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Storbankernas beslutsfaktorer: Going-concern varningens påverkan vid kreditgivningsbeslut

Syfte: Syftet är att utreda hur going-concern varningar och andra faktorer påverkar storbankernas kreditgivningsbeslut och varför det finns likheter och skillnader storbankerna emellan. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med företagsrådgivare från tre storbanker i Sverige. Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsens frågeställningar besvaras med hjälp av institutionell teori. Denna teorin syftar till att

Understanding product build up at packaging material surface to address food waste

Difficulty to empty the package is one of the main reason of food waste in yoghurt at consumer level with an estimated 5-10% of product residue being left on the packaging material. The phenomenon of product build up is explained by numerous hypothesis. However, these studies are empirical in nature. The purpose of this study is to develop a tool box to address the link between the physicochemical

Deblurring of Cell Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks

The digital microscopes that CellaVision produces today use a mechanical auto focus when capturing cell images. This requires the camera objective to be vertically positioned with a precision of 0.4 µm in order for the objects in the images to be considered properly focused. Because of the small distances, the system is sensitive to vibrations and errors due to mechanical imperfections are hard to

Strengths and Weaknesses of Applying Lean Startup Methodology: Case Study of a Solar Startup in Kenya

The aim of this exploratory research has been to examine the lean startup methodology process and foster a better way of applying this method in the global south. This is done by assessing the method’s application process of a solar startup targeting the Kenyan market - the strengths and weaknesses the company encountered during the process, measures taken by the company to overcome those weakness

House price modelling of Denmark’s municipalities using vector autoregression and gradient descent

Vad kan huspriser säga om ett lands fysiska förhållanden? Vad säger kommunernas folkmängd och läge om den framtida utvecklingen av huspriserna i landets alla olika kommuner? Om du har nytta av väderprognoser så kan även detta arbete intressera dig. Förutsägelser är väldigt populära i många ämnen. När det kommer till vädret, så kan det vara fördelaktigt att veta vilket väder det sannolikt kommer In this thesis, a house price evolution equation of Denmark's municipalities is proposed and solved using both an iterative optimization algorithm, and a closed form solution using Vector Autoregression. The quality of the solutions is investigated, analyzed and compared. Focus is put on the accuracy of the generated price predictions and to what degree the model parameters follow expected fea

Dimensionerande vattenförbrukning och alternativa vattenkvaliteter

Vatten är en nödvändighet för ett funktionellt samhälle. Grundvatten är, förutom yt- och havsvatten, en av de stora resurser som vi använder för att tillgodose vårt vattenbehov. Globalt varierar världens vattenanvändning och tillgängligheten av dricksvatten, där en stor andel har någon form av problem med att upprätthålla en god vattenstatus med avseende på vattenkvalitet och kvantitet. Även i SveWater is a necessary resource for a sustainable society. Groundwater is one of our supplies for potable water, other than surface- and seawater. Around the world the usage and accessibility of potable water varies, and many in places there are problems with maintaining a good water situation regarding both water quality and quantity. Even in Sweden, the water situation is not ideal. Even though we

Amor, furor et magicae artes: En studie av romerska ”häxor” och deras kärleksmagi

Love, witches and magic has attracted the attention of humans since the dawn of time – clearly, during some periods more than others. This essay concentrates on one period of time when such an interest peaked, namely the Augustan era, when a wave of witch representations emerged in Roman literature. By discussing texts written by the famous poets Horace, Vergil and Ovid, alongside the less well-kn

En rolig historia - en studie av historiedidaktik och humor i internetmemes

Internenet och humor är något som historiker sällan undersöker. Detta främst då dessa skapar problem med hur man bör ta sig an dem. Frågor om detta skapar ett avvaktande från professionella historiker vilket i sin tur skapar ett problem då många intressanta frågor väcks om man som historiker verkar på internet. Det går att se en typ av material på internet med en tydlig koppling till både humor ocThis master’s thesis examines the use of History Didactics and Humour in Internet memes. Memes with historical references combined with Barack Obama, former US president and current president Donald Trump were used to narrow down the vast number of memes available. The memes could be put into two groups; memes that created a more political point through the use of History, and those that created H

