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Kommunchef sökes! Arbetsuppgift ledarskap.

This essay concerns the view upon the role of leaders within the Swedish public administration. More specifically, it examines to which extent the views of traditional public administration (TPA), new public management (NPM) and public value management (PVM) is present throughout the recruitment of local government heads in Swedish municipalities. The research is designed with a use of mixed metho

Den tickande bomben: En normativ analys om statligt rättfärdigande av tortyr som förhörsmetod inom kontraterrorism

This essay examines, through an utilitarian perspective, the matter of torture as an interrogational technique. Through the application of the thought experiment called the ticking time bomb scenario, this essay’s aim is to question what constitutes an extreme case where a state might legitimately apply torture to hinder an imminent threat. This is applied to the case of the CIA and the enhanced i

Rätt tid, rätt incitament eller rätt förespråkare? En analys av beslutet att använda offentlig-privat samverkansavtal som upphandlingsform för uppförandet av Nya Karolinska Solna

In 2008 Stockholm County Council decided to finance the construction of a new university hospital in Solna, Stockholm utilising public-private partnership (PPP). This decision received heavy criticism, partly due to the cost amounting to 61 billion SEK. The aim of this paper is to investigate, utilising Kingdon’s Multiple Stream Framework (MSF), why Stockholm County Council decided to finance the

The human side of ecosystem restoration: Identifying community engagement strategies that support the long-term success of European wetland restoration projects

European wetlands are highly valuable ecosystems, and their rapid decline renders them a priority for ecosystem restoration efforts. Although successful ecosystem restoration requires the engagement of local communities, little is known about effective community engagement strategies in European wetland restoration projects. By interviewing restoration practitioners, this research explored communi

Game, Set, Ekonomistyrning - En multipel fallstudie på ekonomistyrning i svenska tennisklubbar

Examensarbetets titel: Game, Set, Ekonomistyrning: en multiple fallstudie på ekonomistyrning i svenska tennisklubbar Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2021 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Hugo Johnsson, Max Läckgren, Carolina Wester Handledare: Gert Paulsson Fem nyckelord: Ekonomistyrning, Ekonomistyrningssytem som ett paket, Styrningsverktyg, Idee

Sustainability discourse and its impact on effectiveness of cocoa certification in Ghana

This dissertation explores the sustainability discourse of the Rainforest Alliance operating in Ghana’s cocoa sector. With a heavy emphasis on the environmental pillar of sustainable development, this study applies a critical approach to discourse to analyze the publicly available documents related to the Rainforest Alliance’s agricultural certification program. Documents pertaining to the concept

Quantification of Aphanomyces cochlioides DNA in infected sugar beet roots as a tool to identify resistant genotypes to the Aphanomyces root rot disease

Nya verktyg i kampen mot rotbrand i sockerbeta I Sverige äter vi runt 40 kg socker per person varje år. Socker är en viktig energikälla som även får vår mat att smaka godare, men det är även ett viktigt konserveringsmedel. Idag framställs socker, även kallat sackaros, från två olika växter nämligen sockerrör och sockerbetor. Inte allra minst i Sverige är sockerbetan en viktig gröda och socker ettAphanomyces rot root is an important disease in sugar beet, leading to significant harvest losses and a decrease in sugar content in affected fields. The disease is caused by the oomycete Aphanomyces cochlioides and affects the roots as either an early or late infection. To control the disease, it is crucial to incorporate resistance into cultivars. However, the genetic background to resistance is

En varierad by för alla; Lilla Harrie Verkstad - Från industri till bostadsområde

Under de senaste åren och i samband med pandemin har det skett en ökad motreaktion till urbaniseringen. Teknologins framsteg har gjort att fler kan arbeta på distans och man prioriterar sitt boende och livskvalité på ett nytt sätt. Allt fler väljer att flytta utanför städerna för att bo billigare, större och nära naturen. Ruralismen ställer högre krav på infrastrukturer och kollektivtrafiken och

Employees’ experiences of working remotely from home during the covid-19 pandemic - a mixed method study at Försäkringskassan

