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Hand eczema in healthcare workers : a questionnaire survey of risk factors and work-related exposures

Recent data on the prevalence and causes of hand eczema among healthcare workers in Sweden are lacking. Multidrug-resistant bacteria have necessitated improved hand hygiene and preventive measures. This has led to an increase in the use of disposable rubber gloves and hand disinfectants, which might influence the risk of hand eczema. Our aims were to identify healthcare workers with hand eczema; t

African Growth Recurring : An Economic History Perspective on African Growth Episodes, 1690-2010

Africa has not suffered a chronic failure of growth. In fact, Africa has experienced recurring periods of growth, and this paper reviews some of these growth “spurts” to substantiate that claim. The immediate cause of low income in Africa is that these “spurts” have always been followed by a ‘‘bust’’. This is a significant reorientation of the central research question – away from a search for the

Quantitative outcome measures for systemic sclerosis-related Microangiopathy – Reliability of image acquisition in Nailfold Capillaroscopy

Background Nailfold capillaroscopic parameters hold increasing promise as outcome measures for clinical trials in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Their inclusion as outcomes would often naturally require capillaroscopy images to be captured at several time points during any one study. Our objective was to assess repeatability of image acquisition (which has been little studied), as well as of measuremen

Survival after lung transplantation for cystic fibrosis in Sweden

Objectives: In Sweden, lung transplantation has been performed in patients with end-stage lung disease since 1990. We assessed survival after lung transplantation for cystic fibrosis (CF) with focus on early mortality and outcome for patients infected with certain multiresistant bacteria, considered a relative contraindication for lung transplantation. METHODS: Review of CF and transplant database

Kan bär förebygga och behandla typ 2-diabetes?

Bär är nyttiga och har hög näringstäthet i förhållande till mängden energi. Bär är även rika på polyfenoler som ger bären deras karakteristiska smak och färg. Polyfenolrika dieter har visats kunna skydda mot utveckling av vissa sjukdomar, till exempel typ 2-diabetes, men mekanismerna bakom de observerade effekterna är inte klarlagda. Flera olika mekanismer har föreslagits och involverar bland anna

The effects of meteorite impacts on the availability of bioessential elements for endolithic organisms

Meteorite impacts, one of the most ubiquitous processes in the solar system, have the ability to destroy as well as create habitats for life. The impact process can increase the translucency and porosity of the target substrate, as well as mobilize biologically relevant elements within the substrate. For endolithic organisms, this process has important implications, especially in extreme environme

Transporting Inequalities: On Transport in Urban and Regional Inequalities

Despite a surge in critical urban studies, the role of transport infrastructure and its material and virtual aspects is still underdeveloped in studies of urban and regional inequalities. Transport infrastructure involves processes of everyday mobility in and to the city, including accessibility to work, services and green areas. Moreover, transport infrastructure guides processes of urban and reg

Path-tracking velocity control for robot manipulators with actuator constraints

An algorithm for high-performance path tracking for robot manipulators in the presence of model uncertainties and actuator constraints is presented. The path to be tracked is assumed given, and the nominal trajectories are computed using, for example, well-known algorithms for time-optimal path tracking. For online path tracking, the nominal, feedforward trajectories are combined with feedback in

Evaluation of the plant phenology index (PPI), NDVI and EVI for start-of-season trend analysis of the Northern Hemisphere boreal zone

Satellite remote sensing of plant phenology provides an important indicator of climate change. However, start of the growing season (SOS) estimates in Northern Hemisphere boreal forest areas are known to be challenged by the presence of seasonal snow cover and limited seasonality in the greenness signal for evergreen needleleaf forests, which can both bias and impede trend estimates of SOS. The ne

A method for assessment of exposure to rubber glove allergens

Background: Use of disposable protective gloves in health care is necessary both to protect patients and personnel. However, the use might also be responsible for skin disease among persons wearing the gloves. Dermatitis may be caused by additives in the gloves, either from manufacturing of the glove material or components in coatings applied after vulcanization. Objectives: We wanted to analyse t

Factors influencing the skin exposure to diphenylguanidine in surgical gloves

Background: For health care personnelhandhygieneandwearing appropriate protective gloves are compulsory. We have noticed an increase of hand eczema caused by contact allergy from rubber chemicals such as diphenylguanidine (DPG) in synthetic rubber gloves used by surgeons and surgical nurses. The exposure time to surgical gloves as well as the number of gloves used per day vary. Furthermore surgery

The Relativity of Poverty and Income : How Reliable Are African Economic Statistics?

It has been argued that the fundamental cause of Africa’s current relative poverty is a lack of pro-growth institutions deriving either from the colonial system, the period of slavery, or from particular geographic or population characteristics. This article takes a fresh look at estimates of African country incomes. It subjects the available datasets to tests of accuracy, reliability, and volatil

Random Growth in Africa? : Lessons from an Evaluation of the Growth Evidence on Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia, 1965–1995

Given shortcomings in basic data collection and insufficient resources in preparing official statistics African growth data are unlikely to be very reliable. Estimates of an annual growth rate of 3 per cent may be consistent with a reality between 0 and 6 per cent growth. Although data from international databases are widely used in an expanding literature on African growth there has been no resea

An Unlevel Playing Field : National Income Estimates and Reciprocal Comparison in Global Economic History

If we take recent income per capita estimates at face value, they imply that the average medieval European was at least five times ‘better off’ than the average Congolese today. This raises important questions regarding the meaning and applicability of national income estimates throughout time and space, and their use in the analysis of global economic history over the long term. This article asks

BioBuilder as a database development and functional annotation platform for proteins

BACKGROUND: The explosion in biological information creates the need for databases that are easy to develop, easy to maintain and can be easily manipulated by annotators who are most likely to be biologists. However, deployment of scalable and extensible databases is not an easy task and generally requires substantial expertise in database development.RESULTS: BioBuilder is a Zope-based software t