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Value Stream Mapping as a Basis for Process Improvement in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Background - The company is a Swedish manufacturer, developer and contract manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. In the last couple of years, the company has entered a growth phase which has led to issues with the internal processes such as material flow, warehouse operations and processes related to the production. The consequence has been occasional issues with delivering the products on time. As a r

Papperslösa barns rätt till utbildning : en undersökning om huruvida olika grundskolor inom Malmö stad uppfyller papperslösa barns rätt till en likvärdig utbildning i praktiken

Denna uppsats undersöker hur väl papperslösa barns rätt till utbildning uppfylls i praktiken med utgångspunkt i Malmö stad och om medborgarskapet har någon inverkan för dess uppfyllande. För att få svar på dessa frågor har fyra olika grundskolor inom Malmö stad samt Anders Rubin, kommunalråd med beredningsansvar för skola och utbildning blivit intervjuade. Undersökningen genomförs således genom se

Effect of guard cells electroporation on drying kinetics and quality characteristics of Genovese basil leaves

Culinary herbs are fragrant plants that are used to enhance the flavour of dishes. They are highly perishable food products susceptible to microbial spoilage. One technique widely used to extend their shelf life is drying. However, during this process, aromatic compounds are lost and changes in colour and texture occur. This thesis investigates the effect of tissue impregnation with hypertonic sol

Watering down justice : energy justice in the Inga dams case in the DRC

The focus of this thesis is energy justice and sustainability science, and the argument is based on a case study of the Inga dams. Substantial further development of hydropower is planned at the Inga dams, located on the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the project will add macro-economic benefits through the additional power, benefits are limited for people living nearby, a

Commissioning of the ΔE-E LYCCA detector array

LYCCA (Lund York Cologne CAlorimeter) is a versatile detector system which provides partial and residual energy measurements together with particle tracking and identification. The detector system consists of several different types of detectors such as DSSSDs (Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detector) and CsI(Tl) detectors. LYCCA was developed for the HISPEC/DESPEC (High-Resolution In-flight SPECtrosc

Ingen (skilje)nämnd, ingen glömd - om prövningen av skiljenämnds behörighet

Parter kan genom att införa en skiljeklausul som bestämmelse i ett avtal välja att förbehålla prövningen av tvister i anledning av det avtalet åt skiljenämnd. När nämnden eller domstol har att avgöra om skiljenämnden är behörig att pröva en viss tvist kan det hända att en faktisk omständighet är av omedelbar relevans både för avgörandet i behörighetsfrågan och för avgörandet i sakfrågan. Dessa omsBy including an arbitration clause in an agreement, two parties can choose to resolve future disputes relating to that agreement through arbitration. When the arbitration board, or a court, is to determine if the arbitration board has the authority to solve a dispute the situation can arise when a certain fact of the case is of relevance both to determine the jurisdiction of the board, but also to

Med på banan - utan att bokstavligen vara det

This paper looks into investigate what consequences an infrastructure project such as high speed railway could have on smaller cities and how those could gain from it without having a station in their own municipality. The study looks into the municipalities of Bollebygd and Ulricehamn in Västra Götaland, Sweden. These two smaller cities were disappointed when the government’s representatives for

Education in Times of Emergency : en kvalitativ idéanalys av Förenta Nationernas rapport ”Right to Education in Emergency Situations” och deras arbete mot Agenda 2030

Mål fyra i Agenda 2030 handlar om att tillgodose alla världens barn med en bra, kvalitativ utbildning. Arbetet som utförs för att infria detta mål är dock inte något helt uppenbart. Jag kommer i denna uppsats att granska och utvärdera en rapport från Förenta Nationerna om deras arbete för att tillgodose barns rätt till utbildning i krissituationer för att sedan ställa detta arbete mot visionen av

Concept, Space, Home: A Conceptual History of Social Space, Functionalist Homes, and the Stockholm Exhibition of 1930

The field of Conceptual History is often criticized for considering only a small slice of the historical vocabulary it intends to historicize. What about the discourse of the silenced, working at home, robbed of a pen? Concepts are indicative of many contexts of meaning: in this thesis, therefore, propelled by the foregoing question and statement, it is argued that the main protagonist of German,

Big Data for Managers - A Study to Define the Concept and Highlight its Challenges

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to understand the key managerial challenges associated with Big Data. The research aimed to look at the possible obstacles that managers need to overcome while implementing Big Data. The main research question is : What are the main managerial challenges associated with Big Data and what steps are needed to overcome those? Methodology: Based on the concepts of

Eco-innovations in the Swedish Context

The topic of eco-innovation has gained much traction over the last decade due to its potential to improve environmental sustainability without compromising socio-economic goals. This thesis presents a descriptive analysis of the national and regional patterns of eco-innovation in Sweden using new long-run data over the period of 1970-2013 from the SWINNO database. Results show that the long-run ag

Gentrifiering bortom staden - en undersökning av ett fiskeläge statt i förändring.

