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The structure of allozyme and leaf shape variation in isolated, range‐margin populations of the shrub Hippocrepis emerus (Leguminosae)

We investigated allozyme variation and phenotypic variation in leaf shape in 15 populations of the shrub Hippocrepis emerus (Leguminosae) from the three isolated, regional populations in Scandinavia and analysed patterns of differentiation and the hierarchical structuring of diversity on different geographic scales There are pronounced geographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish isola

Experimental taxonomy of Silene section Elisanthe (Caryophyllaceae) : crossing experiments

Silene section Elisanthe is a well‐defined group containing (in Europe) the following species: S. alba, S. diclinis, S. dioica, S. heuffelii and S. marizii (dioecious perennials or biennials) and S. noctifloara (a self‐compatible hermaphrodite annual). Crosses were attempted among these species, and between these species and members of other Silene sections. Crosses among the first five species re

Ådalen 1931: Kampen om historien : Sociala konflikter, historiemedvetande och historiebruk 1931-2000

Ett lokalt drama och en tragedi som genast fortplantades, och blev en konfliktfylld nationell vridningspunkt i en händelsekedja som skulle förändra villkoren på svensk arbetsmarknad och kasta om dittillsvarande politiska mönster och lojaliteter i svensk inrikespolitik. Händelsen gav eko, levde vidare, också utanför landets gränser, och ställde viktiga frågor: om maktens anspråk och gränser för att

Fall-related activity avoidance among persons with late effects of polio and its influence on daily life : A mixed-methods study

Falls are common among persons with late effects of polio (LEoP), which may lead to fear of falling and activity avoidance in everyday life. Here, we assessed the occurrence of fall-related activity avoidance among persons with LEoP and explored how these experiences influenced daily life. Fourteen ambulatory persons (seven women; mean age 70 years) with LEoP participated. They responded to the mo

A child‐centered health dialogue for the prevention of obesity in child health services in Sweden – A randomized controlled trial including an economic evaluation

BackgroundPrevention of child obesity is an international public health priority and believed to be effective when started in early childhood. Caregivers often ask for an early and structured response from health professionals when their child is identified with overweight, yet cost-effective interventions for children aged 2–6 years and their caregivers in Child Health Services are lacking.Object

Cardiovascular risk factors and autonomic indices in relation to fatal and non-fatal coronary events

OBJECTIVE: Mortality caused by coronary artery disease has markedly decreased in recent years. However, a substantial proportion of patients suffering a coronary event (CE) die within the first day, most of them out of hospital. We aimed to investigate how established cardiovascular (CV) risk factors and CV autonomic indices associate with fatal versus non-fatal CEs in the population.METHODS: 33 0

Risk model for intraoperative complication during cataract surgery based on data from 900 000 eyes : previous intravitreal injection is a risk factor

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The aim of this study was to develop a risk model for intraoperative complication (IC) during cataract surgery, defined as posterior capsule rupture and/or zonular dehiscence, and to include previous intravitreal therapy (pIVT) in the model.METHODS: This retrospective register-based study covered patients reported to the Swedish National Cataract Register (SNCR) between 1 January

Business model patterns in the sharing economy

Sharing platforms struggle to remain financially viable and preserve their prosocial and environmental aspirations; therefore, effort to empirically study successful sharing economy business models (SEBMs) is needed. The aim of this research is to identify business model patterns among existing SEBMs in order to suggest business model attributes that support successful implementation. Patterns des

Considerable variation of trough β-lactam concentrations in older adults hospitalized with infection—A prospective observational study

In older adults, few studies confirm that adequate concentrations of antibiotics are achieved using current dosage regimens of intravenous β-lactam antibiotics. Our objective was to investigate trough concentrations of cefotaxime, meropenem, and piperacillin in older adults hospitalized with infection. We included 102 patients above 70 years of age. Total trough antibiotic concentrations were meas

Association of Implementation of a Comprehensive Preconception-to-Pregnancy Management Plan With Pregnancy Outcomes Among Chinese Pregnant Women With Type 1 Diabetes : The CARNATION Study

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect on pregnancy outcome of integrating a comprehensive management plan for patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) into the World Health Organization universal maternal care infrastructure. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A comprehensive preconception-to-pregnancy management plan for women with T1D was implemented in 11 centers from 8 Chinese cities from 2015 to 2017. Se

Ipsilesional versus contralesional postural deficits induced by unilateral brain trauma : A side reversal by opioid mechanism

Unilateral traumatic brain injury and stroke result in asymmetric postural and motor deficits including contralateral hemiplegia and hemiparesis. In animals, a localized unilateral brain injury recapitulates the human upper motor neuron syndrome in the formation of hindlimb postural asymmetry with contralesional limb flexion and the asymmetry of hindlimb nociceptive withdrawal reflexes. The curren

What’s the ‘added value’ of Male Peacekeepers? (Or why we should stop instrumentalising Female Peacekeepers’ Participation

How realistic and how fair are the expectations that we place on the small minority of female peacekeepers to bring an ‘added value’ to peace operations? Not at all, I argue in this brief, which examines the instrumentalisation of female participation and suggests that it is time to move beyond the question of an ‘added value’ that often translates into ‘added burden’.Both male and female peacekee

Digest : The role of postzygotic isolation in Mimulus speciation

Recently diverged species often show incomplete reproductive isolation and subsequently experience hybridization and introgression. The plant genus Mimulus includes many such examples of closely related taxa that prove useful for studying incipient speciation. However, Sandstedt et al. show that in contrast to other Mimulus species, species of the M. tilingii complex are characterized by strong po

De dövas republik

A translation into Swedish of the poetry collection Deaf Republic (2019) by American poet Ilya Kaminsky

UL25 capsid binding facilitates mechanical maturation of the Herpesvirus capsid and allows retention of pressurized DNA

The maturation process that occurs in most viruses is evolutionarily driven as it resolves several conflicting virion assembly requirements. During herpesvirus assembly in a host cell nucleus, micron-long double-stranded herpes DNA is packaged into a nanometer-sized procapsid. This leads to strong confinement of the viral genome with resulting tens of atmospheres of intra-capsid DNA pressure. Yet,

A Preliminary Case Study on Gender Norms in Robot-Assisted Diagnosis of Perinatal Depression : A Socio-Legal HRI Perspective

We propose that an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to better understand the normative gender aspects of automating perinatal depression-care in socially assistive robots and how to take them into account at design stage. Consequently, the aim is twofold: firstly, to understand the existing normative gender aspects within perinatal depression, and secondly, to enable the socially assistive