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Radioimmunoimaging and Radioimmunotherapy of Prostate Cancer Preclinical evaluation of kallikrein related peptidase 2 targeting

Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostatacancer är Sveriges vanligaste cancersjukdom bland män. Många av de som diagnosticeras med prostatacancer får inga besvär men cirka 2400 män dör årligen av sjukdomen. Det finns flera behandlingsmetoder mot prostatacancer, men för kastrationsresistent prostatacancer, en avancerad form av prostatacancer, finns idag ingen botande behandling. Det utvecklas dock allt Prostate cancer is one of the major causes of cancer related deaths in men in Europe and the United States. In this doctoral thesis, radioimmunoimaging and -therapy of prostate cancer was investigated pre-clinically by targeting the human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 (hK2) with radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies. hK2 is an antigen that is over-expressed in prostatic neoplasms and is closely rel

Evidence-Based Timelines for Agile Project Retrospectives – A Method Proposal

Retrospective analysis of agile projects can support identification of issues through team reflection and may enable learning and process improvements. Basing retrospectives primarily on experiences poses a risk of memory bias as people may remember events differently, which can lead to incorrect conclusions. This bias is enhanced in project retrospectives which cover a longer period compared to i

Laser-induced-fluorescence lifetime measurements and relativistic Hartree-Fock oscillator strength calculations in singly ionized platinum

Radiative lifetimes of eight odd-parity states of Pt II, in the energy range from 51 408 to 64 388 cm−1, have been measured by means of the time-resolved laser-induced-fluorescence technique. Free, singly ionized platinum ions were obtained in a laser-produced plasma and a tunable laser with 1.5 ns duration pulse was used to selectively excite the Pt+ ions. The comparison of the experimental resul

Strategy-Proof Allocation of Multiple Public Goods

We characterize the set of strategy-proof social choice functions (SCFs), the outcome of which are multiple public goods. The set of feasible alternatives is a subset of a product set with a finite number of elements. We do not require the SCFs to be ‘onto’, but instead impose the weaker requirement that every element in each category of public goods is attained at some preference profile. Admissi

Erfarenheter av kommunikation av projektarbetens pedagogiska syften

Vi har tidigare rapporterat hur vi i pedagogisk utveckling av en kurs valt att försöka stärka studenternas förståelse av kursens pedagogiska process [1]. En central idé var att tydliggöra syftet med projektarbete i kursen, genom att förklara att det är tänkt som ett inlärningsprojekt och inte som ett tillämpningsprojekt. Vi har nu följt upp de förändringar vi efter vårt tidigare paper gjort i kurs

Modelling of flameless combustion using large eddy simulation

The challenge of achieving a clean and stable combustion in modem power plants or aero engines leads to develop new technologies and new combustors. Pioneer work on 'flameless' combustion has shown the great potential of such a technology for meeting modem requirements in term of safety and. low emissions. The idea behind this technique is to ensure low emissions by operating at very low fuel/air

BluEJAMM: A Bluespec Embedded Java Architecture with Memory Management

This paper presents BLUEJAMM, a prototype architecture suitable for embedded systems based on a Java native processor BLUEJEP, the processor which is a microprogrammed pipelined stack machine, and its hardware memory management unit were developed in Bluespec SystemVerilog (BSV). A relatively new high-level of abstraction hardware description language, BSV proved to be an excellent choice for rapi

Classification of power system stability using support vector machines

The last years' blackouts have indicated that even when a lot of data is available, the operators at different centers do not take the proper actions in time. This depends partly on the reorganization of the centers after the deregulation and partly on the lack of reliable supportive applications when the system is close to instability. This paper uses a novel technique based on support vector mac

Impact of the gut microflora on the digestive system in the suckling rat

The postnatal development of the gastrointestinal (GI) system in mammals is genetically programmed, but is, to an unknown extent, regulated by external factors such as the diet and the gut microflora. These factors can influence the growth of the GI tract, the age-related pattern of appearance of digestive enzymes and the decreased intestinal macromolecular permeability at gut closure, normally ti