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Heat Loss Analysis for Various Piston Geometries in a Heavy-Duty Methanol PPC Engine

Partially premixed combustion (PPC) in internal combustion engine as a low temperature combustion strategy has shown great potential to achieve high thermodynamic efficiency. Methanol due to its unique properties is considered as a preferable PPC engine fuel. The injection timing to achieve methanol PPC conditions should be set very close to TDC, allowing to utilize spray-bowl interaction to furth

Respekt, empati, fantasi : Om hantverk i den flexibla kapitalismens tid

En diskussion om hantverkets natur och särskilt dess möjlighet och begränsningar i en samtid kännetecknad av globalisering, acceleration, automatisering, virtualisering, flexibilitet, anpassning. Även en diskussion om hantverkets möjligheter bortom traditionella sammanhang: hantverk och arbetet med människor, hantverk och respekt, hantverk och empati.

Smoking and alcohol use are associated with structural and inflammatory hand osteoarthritis features

OBJECTIVES: To explore whether smoking and alcohol use are associated with hand osteoarthritis (OA) features in two different OA cohorts.METHOD: We studied 530 people with radiographic hand OA from the Musculoskeletal pain in Ullensaker STudy (MUST) and 187 people from the Oslo hand OA cohort [mean (sd) age 65 (8.0) and 62 (5.7) years, 71% and 91% women, respectively]. Smoking, alcohol use and han

Young carers in Sweden—A pilot study of care activities, view of caring, and psychological well-being

Children who have parents with any kind of illness may become young carers who take a responsibility not expected of children for household tasks, or personal or emotional care for parents and siblings. So far, little is known about children in Sweden who are at risk of becoming young carers. The aim of this article is therefore to explore the extent and impact of children's caring activities as r

Hotet mot de svenska judarna

Recension av Bernt Hermele, ”Kommer de, så skjuter jag oss” : Om svenska judars liv i skuggan av förintelsen.

Phonon Coupling with Excitons and Free Carriers in Formamidinium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals

Organometal halide perovskites in the form of nanocrystals (NCs) have attracted enormous attention due to their unique optoelectronic and photoluminescence (PL) properties. Here, we examine the phase composition and the temperature dependence of emission line width broadening in formamidinium lead bromide (FAPbBr3) perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) for light-emitting applications and identify differen

Analysis of natural convection of Cu and TiO2nanofluids inside nonconventional enclosures

Steady-state laminar natural convection of Cu and TiO2 nanofluids inside different enclosures is numerically investigated. Natural convection is concerned due to a temperature difference between the hot and cold surfaces. The Boussinesq approximation is used to form the governing equations and the commercial software package ANSYS FLUENT version 14.0 is used to numerically solve the governing equa

The effect of surface steps and oxides on the catalytic activity on model Pd and Rh catalysts

En katalysator är en substans som kan snabba på en kemisk reaktion utan attsjälv förbrukas. Katalysatorer används vanligen i kemisk produktion och i bilarsförbränningsmotorer (för att ta bort tex CO och NO). För att optimera katalysatornoch utveckla andra och bättre katalysatorer i framtiden så behöver vi vetahur katalysatorn fungerar på atomär nivå. Katalysatorer i industrin är komplexavilket görA catalyst is a substance that can speed up the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed. Catalysts are crucial for chemical production industries, where about 90% of all chemicals are produced using catalysts. They are also used for exhaust gas cleaning, for instance in cars, where CO and unburned fuels are oxidized to CO2 and NOx is reduced to N2. To optimize catalysts, and deve

Socioeconomic differences in smoking cessation : The role of social participation

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate whether psychosocial resources explain socioeconomic differences in smoking cessation and its maintenance. Methods: A subpopulation of 11,837 individuals from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study interviewed in 1992-94, age range 45-64 years, was investigated in this cross-sectional study. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to assess r

Change and Tensions in Non-profit Organizations: Beyond the Isomorphism Trajectory

Research on the relationship between non-profit organizations (NPOs) and the public sector has been dominated by predictions of isomorphism where change and tensions in NPOs are attributed an imposing institutional setting. This article argues that research represents a selective perspective on organizational life due to its portrayal of organizational change as synonymous with an isomorphic, line

How far can economic incentives explain the French fertility and education transition?

We analyze how much a core rational-choice model can explain the temporal and spatial variation in fertility and school enrollment in France during the 19th century. The originality of our approach is in our reliance on the structural estimation of a system of first-order conditions to identify the deep parameters. Another new dimension is our use of gendered education data, allowing us to have a

Structural basis for endotoxin neutralisation and anti-inflammatory activity of thrombin-derived C-terminal peptides

Thrombin-derived C-terminal peptides (TCPs) of about 2 kDa are present in wounds, where they exert anti-endotoxic functions. Employing a combination of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), biophysical, mass spectrometry and cellular studies combined with in silico multiscale modelling, we here determine the bound conformation of HVF18 (HVFRLKKWIQKVIDQFGE), a TCP generated by neutrophil e

Impact of source doping on the performance of vertical InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors

In this paper, we analyze experimental data from state-of-the-art vertical InAs/InGaAsSb/GaSb nanowire Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors to study influence of the source doping on their performance. Overall, the doping level impacts both off-state and on-state performance of these devices. Separation of the doping from the heterostructure improved the subthreshod swing of the devices. Best devices r

Thermally and Optically Excited Electron Transport in Semiconductor Nanowires

This thesis explores the transport of thermally and optically excited electrons invarious nanowire structures. On one hand, electrons are thermally excited when thetemperature is nonzero, and the thermal energy help them surmount energy barriersthat are present in the material. On the other hand, when the electron distributionsat different part of the material are out-of-equilibrium due to thermal