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Your search for "*" yielded 530128 hits

Consuming work and managing employability: Studentsʼ work orientations and the process of contemporary job search

Unemployment and precarity have become key features of 21st century work. Employability is presented as a solution to these issues. Individuals are exhorted to manage their employability, in order to be able to exercise choice in the labour market. While employability is individualsʼ responsibility, governments, employers and educational bodies simply provide opportunities for its development. Hig

New Selective Control Strategy of Power System Properties

This paper presents a new technique to coordinate distributed load switching in order to restore the voltage during disturbed conditions. The technique of today is mainly based on load shedding, but the restoration of the load is manually controlled. With increased and intelligent signal analysis in the distribution and transmission systems it is possible to switch load automatically, both on and

I Lönnlövets skugga

Våldsamma konflikter mellan landets ursprungsbefolkningar och myndigheterna har på senare tid skakat Kanada. Christer Lindberg ger här, med glimtar från indianbyar, förhandlingsbord, internatskolor och museer, en översikt av de kanadensiska indianerna och deras krav på erkännande, landrättigheter och självstyre. Social misär och fattigdom präglar det dagliga livet på indianreservaten och de som bo

Effect of Different Fabric Skin Combinations on Predicted Sweating Skin Temperature of a Thermal Manikin

In this study, a knit cotton fabric skin and a Gore-tex skin were used to simulate two sweating methods. The Gore-tex skin was put on top of the pre-wetted knit cotton skin on a dry heated thermal manikin 'Tore' to simulate senseless sweating, similar to thermal manikins 'Coppelius' and 'Walter'. Another simulation involved the pre-wetted fabric skin covered on top of the Gore-tex skin in order to

Calculated Potential Energy Surfaces and Vibrational Analysis

The focus of this thesis is on the calculation of potential energy surfaces and on the study of vibrational properties. For example: - We have developed a new method for calculation of Franck-Condon factors. - We have calculated full energy surfaces of the ground (X2A’) the excited (B2A’) states of the formyl radical. These surfaces have been used to study the hydrocarbon flame bands of the B2A’

Johan Jakob Borelius – den siste svenske hegelianen

Johan Jakob Borelius var professor i teoretisk filosofi vid Lunds universitet från 1866-1898. Boken belyser den syn på filosofin som Borelius gav uttryck för när han tillträdde sin professur. Vidare ges en inblick i hans trettioåriga verksamhet som professor. Särskilt utrymme ägnas åt Borelius syn på motsägelsesatsens innebörd och giltighet, liksom det stora verket "Metafysik" som han arbetade på

Association Phenomena Involving Hydrophobically Modified Polymers. Electrostatic and Hydrophobic Contributions

The electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in aqueous solutions of hydrophobically-modified water-soluble non-ionic or ionic polymers, their mixtures with a second polymer, nonionic or of opposite charge, and their mixtures with surfactants of opposite charge have been investigated. The relative strength of the electrostatic and hydrophobic contributions has been modulated by a variation of th

Kulturhjälten : Viktor Rydbergs humanism

Viktor Rydberg (1828–1895) kämpade under hela sitt verksamma liv för humanistiska ideal. Ryktbarhet vann han som diktare. Mindre känd är han som forskare och kulturhistoriker. I boken lyfter tjugotre forskare från nio humanistiska ämnen fram Rydbergs betydelse för dagens humanistiska forskning.