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The relevance of silks to amyloids

At the heart of protein's aggregation are specific molecular events; and how they are modulated by changes in solvent conditions and temperature is key to our understanding and control of aggregation. A certain class of structural fibrous proteins may provide the answer. Indeed, spider silk and silkworm silk proteins have evolved to readily form ‘insoluble’ ordered structures. But, to date little

Tl concentration and its variation in a CsI(Tl) crystal for the CALIFA detector

One of the factors that can contribute to the resolution of long, doped inorganic scintillators used for nuclear spectroscopy is the variation of the dopant concentration over the length the detector crystal. In this work an investigation of such potential variations in one of the CsI(Tl) scintillators used in the calorimeter, CALIFA, of the R3B experiment at FAIR, has been performed using particl

Collaborative Fashion Consumption in Sweden and Spain : Market, environmental and behavioural insights

Within the context of a sharing economy, the BE-USE project aims to develop behavioural economics experiments that test, examine and generate policy recommendations to advance sustainable urban initiatives. It aims to increase the understanding of cognitive, motivational and contextual factors affecting decision-making processes and choices in urban sharing initiatives.This report is developed und

Pedobacter lusitanus sp. nov., isolated from sludge of a deactivated uranium mine

Strain NL19T is a Gram-stain-negative, aerobic bacterium that was isolated from sludge of a deactivated uranium mine in Portugal. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that strain NL19T is a member of the genus Pedobacter and closely related to the strains Pedobacter himalayensis MTCC 6384T, Pedobacter cryoconitis DSM 14825T, Pedobacter westerhofensis DSM 19036T and Pedobacter hartonius DSM 190

Gendering Objects at the V&A and Vasa Museums

This article presents two case studies, which are the result of the application of a gendered interpretative tool to the collections at the Victoria & Albert Museum (London) and the Vasa Museum (Stockholm). Objects and their gendered narratives within the museums’ collections were researched across their lifecycle, from commission and manufacture to consumption and display in a museum setting.

PODMT3DMS-Tool : proper orthogonal decomposition linked to the MT3DMS model for nitrate simulation in aquifers

The PODMT3DMS-Tool, which consists of a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) linked to the Modular Transport 3-Dimensional Multi Species (MT3DMS) code for nitrate simulation in groundwater, is introduced. POD, as a statistical technique, reduces a large amount of information produced by the MT3DMS model to provide the main components of the PODMT3DMS-Tool, i.e., space- and time-dependent terms of

Investigation of possible approaches for consequential electricity markets in ecoinvent

Version 3 av ecoinvent är den första databasen att erbjuda möjligheten att koppla samman livscykelinventeringar (LCI) utefter olika länkningsalgoritmer. Genom dessa länkningsalgoritmer tar ecoinvent nu fram bakgrundslivscykelinventeringar med både medeldata och långsiktig marginaldata (t.ex. över elmarknader i olika länder). Idealt sett representerar långsiktig marginaldata över elmarknader den ytVersion 3 of the ecoinvent database is the first background database to offer the possibility to link life cycle inventories (LCI) according to different linking algorithms. Using those algorithms, ecoinvent now provides both average and long-term, marginal background LCI data, (e.g. for electricity markets for different countries). Long-term, marginal data for electricity markets ideally represen

Content Analysis of Informed Consent for Whole Genome Sequencing Offered by Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Companies

Whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) have become increasingly available in the research and clinical settings and are now also being offered by direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing (GT) companies. This offer can be perceived as amplifying the already identified concerns regarding adequacy of informed consent (IC) for both WES/WGS and the DTC GT context. We performed a

'Your DNA, Your Say' : global survey gathering attitudes toward genomics: design, delivery and methods

Our international study, 'Your DNA, Your Say', uses film and an online cross-sectional survey to gather public attitudes toward the donation, access and sharing of DNA information. We describe the methodological approach used to create an engaging and bespoke survey, suitable for translation into many different languages. We address some of the particular challenges in designing a survey on the su

Preserving mobile insects in semi-natural grasslands : Minding the Matrix

För att mildra förlusten av biologisk mångfald i jordbruksmarker, inklusive dess pollinatörer, har många ansträngningar ägnats åt att bevara naturbetesmarker och slåtterängar. Dock är redan förlorade naturbetesmarker och slåtterängar svåra att återställa och kostsamma att hantera för ökade fördelar för biologisk mångfald. Dessutom är idag många marker som tidigare användes till slåtterängar nu betTo mitigate loss of farmland biodiversity, including insect pollinators, much effort has been spent on preserving semi-natural grasslands. However, already lost grasslands are difficult to restore and costly to manage for increased benefits to biodiversity. Previously often mowed semi-natural grasslands are today mostly managed by grazing, resulting in a lack of critical floral resources for many

Metapopulation dynamics over 25 years of a beetle, Osmoderma eremita, inhabiting hollow oaks

Osmoderma eremita is a species of beetle that inhabits hollows in ancient trees, which is a habitat that has decreased significantly during the last century. In southeastern Sweden, we studied the metapopulation dynamics of this beetle over a 25 year period, using capture-mark-recapture. The metapopulation size had been rather stable over time, but in most of the individual trees there had been a

PP039. ETK/BMX and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components are differentially expressed in renal tissue in both normal and preeclamptic pregnancy

INTRODUCTION: Renal ETK/BMX activity is reduced in preeclampsia. Systemic RAS has been studied in preeclampsia; the renal RAS has not. None of the proteins in either pathway have previously been located in renal tissue from human pregnancy.OBJECTIVES: To determine renal expression and distribution of proteins involved in the ETK/BMX and RAS pathways in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy.METHODS: Li

If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going : a description of the SSY Engine

Data presented during the first two decades of this millennium has shed valuable light on how the intraocular pressure (IOP) is linked to glaucomatous progression. Large prospective controlled trials have confirmed that there is a correlation between the change in intraocular pressure (IOP) and the risk for visual field progression. The magnitude of the effect, as indicated by these studies, is a