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The experience of balance in everyday life of men who have completed the first phase of their recovery from stress-related disorders
The purpose of this study was to describe the life balance of four men who have completed the first phase of their recovery from stress-related disorders through the model of life balance. Stress-related disorders are today a major public health issue. Psychological stress is the most common reason for sick leave in Sweden. Life balance is measured by how the individual, through one’s occupational
Waste management in Zabrze: Pathways to a More Sustainable System
Zabrze is a medium size town of 200 000 inhabitants in the region of Upper Silesia, Poland. The development of the town was originally based on the exploitation of heavy industries. In the past few years Zabrze has, however, moved towards more service and tourism oriented industries. As part of this journey, the city of Zabrze sees the need to improve its existing waste management system. This rep
Adaptiva läromedel - Digital matematikbok för högstadiet
In a society where information is increasingly available through digital means, the performance of Swedish students is at a decline. The amount of students with access to their own computer and the internet is higher than any generation before them. Even though the amount of digital teaching tools increase rapidly many still lack the necessary quality to replace traditional teaching tools. An atte
The Relationship between Fertility Rate and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
The relationship between fertility rate and economic growth is an important subject. This thesis sums up the current research status and use in regression and correlation data analysis, which consists of 120 developing countries in total from 1970 to 2014. On the one hand, total fertility rate has a negative effect on economic growth in the current period. When human capital is scarce, returns of
Galna kvinnor eller odödliga konstnärer?
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den kvinnliga galenskapen framställs i Drömfakulteten av Sara Stridsberg och Drömmen om Ester av Anna Jörgensdotter. Utifrån tre huvudkategorier om galenskap, dröm och konstnärskap diskuterar uppsatsen hur kropp, kön och plats spelar en avgörande roll för galenskapens uttryck. Uppsatsen tar även upp drömmens funktion som förlösare, som ett sätt att
Hästunderstödd terapi ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv
Bakgrund: Hästen har sedan länge använts som terapeutiskt redskap för att förbättra motorik och sociala färdigheter hos individen. Arbetsterapeuten med sitt klientcentrerade arbetssätt och kunskap om samspelet mellan person, aktivitet och miljö skulle kunna vara en tillgång i hästunderstödd terapi för att förbättra individens aktivitetsutförande. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur sam
Experiences of occupational therapy among first generation immigrant women with physical dysfunctions
Background: As the conflict crisis in the Middle East and West Asia has elevated, simultaneously has Sweden seen a higher level of immigration. Among these groups of people are women who are both physically and emotionally affected. Integrating their old cultural values into the new cultural values often creates problems. However, at present there are not many studies showing how these women exper
Retrosirnulation of a space traveling-wave tube 250 W, Ka-band, 4-stages collector
The internship is dedicated to the modeling of RF and electrical performances of a 250 W Ka traveling- wave tube, using computation codes developed internally. The objective was to compare simulations and measurements in order to design a 5-stages collector. The modeling of the interaction wave -beam (RF model) is discussed in the first part. Simulations are done with the internal code MVTRAD. In p
Energy for an Integrated Future: Opportunities for the Öresund Region
Den svenska slummen - en undersökning av dess förekomst och orsaker
To suggest that slums exist in Sweden is still rather controversial. However, several cases of highly unacceptable housing conditions have been revealed lately. The aim of this study is to examine whether there is slum in Sweden today, and further and more importantly, to identify the mechanisms that enables slum to arise. The fundamental theoretical perspective for the essay lies in “the right to
Snow and sea ice temperature profiles from satellite data and ice mass balance buoys
Som minst är alltid 5% av jordens yta täckt av havsis. Det gör att isen har en avgörande roll i klimatet, särskilt vid polerna, då den påverkar utbytet av värme, massa och rörelse mellan havet och atmosfären. Ett snötäcke ovanpå isen förstärker ytterligare effekterna av isolering och reflektion. Havsisen och snön är av stor betydelse för det globala klimatsystemet. Dock är det svårt att inhämta dThe sea ice covers approximately 5% of the Earth’s surface at any given time and it plays an important role in the polar climate system affecting the heat, mass and momentum exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. The snow cover on top of the sea ice affects its insulating and reflective properties and thus key figures in the climate system feedback loop. Sea ice and snow is of significant
För vilken utveckling planeras det nya Norrköping?
Ridsjukgymnastikens effekter på postural kontroll för barn med Cerebral pares - fysioterapeuters upplevelser jämfört med aktuell forskning
Kontroll av skötseln samt skötselplanerna för naturreservaten Linnebjer och Fågelsångsdalen
Naturreservat – områden som behöver vård och omsorg Ett naturreservat är ett skyddat naturområde som många gånger bjuder på varierande och vacker natur. Kanske har du någon gång besökt ett reservat och strövat i lövskogen, tittat på fåglar eller kanske fikat på ängsmarken. Vad du troligtvis inte tänkte på då är hur mycket vård och omsorg som faktiskt kan ligga bakom ett välskött naturreservat. FöThe aim of this study is to examine how the two nature reserves Fågelsångsdalen and Linnebjer are being maintained. Fågelsångsdalen has 16 different management areas whereas Linnebjer has 12. My observations for each of these areas took place out in the field with the help of each management plan and a map of the area. The current status of the different management areas is compared to the managem
The Effect of Exposure to Microplastic Particles on Baltic Sea Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) Filtration Rate
This study sought to investigate the effect of microplastics on Mytilus edulis’s ability to filtrate water. The mussels were sampled at Hanö bay located in the Baltic Sea, and were transported to a controlled environment. The mussels were exposed to three different solutions, one containing a concentration of 1 000 Microbeads (diameter 10 μm) per liter, one containing the same amount of plastic be
Analysis and Simulation of Cerebellar Circuitry
The cerebellum, a fist-sized structure of the brain, plays a crucial part in the execution and coordination of motor control tasks and cognitive activities. It is also remarkably able to adapt itself to new tasks and circumstances whenever errors in motor output are made. Over the years, valuable insight on cerebellar functionality has been gained through the application of concepts traditionally
Bestämning av radiatordynamiken i ett hyreshus
Temperature dynamics for a building heated by hot-water radiators are studied in this work. The emphasis has been put on deducting an equation for calculating radiator temperatures and temperature dynamics out of given datas on the construction of the heating system. Different models for approximation of radiators are compared and the heating effect as a nonlinear function of the temperature is e