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Bör företag frukta nedskrivningar av goodwill?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka ifall en nedskrivning av goodwill har en signifikant påverkan på börsvärdet hos nordiska börsnoterade bolag. En kvantitativ metod användes med en deduktiv ansats för att studera syftet. Ett urval gjordes på de största nordiska börsnoterade bolagen med ett antal kriterier som resulterade i 75 företag under perioden 2016-2018 med totalt 225 observationer. DäreftThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether impairment of goodwill has a significant impact on the market value of Nordic listed companies. A quantitative method was used with a deductive approach to examine the research question. A selection was made of the largest Nordic listed companies with a number of criteria which resulted in 75 companies during the period 2016-2018 with a total of

Myternas Chanel

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze advertising pictures from the high end brand Chanel in order to find myths surrounding their products. The images are chosen from when Karl Lagerfeld and Coco Chanel were creative directors, in order to find how the myths about Coco Chanel have been communicated over time and have helped the fashion house Chanel become successful within the industry. T

Collaborative Product Development in partnership formation within Start-up Ventures

This master's thesis presents a qualitative research study on the partnership formation phase of Collaborative Product Development within start-up ventures. The research aims to identify the key factors that influence product development, with a specific focus on start-ups ventures. Existing literature and theories on Collaborative Product Development have been reviewed, highlighting the benef

Between voluntarism and compulsion: Membership in mutual health insurance societies in Swedish manufacturing, c. 1900

Membership in mutual health insurance societies spread among industrial workers in the late nineteenth century. We study determinants of such membership among male workers in Swedish manufacturing by using matched employer–employee data from three industries covering all workers (i.e. members and non-members, N > 12 000) and firms around 1900. We find remarkably high rates of membership overall, a

Does Equal Representation Equal Empowerment? A Case Study of Tanzanian Female-Identifying Students and Their Female President

In March 2021, the first-ever female president in Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, was inaugurated. This thesis explores how female-identifying students in Tanzania feel empowered by the representation provided by the female president and how identity influences this. This is assessed through a case study of female-identifying social science university students in Tanzania, answering to two research

The Swedish tax rules for electricity production in breach of EU tax law

This thesis examines the way in which Sweden opted to set up its taxation on the supply of energy from renewable sources and whether they are in line with EU tax law. Windmills in Sweden are granted a lower-rate tax than other sources of renewable energy production, which is stated to be within the scope of the de minimis Regulation. Firstly, the thesis starts by examining what State aid is, looki

Framing India's non-alignment policy in an increasingly polarized world: Observations from the popular media outlets of India

The media has considerable power in informing, shaping, or skewing foreign policy debates through salience and framing. While it is quite challenging to make accurate predictions about the future of India’s non-alignment policy, it is feasible to examine perspectives and concerns about India’s policy of non-alignment in the increasingly polarized world stemming from the Russia-Ukraine war. Thus, b

How the Tables Have Turned: Follower influence in the co-construction of leadership

This study aims to examine the ways in which followers can influence the co-construction of leadership in a research and development company. The concept of boundaries of influence is presented and discussed in relation to previous research. The identification of enabling and disbaling behavior and its effects on organizational members' boundary of influence is explored.

The Higgs Width in Higgs production in association with a W+ boson

The width of the Higgs boson is a quantity that cannot be measured directly from the on-shell Higgs peak; it would have to be measured indirectly. In 2013, Caola and Melnikov developed a method to determine the Higgs width by using off-shell and on-shell cross-sections and applying the narrow-width approximation. In this thesis, we will use the indirect method of finding the Higgs width for the pr

Auditory vs. audiovisual prominence ratings of speech involving spontaneously produced head movements

Visual information can be integrated in prominence perception, but most available evidence stems from controlled experimental settings, often involving synthetic stimuli. The present study provides evidence from spontaneously produced head gestures that occurred in Swedish television news readings. Sixteen short clips (containing 218 words in total) were rated for word prominence by 85 adult volun

Effekten av plöjning på biologisk mångfald i jordbruksmark

Jordbruket har förändrats enormt under de senaste hundra åren, det har blivit större maskiner och små åkrar har slagits ihop till större åkrar. Detta har revolutionerat matproduktionen men samtidigt gjort landskapet mer likartat. Övergödning av vattendrag, utsläpp av växthusgaser och förlust av biologisk mångfald är endast några av de negativa miljöeffekter som det moderna jordbruket har resulteraThis study was done to get an understanding of how tillage effects biodiversity in agriculture soil. Therefore, this study focused on the soil organisms and various physical and chemical processes that can affect them. Soil organisms are crucial to agricultural landscapes as they perform biological processes that improve soil structure, nutrient cycling and decomposition. To ensure food produc

Development of a Low Noise Drone Propeller Using CFD Simulations

Noise pollution generated by drones has in recent years become a concern for humans and wildlife and has in some regions resulted in regulatory backlash. This thesis investigates the possibilities of developing a low noise drone propeller using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. A commercial drone propeller from the manufacturer APC Propeller has been modified with different forms of

Decolonizing Aid: A Comparative Analysis of USAID and Sida's gender equality strategies in Guatemala

The development aid field has been subject to increased questioning regarding power relations between donors and recipients; some studies shed light on the fact that development aid is an extension of colonial practices. Currently, there have been efforts to ‘decolonize aid’. This thesis studied Sweden’s and United States’ national development agencies’ policies, Sida and USAID respectively, regar


Abstract: This research explores the experiences of Somali woman students, to gain an understanding on how the subgroup interacts within and around campus, in relation to their race, gender and cultural identity. This research aims to acknowledge the multiple barriers and factors which may aid or hinder their experiences. The findings allowed for thematic analysis. The study observed that the par

“What Else Can We Do?” An examination into sustained anti-authoritarian mobilization in Hong Kong’s Yellow Economic Circle

Civil liberties and freedoms have diminished globally due to the last decades’ deepened authoritarianism. Concurrently, mobilizations countering this development have decreased. Hong Kong represents one of the cases where anti-authoritarian resistance has been sustained, which sparks a question regarding what motivates people in expanding authoritarian spaces to engage in contentious politics. Thi

Glauber Monte Carlo for proton-proton and virtual-photon-proton collisions

Partikelkollisioner gör det möjligt för oss att studera de inre strukturerna och beteendena hos partiklar som utgör universum. År 1969 upptäckte forskare att protoner faktiskt består av mindre partiklar som kallas kvarkar genom kollisioner mellan elektroner och protoner. Så genom att kollidera partiklar så får vi ut hur dessa partiklar påverkar varandra men också som i fallet för protonen, vad de In high energy physics, we want to probe the inner structures and behaviours of the particles that are the building blocks of our universe. This is often done by colliding nuclei together. This bachelor thesis presents an implementation of a Glauber Monte Carlo simulation framework to determine the geometric quantities such as the number of participating nucleons $N_{part}$ and the number of sub-c