Recursion : on Recursive Grounding and the Capacity for Radical Critique in Formal Pragmatics, Recognition, Social Freedom and Justification

Denna avhandling utforskar den meta-etiska frågan: Vilka egenskaper krävs av ett normativt kritiskt begrepp så att det både kan (a) härledas från den sociala faktiska verkligheten av gällande normer, praktiker och institutioner i ett givet samhälle och (b) vara utgångpunkt för radikal kritik? Radikal kritik förstås i avhandlingen som en kritik bortom anklagelser om partiskhet gentemot det rådande.This thesis explores the meta-ethical question: What properties would be required of a normative critical concept in order for it to be (a) derived from the social facticity of prevailing norms, practices and institutions in a given society and (b) still be capable of informing radical critique? This thesis takes radical critique to mean one that escapes all charges of status quo biases and thus t

Base-catalyzed depolymerization of kraft lignin for valuable chemical production

Lignin is one of the three predominant biopolymers that make up plants together with cellulose and hemicellulose, and it is the only plant component that is based on aromatic units. The industrial kraft pulping process generates large amounts of lignin, which is currently used to generate heat for the process. The subject of this thesis is the valorization of kraft lignin into valuable chemicals.

Female Peacekeepers’ Added Burden

Twenty years since the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 there is an almost unanimous call for an increased number of uniformed women in peace operations from policy-makers and multilateral organizations. This continuous push for the inclusion of more women is often justified by arguments about an increased operational effectiveness related to women's ‘added value’: both implicitly a

Transcriptional networks in at-risk individuals identify signatures of type 1 diabetes progression

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a disease of insulin deficiency that results from autoimmune destruction of pancreatic islet β cells. The exact cause of T1D remains unknown, although asymptomatic islet autoimmunity lasting from weeks to years before diagnosis raises the possibility of intervention before the onset of clinical disease. The number, type, and titer of islet autoantibodies are associated wit


This chapter introduces the volume by presenting the questions of politics and ethics of representation in qualitative research. It also shows how these are approached in the following chapters through analyses of moments of discomfort in our research practice. We situate our work in critical, feminist and engaged scholarship and discuss how creating representation in qualitative research is linke

Autochthonous microorganisms of white quinoa grains with special attention to novel functional properties of lactobacilli strains

Quinoa sourdough can safely be produced if the hygienic threshold of miss-fermentation during the start-up period is overcome. The aims of the present study are to map the microbiota of spontaneously formed quinoa sourdough without backslopping and select Lactiplantibacillus-strains. Viable count from grains and sourdough were performed and picked isolates were identified by gene sequencing. Lacti

Gas monitoring in human frontal sinuses-stability considerations and gas exchange studies

Acute rhinosinusitis is a common infectious disease, which, in more than 90% of cases, is caused by viruses rather than by bacteria. Even so, antibiotics are often unnecessarily prescribed, and in the long run this contributes to the alarming level of antibiotics resistance. The reason is that there are no good guiding tools for defining the background reason of the infection. One main factor for

Transfer of Cobalt Nanoparticles in a Simplified Food Web: From Algae to Zooplankton to Fish

Cobalt (Co) nanoparticles (NPs) may be diffusely dispersed into natural ecosystems from various anthropogenic sources such as traffic settings and eventually end up in aquatic systems. As environmentally dispersed Co NPs may be transferred through an aquatic food web, this study investigated this transfer from algae (Scendesmus sp.) to zooplankton (Daphnia magna) to fish (Crucian carp, Carassius cCobalt (Co) nanoparticles (NPs) may be diffusely dispersed into natural ecosystems from various anthropogenic sources such as traffic settings and eventually end up in aquatic systems. As environmentally dispersed Co NPs may be transferred through an aquatic food web, this study investigated this transfer from algae (Scendesmus sp.) to zooplankton (Daphnia magna) to fish (Crucian carp, Carassius c

Jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at s=13 TeV

Deuteron production in high-energy collisions is sensitive to the space–time evolution of the collision system, and is typically described by a coalescence mechanism. For the first time, we present results on jet-associated deuteron production in pp collisions at s=13 TeV, providing an opportunity to test the established picture for deuteron production in events with a hard scattering. Using a tri

The 2019 HPV Labnet international proficiency study : Need of global Human Papillomavirus Proficiency Testing

Background:: Accurate and internationally comparable human papillomavirus (HPV) testing services are essential for cervical cancer elimination programs. The WHO HPV Laboratory Network started issuing international HPV testing proficiency panels in 2008. Objectives:: We report the results of the 2019 global proficiency study and evaluate the proficiency over time. Study design:: The proficiency pan

Genomic sex identification of ancient pinnipeds using the dog genome

Determining the proportion of males and females in zooarchaeological assemblages can be used to reconstruct the diversity and severity of past anthropogenic impacts on animal populations, and can also provide valuable biological insights into past animal life-histories, behaviour and demography, including the effects of environmental change. However, such inferences have often not been possible du

Mitigation of pretreatment-derived inhibitors during lignocellulosic ethanol fermentation using spent grain as a nitrogen source

Nitrogen-containing nutrient sources can be used to mitigate the negative effects of pretreatment-derived inhibitors on product formation rates during bioethanol production. Process economic limitations require these nutrients to be inexpensive. A method of hydrolyzing the protein in the spent grain fraction remaining after wheat grain saccharification, using porcine pancreas trypsin, is presented

Synthesis of novel oligomeric anionic alkyl glycosides using laccase/TEMPO oxidation and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase)‐catalysed transglycosylation

Modification of alkyl glycosides, to alter their properties and widen the scope of potential applications, is of considerable interest. Here, we report the synthesis of new anionic alkyl glycosides with long carbohydrate chains, using two different approaches: laccase/TEMPO oxidation of a long‐carbohydrate‐chain alkyl glycoside, and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase)‐catalysed elongation of

Missions - A Small Step, Or A Giant Leap?

Missions are being discussed widely within the European Union and beyond as a tool to steer policy, innovation, and research. Similar to other missions – to the moon, to cure cancer, and to eradicate smallpox – the missions-oriented approach seeks to set bold and radical goals to tackle our pressing environmental and social challenges. In this episode, we discuss the missions-oriented approach forMissions are being discussed widely within the European Union and beyond as a tool to steer policy, innovation, and research. Similar to other missions – to the moon, to cure cancer, and to eradicate smallpox – the missions-oriented approach seeks to set bold and radical goals to tackle our pressing environmental and social challenges. In this episode, we discuss the missions-oriented approach for

Energy Communities: a transition towards a more just energy system?

We use energy in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet, often, we do not know the source of electricity that powers our homes or heats our food. In this episode, we explore energy communities as a form of decentralised and democratic energy production. Community energy sees people coming together to take control of their energy needs, by finding alternative ways to organise and govern the energy sWe use energy in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet, often, we do not know the source of electricity that powers our homes or heats our food. In this episode, we explore energy communities as a form of decentralised and democratic energy production. Community energy sees people coming together to take control of their energy needs, by finding alternative ways to organise and govern the energy s

The "Brainy" Bunch: The journey of a PhD student

What happens when you take a bunch of people from different cultural and geographical backgrounds, ask them to integrate under one discipline or department, and share a profound and life-changing experience? In this episode, we unpack some of these stories as we look at the journey of a PhD Student at Lund University. We interview our colleagues Emma Johnson, who is at the start of her PhD journey