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The Book Trade Expansion: Books and Publishers in Sweden, 1945–1970

The post-war years were a time of expansion in Swedish publishing. The economy was growing, people became better educated, the rise of a large middle-class meant new costumers, new publishing and sales strategies added to the increasing market, and overall there was higher sales, more titles published and more people reading. Despite the success story there has been hardly any research done on the

How to supply a frigate

Purpose - When deploying a frigate to the Gulf of Aden as a part of the Operation Atalanta, the Norwegian Defence outsourced logistics to a TPL provider. The purpose of this paper is to explore the cooperation between the Defence and the TPL provider during the operation. Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative design was chosen. Semi-structured interviews were combined with relevant secondary

Primary immunodeficiency in southern Sweden. Strategies for diagnosis and clinical management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet är ett invecklat och komplext system som finns överallt i kroppen och som inte är begränsat till ett enda organ. Vi utsätts hela tiden för ”angrepp” från mikro-organismer (t.ex. bakterier eller virus) men också för främmande ämnen som kan vara skadliga eller giftiga. Immunsystemets huvudfunktion är att hjälpa kroppen att känna igen dessa ”angripare” och atThe overall aim of this PhD project was to gain insight into the incidence of primary immunodeficiency (PID) in southern Sweden and to optimize diagnostic and treatment measures for these patients. We estimated the occurrence rate of PID in the pediatric population of southern Sweden during a period of 4 years and described the demographic, clinical and immunological characteristics of the identif

On the Convergence of Higher Order Hedging Schemes: The Delta-Gamma Case

Hedging errors induced by discrete rebalancing of the hedge portfolio of a delta-gamma hedging strategy are investigated. The rate of convergence of the expected squared hedging error as the number of adjustments of the hedge portfolio goes to infinity is analyzed. It is found that the delta-gamma strategy produces higher convergence rates than the usual delta strategy.

Multiplicity dependence of jet-like two-particle correlation structures in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

Two-particle angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger and associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The transverse-momentum range 0.7 < p(T),(assoc) < p(T),(trig) < 5.0 GeV/c is examined, to include correlations induced by jets originating from low momentum-transfer scatterings (minijets). The

Mevalonate inhibits acid sphingomyelinase activity, increases sphingomyelin levels and inhibits cell proliferation of HepG2 and Caco-2 cells.

Sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol are two types of lipid closely related biophysically. Treating the cells with exogenous sphingomyelinase (SMase) induces trafficking of cholesterol from membrane to intracellular pools and inhibition of cholesterol synthesis. In the present work, we address a question whether increased cholesterol synthesis affects hydrolysis of SM by endogenous SMases.

Evaluation of particle measures relevant for powder bed porosity-A study of spray dried dairy powders

The formation of lumps during large scale wetting of spray dried powders is a common problem in the industry. The result is a large energy demand if an efficient mixing is to be achieved at the industrial scale. If more knowledge regarding the phenomena governing lump formation is obtained, the unit operation could be optimized and made more efficient. As a part of increasing the understanding of

Photocathode operation of a thermionic RF gun

The thermionic RF gun using a BaO cathode at the MAX-lab linac injector has been successfully commissioned for additional operation as a photocathode gun. By retaining the BaO cathode, lowering the temperature below thermal emission and illuminating it with a UV (263 nm) 9 ps laser pulse a reduced emittance and enhanced emission control has been achieved. Measurements show a normalised emittance o

Anti-Nazi 'superstar' or 'racist'? Sture Bolin's politics: continuity, change, and later evaluations

In the spring of 1945, survivors of the Nazi concentration camps arrived in southern Sweden. A project was launched to collect eye-witness accounts of their experiences and document them for posterity. The scholar in charge of this project was Sture Bolin, professor of history at Lund University After his death Erik Lonnroth hailed him as a 'world-famous' historian. By the turn of the century he w

Fog-basking behaviour and water collection efficiency in Namib Desert Darkling beetles

Background: In the Namib Desert fog represents an alternative water source. This is utilised by Darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae) that employ different strategies for obtaining the fog water. Some dig trenches in the sand, while others use their own bodies as fog collectors assuming a characteristic fog-basking stance. Two beetle species from the genus Onymacris have been observed to fog-bask on th

Thermohaline Mixing And Its Role In The Evolution Of Carbon And Nitrogen Abundances In Globular Cluster Red Giants: The Test Case Of Messier 3

We review the observational evidence for extra mixing in stars on the red giant branch (RGB) and discuss why thermohaline mixing is a strong candidate mechanism. We recall the simple phenomenological description of thermohaline mixing and aspects of mixing in stars in general. We use observations of M3 to constrain the form of the thermohaline diffusion coefficient and any associated free paramete

A mobile multi-depth borehole sensor set-up to study the surface-to-base seismic transfer functions

The best method to evaluate the seismic site response is by means of borehole vertical arrays that use earthquake records from different depths. In this paper we introduce the implementation of a single borehole sensor system (synchronized to a sensor on the surface) that is fixed at variable depths within a single well. This system is used for recording small amplitude earthquake signals at varia

Floorball-related eye injuries: The impact of protective eyewear.

Several previous studies have shown that floorball belongs to a high-risk group of sports in terms of eye injuries. Protective eyewear is available, but the extent of its use and impact on eye injuries are unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the current incidence of eye injuries caused by floorball and to compare it with the present use of protective eyewear. Medical records were

Fotblomflugor Platycheirus (Diptera, Syrphidae) längs den svenska fjällkedjan: en flerårig inventering.

The fauna of hoverflies in Boreal and Arctic parts of Scandinavia is still very poorly investigated. Therefore we performed an 11 year survey of the hoverfly genus Platycheirus Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 along the Caledonian mountain chain in Sweden (from Värmland northwards to the Torneträsk area). During 2003-2013 we annually performed two trips in order to survey various areas and to colle