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A pragmatic approach to the limitations of safety management systems in aviation

Commercial aviation systems are increasingly stretched to their capacity while existing Safety Management Systems (SMS) do not live up to our expectations as higher efficiency standards are taxing human resources, higher competition levels are reducing the potential for collaboration and the sharing of risk data, and technological advances are making systems difficult to operate and re-design. Avi

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories are one way of dealing with gaps between hopes and reality, between the visible and the hidden, and between expert and lay knowledge. They are meaning systems that either explain or make sense of specific events or of social, political, or economic systems of power. Conspiracy theories assume that some actors intentionally conspire to harm others for their own benefit. Often th

Pedagogisk retorik : En inbjudan till den muntliga relationens vetenskap

Alla relationsberoende yrkesroller – läkare, lärare med flera – vilar på en gemensam idé: att kunna övertyga andra till att tänka och handla i linje med den aktuella professionens särskilda ansvar och mål. Professionellt handlar färdigheten om att förstå vad uttryck och ord gör med och mot oss när vi människor väljer att lyssna och bli delaktiga i någons yrkeskunnande – eller inte. Pedagogisk reto

Hur påverkar tomträttsstatusen betalningsviljan för småhus?

Tomträtter har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne sen avgälderna började sättas till ett mer marknadsmässigt pris. De ökande avgälderna gör att möjligheten att friköpa tomträtter blir intressant för de som har sin bostad på en tomträtt. I vissa kommuner utgör tomträtter en betydande andel av småhusfastighetsutbudet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur tomträttsstatusen påverkar betalningsviljan för sThis study aims to examine the effect of leasehold status on the selling price for houses. The study focuses on houses sold in Stockholm and Gothenburg during 2018 and 2019. Municipalities in Sweden have since 1907 offered leased land as an alternative to owned land to facilitate for more people to build homes. The leasehold holders pay a yearly rent to the owner of the land. The payment contracts

α decay of the neutron-deficient isotope 190At

The α decay of the neutron-deficient 190At isotope was observed following the 103Rh(90Zr,3n)190At reaction at Argonne National Laboratory. The reaction products were separated from the beam using the Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer and implanted into a double-sided Si strip detector. The spatial and temporal correlations between implanted nuclei and subsequent α decays towards the known daughter isoto

Identification of the ca. 720 Ma Irkutsk LIP and its plume centre in southern Siberia : The initiation of Laurentia-Siberia separation

Widespread 720 Ma magmatism has been linked with the break-up of Rodinia and the onset of the Sturtian ‘Snowball Earth’ event. We report a new U-Pb baddeleyite age from the Baikal dyke subswarm in southern Siberia which increases the known extent of the 720 Ma Irkutsk LIP and confirms a previous hypothesis that the Baikal and Sayan subswarms converge at the southern tip of the Irkutsk promontory.

Spionbröderna - orsaker och motiv

Denna uppsats undersöker motiven bakom de s.k. spionbrödernas spionage mot Sverige. Brödernas spionage har beskrivits som den värsta spionaffären någonsin i Sverige. Detta görs genom att kategorisera förutsättningarna för spionage i de tre kategorierna mo0v, psykologiska faktorer och externa förutsättningar på basis av tidigare forskning. Det är en kvalitativ enfallsstudie och analysen bygger i hu

Building Trust in the Classroom : A Conceptual Model for Teachers, Scholars, and Academic Developers in Higher Education

The quality of student-teacher classroom interactions is important to learning, belonging, and success, particularly for students from groups that have been historically excluded from or marginalized in higher education. The literature commonly asserts that one necessary part of high-quality educational interactions (whether in person or online) is trust, but several scholars note that trust has n

Attract voters or appease activists? Opposition parties’ dilemma and party policy change

Why do mainstream opposition parties sometimes fail to adopt policy positions that are attractive to the wider electorate? In this paper, I construct a game-theoretic model between the party leader, the party’s MPs, and the party organization to illustrate how opposition parties’ platform adjustments depend on the party leader’s risk assessment of being deposed and MPs’ re-election incentives. The

Clinical Utility of Tau Positron Emission Tomography in the Diagnostic Workup of Patients With Cognitive Symptoms

Importance: It is important to determine the added clinical value for tau positron emission tomography (PET) in the diagnostic workup of patients with cognitive symptoms before widespread implementation in clinical practice. Objective: To prospectively study the added clinical value of PET detecting tau pathology in Alzheimer disease (AD). Design, Setting, and Participants: This prospective cohort

En kvalitativ studie om socionomstudenternas upplevelser av sin verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. Upplevelser under VFU och påverkan på den professionella utvecklingen

The aim of this study is to understand social work students' experiences during their time at work-based learning and the impact it has on the students. The purpose is to research and acknowledge how theoretical knowledge and work-based learning impacts students' professional development. During a four-month period, social work students have a part of their education placed in a profession

A Continuous-time ODE Framework to Centrality in Dynamic Networks

The present study discusses and evaluates a novel continuous-time approach to network centrality, a fundamental concept in network analysis. Static methods based on discrete snapshots or time slices for measuring node interaction in networks that change over time do not fully capture the dynamical nature of network evolution. To address this issue, a dynamical system model driven by the continuous

Elitsatsande brottares perspektiv på underliggande faktorer, samt erfarenheter av konsekvenser efter främre korsbandsskada: En kvalitativ intervjustudie

En främre korsbandsskada (ACL-skada) är vanligt förekommande bland allvarliga skador inom elitidrott. ACL-skador har inom brottning setts uppstå vid nedtagning med viktbärande fot kvar i mattan under rotation med näst intill full extenderad knäled. Behandling sker genom rehabilitering alternativt genom ACL-rekonstruktion (ACLR) med efterföljande rehabilitering. Rekommenderad rehabiliteringstid av

Förändrade fysiska aktivitets- och träningsvanor under menstruation. En kvantitativ enkätstudie.

Bakgrund: Många kvinnor upplever problem i samband med menstruation som kan påverka träning och fysisk aktivitet. Idag finns begränsad forskning inom detta område. Därför är syftet med vår studie att påbörja att fylla denna kunskapslucka. Syfte: Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka om och eventuellt hur fysisk aktivitet och/eller träning upplevs ändras under menstruation för en grupp universit

Zwitterionic poly(terphenylene piperidinium) membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries

Over recent years, non-fluorinated ion exchange membranes based on poly(terphenylene) backbones carrying different functional groups have shown potential application for vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs). Generally, the ion exchange membrane in VRFBs is a critical component in terms of the output power, long-term stability and cost. Yet, the shortcomings of commercial membranes (e.g., Nafion)