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The paper argues that behind the veneer of orthodoxy that covers Smith's discussion in "The Theory of the Moral" "Sentiments" Smith presents theists with a fundamental dilemma: if there exists a fit between virtue and happiness in this world then there is no need for a future state since a future state is meant to rectify the injustices of this world. On the other hand, if there is no such fit the

Visstidsanställningar och dess konvertering

Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera tidsbegränsade anställningsavtal och hur konverteringsreglerna för sådana avtal till tillsvidareanställningar påverkar deras användning. De regleras främst genom 5 § och 5 a § lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd. Uppsatsens valda metod för undersökningen är den rättsdogmatiska metoden. Kärnan i metoden kan sägas bestå av kartläggning, kritik och konstruktiv analys This essay’s purpose is to analyse fixed-term employment contracts and how the rules for conversion of said contracts to permanent ones affect their use. Their regulation mostly stems from the 5 § and 5 a § of the Employment Protection Act. The essay’s chosen methodology for the investigation is the legal dogmatic method. The core of the method can be said to be in the surveying, the critique and

In the shadow of cars : Vélomobility as a political project

Hållbarhet och hållbar mobilitet har blivit viktiga mål i national politik och policy. Cykling har dock inte kunnat dra nytta av detta. Om man betraktar cyklingens betydelse under de senaste decennierna, och dess förväntade betydelse i framtiden, finns emellertid få anledningar till optimism, åtminstone inte på nationell och övergripande nivå; cykeln befinner sig fortfarande i skuggan av bilen. DeSustainability and sustainable mobility have become important political goals and have left their mark as important discourses in national policies and programs. Against expectations, cycling has barely benefited from this. Looking back over the shoulder at the significance of cycling over the last few decades and looking forward to suggested implications in the future give no reason for joy, at l

The future electricity mix in Sweden - A future outlook to 2035, 2045, and 2050

Sverige har som klimatmål att uppnå nettonoll koldioxidutsläpp till år 2045 och därefter sträva mot negativa utsläpp. För att nå detta mål krävs omfattande elektrifiering av samhället och dess sektorer. Elproduktionen måste då komma från förnybara energikällor samt kärnkraft, om det prioriteras. Energimyndigheten och Svenska Kraftnät förutspår att elbehovet kan uppgå till 350 TWh år 2050 om alla pThis master thesis analyses the future electricity mix in Sweden with a focus on 2035, 2045, and 2050. The study is done with regards to reaching the climate goals in Sweden, and to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, and thereafter have negative emissions. The thesis analyses political, economical, social, and technological aspects in a PEST-analyse for the power sources in the curre

Skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att stödja barn och unga med psykisk ohälsa i grundskolan

Psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga ökar runt om i världen och anses vara ett folkhälsoproblem. Identifiering av tidiga tecken på psykisk ohälsa hos barn och unga förebygger fortsatta problem i vuxenlivet. Skolsköterskan har en viktig roll i det hälsofrämjande och hälsoförebyggande arbetet och möter dagligen barn och unga i sitt arbete. Syftet med studien var att belysa skolsköterskans erfarenheter

Deciphering Age-Related Decline in Neurogenesis. Focusing on Intermediate Progenitors and Their Reaction to Immune Signalling

Neurogenesis continues throughout life in two key regions, the subventricular zone (SVZ) and dentate gyrus (DG), but declines with age alongside increased chronic inflammation and microglial activation. These neurogenic niches differ in their susceptibility to systemic changes, with the SVZ located near cerebrospinal fluid and the DG influenced by local neural activity. We found that immune change

Influence of supergravity and tilted condition on melting behavior in a thermal storage tank

Phase change device plays a vital role in maintaining a stable temperature control system in spacecraft. To address the challenges posed by supergravity and installation inclination angle, urgent solutions are required for the development and implementation of this system. Currently, numerical models have been developed to explore the performance of phase change heat storage units under various in

No biggie can be a “biggie” : A taxonomical and statistical analysis of the pragmaticalization of no biggie on the basis of pragma-syntactic variation and co-occurring lexical items

This study seeks to explore the pragmaticalization process of (it's) no biggie, through a corpus-based taxonomical and statistical examination. The research study involves (i) elaborating a taxonomy of no biggie constructions by exploring the variability of the pragmatic functions and the syntactic features associated with the construction; (ii) monitoring the links between the taxonomical types o

MRI Signature of α-Synuclein Pathology in Asymptomatic Stages and a Memory Clinic Population

Importance: The lack of an in vivo measure for α-synuclein (α-syn) pathology until recently has limited thorough characterization of its brain atrophy pattern, especially during early disease stages. Objective: To assess the association of state-of-the-art cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) seed amplification assays (SAA) α-syn positivity (SAA α-syn+) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) structural measur

Micro-costing of genetic diagnostics in acute leukemia in Sweden : from standard-of-care to whole-genome sequencing

Aims and background: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is increasingly applied in clinical practice and expected to replace standard-of-care (SoC) genetic diagnostics in hematological malignancies. This study aims to assess and compare the fully burdened cost (‘micro-costing’) per patient for Swedish laboratories using WGS and SoC, respectively, in pediatric and adult patients with acute lymphoblastic

Assessing Clinical Reasoning and Decision-Making in Swedish Prehospital Emergency Care : A Mixed Methods Study With an Experimental Design

Clinical reasoning and decision-making in prehospital contexts are complex, and patient assessments may be influenced by stress or biases, thus potentially risking patient safety. Previous research has shown mixed results regarding cognitive interventions designed to counteract biases and improve decision-making. In educational settings, there are no tools that assess clinical reasoning while also

Weichselian–Holocene glacial history of the Sjuøyane archipelago, northern Svalbard

The Sjuøyane archipelago is the northernmost land area of Svalbard; thus, it provides a window to study the terrestrial glacial history and dynamics of the Svalbard–Barents Sea Ice Sheet and complement marine geological studies in the region. To reconstruct the glacial history of Sjuøyane, we describe coastal sedimentary sections in Quaternary sediments and constrain their chronology by radiocarbo

Language change in Japanese-English bilingual returnee children over the course of five years : Evidence from accent-rating

Few studies have examined global foreign accent (GFA) in bilingual children, and little is known about how GFA changes over time and what factors determine change. Here, we examine GFA trajectories in Japanese–English bilingual returnees (Japanese children who returned to Japan after having lived in a majority English environment for several years). In two accent-rating tasks, first language (L1)

Shaped by boom-and-bust: a history of the Canadian mining industry since 1859

This article is concerned with the historical evolution of the mining industry in Canada since 1859. The focus is directed on changes that occurred in the industry and allows for the identification of four distinct mining regimes. These regimes are defined using the Regulation Theory, which connects conditions of production, technical progress, financial structures, and social relations. The ident

The formation of a Bootes III-like tidal stream

Stjärnströmmar är strömmar av stjärnor som har blivit ryckta ur antingen klotformiga stjärnhopar eller dvärggalaxer, som är i omloppsbana rund mer massiva galaxer. Forskare har hittat dessa stjärnströmmar runt vår galax Vintergatan. Exempelvis Sagittarius strömmen, som formas från dvärggalaxen Sagittarius, och Palomar 5 strömmen, som bildas av en klotformig stjärnhop. Strömmarna har också observerStellar streams are probes of the properties of their host potentials, giving clues about the host's shape, mass and substructure. There are several observed stellar streams both around the Milky Way and around external galaxies, and they are studied thoroughly. However, the impact of (i) the properties of the progenitor cluster or dwarf galaxy that form the streams, of (ii) the streams' o