Reviderad design av likbil

Den mekansika konstruktionen av en baklucka till en bil är relativt enkel. Bakluckan roterar kring sina gångjärn likt en pendel och hålls antingen stängd eller öppen. När bakluckan hålls öppen görs detta normalt med hjälp av gasfjädrar. Detta examensarbetet har behandlat situationen då bakluckan är så stor och gasfjädern så stark så att resten av fordonet blir synligt påverkad av kraften som dessaThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the construction of a hearse made by Adiga on account for Nilsson Special Vehicles, NSV. The vehicle suffers from deformations in the rear as a result of mismatched gas springs and in side doors when these are kept open. Virtual models of side doors and rear are prepared in Catia and then analyzed in Ansys. For the tailgate, the minimum necessary force in

Hur stress framställs i magasin riktade till kvinnor : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys på fem svenska magasin riktade till kvinnor

The aim of this essay was to study how Swedish women magazines write about stress and which advice is given to the readers from a social constructivist perspective. The selection of magazines used in this study was chosen based on four different criterions. The first criteria were that the magazines should be intended for women and the second criteria were that it should be intended for women betw

Causes of the gender pay gap: the role of workplace environment

Over the past four decades women managed to considerably improve their situation in the labor market compared to men. However, women still earn on average considerably less than men in most countries in the world. Although literature investigating this topic is extensive, it does not provide with a full answer for the question: what is the gender pay gap caused by? Even though socio-demographic in

Evaluation of the Corrugated Box Strength Performance in Supply Chains - A Case Study of Duni AB

Duni has successfully expand their business internationally. Internationalization makes the distance between the producer and consumers become longer and this leads to strength reduction of corrugated boxes along the supply chain. To overcome this problem, this study is conducted to find the extent of corrugated boxes strength reduction during logistical activities, practices and condition in the

Trafikmiljön vid skolområden - Fallstudie om Västervångskolan i Landskrona och Toftaskolan i Ängelholm med fokus på skolbarnens tankesätt

In these days, more and more parents are driving their children to and from school. Road safety has deteriorated in the school’s drop off zones due to the big overload of parents driving their children. The overload of cars causes a lack of space, which means that parking and drop off do not happen legally but in places that are inappropriate which increases problem increases the risk of accident

The Lean Startup Method - A golden ticket to success or a vision killer?

This thesis aims to investigate the advantages and limitations of the lean startup method. Eric Ries published the book The Lean Startup in 2011 and it quickly became popular among entrepreneurs and business developers. However, there is little research on the lean startup method as of today, which has inspired the authors of this thesis to investigate the significance and application of the metho

Civilsamhället - demokratins vän eller fiende? : Om demokratibegreppet och statens relation till civilsamhället i den svenska politiska diskursen

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker demokratibegreppet och omgivande diskurs i svensk politisk debatt om statlig bidragsgivning till civilsamhällets organisationer, mellan 2011-2017. Inläggen i debatten tolkas genom en begrepps-, diskurs- och talhandlingsanalys och ställs samtidigt mot de centrala aspekterna av en global utveckling som kallas shrinking civic space, en utveckling som inneburit ett allThis Bachelor thesis explores the conceptualization of democracy and its surrounding discourse in Swedish political debate about government grants to civil society organisations between 2011-2017. The debate is examined using a conceptual, discourse and speech act analysis, while also being compared to the global trend of shrinking civic space. This is done in order to discern tendencies in the re

Till punkt och pricka - en observationsstudie av följsamheten till Timeout

Bakgrund: För att upprätthålla patientsäkerheten inom hälso- och sjukvården finns en rad hjälpmedel implementerade, en av dessa är WHOs checklista för säker kirurgi. Det finns många studier som tyder på att WHOs checklista stärker patientsäkerheten, samt att stor del av operationspersonalen upplever den viktig och välfungerande. Checklistan verkar ofta bockas av som genomförd men få studier belyse

Säkerhet genom hangarfartyg - En fallstudie av det brittiska hangarfartygsprogrammet

This thesis will examine the correlation regarding the existence of aircraft carriers and security in Great Britain. The thesis will assume that Kenneth Waltz anarchy from the neorealist school of thought exist in the international sphere. At the same time the thesis will investigate whether Great Britain can call itself a great power today. Combining these arguments might indicate that a lack of