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Assessing gastrointestinal symptoms in people with autism : Applying a new measure based on the Rome IV criteria

BackgroundPeople with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often struggle with gastrointestinal symptoms, implicating alterations of the gut-microbiota-brain axis, which has also been linked to sensory reactivity, pain, and gastro-intestinal symptoms in ASD. To better understand the prevalence and impact of gastrointestinal symptoms among individuals with ASD, a measure is needed that adhere to the Rome

Barnhälsovårdssköterskors erfarenheter av att stödja föräldrar som har spädbarn med kolik

Bakgrund: Forskning visar att föräldrar som har spädbarn med kolik upplever stor oro, frustration och maktlöshet eftersom de känner att de inte kan hjälpa sitt spädbarn. Föräldrastöd behövs från omgivningen men framför allt från hälso- och sjukvården. Föräldrarna upplever stödet från hälso- och sjukvården som bristfälligt då de inte blir lyssnade på och bekräftade. Barnhälsovårdssköterskan är den

Pre-asthma : a useful concept? A EUFOREA paper. Part 2—late onset eosinophilic asthma

The concept of pre-diabetes has led to provision of measures to reduce disease progression through identification of subjects at risk of diabetes. We previously considered the idea of pre-asthma in relation to allergic asthma and considered that, in addition to the need to improve population health via multiple measures, including reduction of exposure to allergens and pollutants and avoidance of

Choice blindness in autistic and non-autistic people

Choice blindness (failure to notice when our choices are switched unexpectedly) suggests people are often unaware of reasons underlying their intentions/preferences. Some argue, however, that research revealing choice blindness simply reflects social-demand characteristics in participant-experimenter interactions. To address this, we compared autistic adults (a population less susceptible to socia

C1-symmetric dbCOT : A synthetic investigation of an [8]-annulene ligand

Asymmetric catalysis plays a crucial role in chemistry. It enables the efficient and selective production of chiral molecules, essential in e.g. the pharmaceutical industry. This research explores the development of a dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraene ligand. This ligand has previously shown great potential in asymmetric synthesis where the corresponding rhodium(I)-complex gives excellent enantiosele

Higher-order thinking e-assessment in online EFL courses : Swedish instructors' perceptions and experiences

Previous research indicates that higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) have an important role in L2 learning. In an online learning context, e-assessment tasks are ideally designed to target these skills. A recently conducted study by Johansson (2020) indicates that HOTS e-assessment is relatively common in Swedish online English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses. Generally, instructors’ perceptio

Developing and testing a PM2.5 low-cost sensor in Ethiopia under ambient and indoor air pollution conditions

PM2.5 low-cost sensors are a promising trend for low-income countries, where the PM2.5 associated burden of disease is high and few measurement instruments are available. Commercially available Sensor Systems (SSys) are relatively affordable and easy to use. They are, however, not designed for or evaluated in contexts characterized by much biomass burning, regular power interruptions and/or low in

Morphological Clues of Acute Monocytic Leukemia in COVID-19-Induced Transient Leukoerythroblastic Reaction with Monocytosis

Viral infections, including those caused by COVID-19, can produce striking morphologic changes in peripheral blood. Distinguishing between reactive changes and abnormal morphology of monocytes remains particularly difficult, with low consensus rates reported amongst hematopathologists. Here, we report a patient who developed transient monocytosis of 11.06 × 109/L with 32% promonocytes and 1% blast

Treatment of Hip Displacement in Children with Cerebral Palsy : A 5-year Comparison of Proximal Femoral Osteotomy and Combined Femoral-Pelvic Osteotomy in 163 Children

Background: This study compared the 5-year outcomes of isolated proximal femoral varus osteotomy (FO) and combined proximal femoral varus and pelvic osteotomy (FPO) for the treatment of hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy (CP) in Sweden, focusing on the number of reoperations and residual hip displacement. Methods: The study included 163 children with a 5-year follow-up after FO or FP

Cognitive Comparisons of Sauropsida and Synapsida : The evolution of cognition through deep time

Birds and mammals show remarkable convergence in their neurocognition and thermal physiology despite being phylogenetically separated for 325 million years of evolution. This elaboration in neurocognition is hypothesised to be directed at increasing the caloric intake through efficient foraging to power tachymetabolic endothermy. To gain a better understanding of how and why cognitive abilities ev

Home care nurses at the heart of the communication web : communication synchronicity and effects on the psychosocial work environment

This qualitative study explores how communication practice affects Swedish home care nurses’ psychosocial work environ-ment. Data consisted of interviews and field observations, analyzed from the perspective of Media Synchronicity Theoryand the Job-Demand-Control-Support model. Individual home care nurses were found to manage an interorganizationalcommunication web. The results indicated that thisThis qualitative study explores how communication practice affects Swedish home care nurses’ psychosocial work environment. Data consisted of interviews and field observations, analyzed from the perspective of Media Synchronicity Theory and the Job-Demand-Control-Support model. Individual home care nurses were found to manage an interorganizational communication web. The results indicated that thi

Roadside PM2.5 concentrations measured with low-cost sensors and student science in Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Exposure to PM2.5 poses one of the biggest health threats, with traffic and biomass burning as dominant sources in urban areas of low-income countries. In Ethiopia, the combination of these two sources suggests a high roadside exposure. Because of a lack of resources for data collection, only few studies were conducted on roadside exposure in Ethiopia. Using low-cost sensors and student science co

Unfolding the art city – using public art in place branding

The research aim in this paper is to unfold the concept of the art city by examining how it emerges in local processes and sites. In particular, we are interested in how city brand narratives are artified to legitimise, authenticate and spatially organize an urban place as an art attraction for consumption and spectatorship. The paper introduces the concept of artification as a novel way of unders

Using student science to identify research priority areas for air pollution in a university environment : an Ethiopian case study

Students in a country like Ethiopia face a double air pollution challenge: they are frequently exposed (both outdoors and indoors) to sources of incomplete combustion and therefore to unhealthy concentrations of particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO), while they also face increased carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in crowded dormitories and classrooms. Research on air pollution in

The figure of Eros in a rare and unpublished French book hosted by the National Library of Sweden (1785-1814) : Histoire d'une puce. Between satirical fable and erotic and libertine tale

A French book relating to flea literature has recently been discovered at the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm. This article claims to be the first presentation of the work Histoire d’une puce by Louis Marie Céleste d’Aumont, Duke of Piennes (1762-1831), with the first literary analysis of its erotic content. The second half of the story is remarkable for the presence of Swedish words in th

Beyond Recognition: Analyzing the Strategic Drivers and Stakeholder Dynamics of Corporate Rebranding in High- Awareness Tech Companies

This paper analyzes the corporate rebranding efforts of Google to Alphabet and Facebook to Meta, examining the motivations behind these shifts, the changes in brand architecture and the impact on stakeholders. The authors use the Corporate Brand Identity Matrix and Stakeholder Theory to assess the rebranding's effects on investors, employees, consumers, and policymakers. The paper concludes th