This study examines the process of gentrification. In so doing, the main aim is to explore a context wherein the process of gentrification is deemed unconventional. The context deemed unconventional is the one beyond the city, more accurately a coastal hamlet called Brantevik, located in the municipality of Simrishamn, in the southeastern part of the Scania region. By investigating whether Brantev

Development and Validation of Yeast Biosensors for Signaling Pathways

Efficient bioconversion of the pentose xylose is vital for the development of competent lignocellulose biorefineries. Although many proper attempts of metabolic engineering for recombinant xylose utilization have been made in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, growth on xylose is still far from being optimal. Previous findings point out a more complex explanation to this feature involving interactions betw

Oligomerization of ethylene and ethanol into fuel through heterogenous catalysis

The goal and ambition of this thesis has been to investigate a topic that could lead to a possible solution to the environmental crisis we are witnesses of. Replacement of fossil fuels is an essential step towards a renewable society that needs to be taken. This thesis will investigate one of those possible solutions, production of a biofuel from a renewable source. A large amount of research with

Hur påverkas luminiscenssignaler från kvarts under laboratorieförhållanden?

Luminiscensdatering är ett viktigt verktyg inom geologin för att tidsbestämma geologiska avsättningsprocesser i jordens historia. Grundförutsättningen för en korrekt datering är att luminiscenssignalen genererad från ett mineral nollställs vid kontakt med solljus. Vid insamling och preparering av provmaterial är det därför av yttersta vikt att ingen ljusexponering inträffar som eventuellt nollstälLuminescence dating provides an important tool in geology to reconstruct geological depositions events in the Earth’s past. The basic assumption for a reliable dating is that luminescence generated from minerals resets at the time when it was last exposed to sunlight. The accuracy and precision of luminescence dating is therefore strongly dependant on preparation of the sediment to be in dark cond

Impacts of corporate governance on firm performance - Empirical studies of listed Singaporean companies

This study aims to investigate the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance of listed Singaporean companies. We collect the data from 137 listed companies for the period of four years from 2013 to 2016. In this research, corporate governance is driven by a wide range of variables, which include the dual role CEO, board size and board independence. Besides, the financial

Investigation of the orientation of Myriococcum thermophilum Cellobiose Dehydrogenase (MtCDH) immobilized on graphite electrodes

Orientation of Myriococcum thermophilum Cellobiose Dehydrogenase (MtCDH) immobilized on spectroscopic graphite electrodes has been investigated electrochemically through flow injection analysis in order to obtain more information about the DET efficiency of this enzyme. The effect of applied potential and the long term stability of the modified electrodes were determined, as well as the bioelectro

Countering pro-violent extremism – compromising contentious political engagement : a critical discourse analysis of the Swedish counter extremism initiative and its impact upon local political practices and contentious left wing political engagement

The thesis builds upon a critical discourse analysis and ethnographic methods such as interviews and participatory observation, in an effort to contribute with original research about how the Swedish counter radicalization project discursively constructs political engagement as “pro-violent” and “anti-democratic”, and how these constructions impacts local political practices. The analysis reveals

Traumats ansikte: en kvalitativ studie om upplevelser och erfarenheter av trauma vid PTSD och depression - ur ett patientperspektiv

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur patienter med traumarelaterad diagnos eller depression beskriver upplevelser och erfarenheter av självupplevda trauman för att få en bättre uppfattning om trauma som fenomen. Generellt beskrivs trauma som ett tydligt fenomen, som avskiljs från naturliga händelser i livet och som innefattar både subjektiva reaktioner och långvariga konsekvensThe aim of this qualitative study is to investigate aspects of trauma from a patients point of view, who have post traumatic stress disorder or depression, in order to get a better understanding about trauma as a phenomena. The overall conclusion is that trauma is described as a specific phenomena, that is an event that is not part of normal life and which includes aspects of the persons reaction

The limes of Roman Dacia near the auxiliary fort of Bologa. An application of GIS viewshed analysis

This thesis examines the frontier defensive system found in the vicinity of the Roman auxiliary fort near modern-day Bologa, Cluj County, Romania. The goal is to study the visual relationship between the more certain watchtowers and the other military installations (the auxiliary fort and other fortlets) to understand how arrangements and visibility might have contributed to the functioning of the