Abstract Title: Employees’ experiences of working remotely from home during the covid-19 pandemic - a mixed method study at Försäkringskassan Author: Lina Dahlberg Supervisor: Jan Mewes, Lund University Sweden Course: SOCM03 Master thesis course, Master of Science in Human Resource Development and Labour Relations, 30 credits. Department of Sociology, spring 2021 Background & aim: The uni

Ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglernas förenlighet med EU-rätten

Mot bakgrund av ett ökat samarbete mot skatteplanering med ränteavdrag på den globala arenan fick Sverige nya skatteregler för företagssektorn innefattande bland annat generella ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler samt nya riktade ränteavdragsbegränsningsregler som träde i kraft den 1 januari 2019. Bakgrunden till det ökade internationella samarbetet mot skatteplanering med ränteavdrag har bland annat In light of increased international cooperation against tax planning with interest deductions Sweden has enacted major changes to its coroporate income tax rules which entered into force on January 1, 2019. The new tax rules include general interest deduction limitation rules and new targeted interest deduction limitation rules. One of the international organisations that has taken measures agains

Offentlighetsprincipen och bolag med noterade aktier - Om meddelarfrihet, handlingsoffentlighet och MAR:s informationsgivningsregler

År 2018 överlämnade regeringen lagrådsremissen Offentlighetsprincipen ska gälla i fristående skolor till Lagrådet. Innebörden av lagförslaget var i korthet att offentlighetsprincipen skulle börja gälla för huvudmän för fristående skolor samt att dessa huvudmän skulle jämställas med myndigheter genom en ny bestämmelse i 2 kap. Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400) (OSL). Även en förändring i 1In 2018, the government handed over the Law Council's referral that The Principle of Openness shall apply to independent schools to the Law Council. The referral included proposals that The Principle of Openness should be applied by principals of independent schools and that these principals should be equated with authorities through a new provision in the Public Access and Secrecy Act (OSL).

Konflikt eller konsensus? - En jämförelse av Finland och Sveriges utbildningspolitik

For several years, Finland has dominated the PISA surveys with their good results and conclusions have been drawn about the reasons behind Finland’s success. The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) stated in a report from 2005 that the Finnish education politics tends to be tinged with a higher amount of consensus compared to Sweden and that this may be a reason for the Finnish high

The Impeachment Process - Why Did He Survive?

Underpinned by the foundation of the United States Constitution, the Congress performs the sole power of impeachment. The impeachment process demonstrates the act of charging and trying an official of the federal government for having committed “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors”. Due to its innately political structure as well as absence of an established definition of “Hi

Fact-finding mission rapporten och Rohingyerna

This report uses Vedung’s critical analysis of ideas in analyzing the Fact Finding Missions (FFM) report on the situation in Rakhine state in Myanmar. The essay critically analyzes if the FFM commission has spent enough effort on explaining the complex situation and the political, cultural and religious aspects that undermines the conflict. The analysis suggests that the FFM report has some limita

Radically nice : an analysis of the institutionalization and professionalization of Greenpeace Switzerland

Observing the seeming incapability of nations to sufficiently deal with the borderless threat of climate change, many place their hopes on international environmental movements and organi-zations. However, various reasons drive many social movements to incorporate as NGOs (a phe-nomenon known as NGOization) or lead to existing organizations becoming even more institu-tionalized and professional. T


Calcification of the mitral and aortic valves is one of the main precursors to heart valve diseases. Calcified valves and coronary vessels is also an indication of risk for future cardiac events such as cardiac infarct(1)(2). During this master thesis project, a program for automatic identification and quantification of calcium in the mitral and aortic valves in CT image stacks was implemented. Th

Är det ett otillåtet statsstöd? - Undantag för offentliga aktörer att ställa ekonomisk säkerhet för deponier

Regleringen av statsstöd är ett EU-rättsligt instrument för att styra förutsättningarna för konkurrensen på EU:s inre marknad. För att det ska vara ett otillåtet statsstöd krävs att det ska vara en åtgärd som genomförs av en medlemsstat eller genom statliga medel, av vilket slag som helst, som medför hot om eller snedvridning av konkurrens som gynnar vissa företag eller viss produktion och påverkaThe state aid rules are tools for maintaining competition at the internal market of the European Union. To constitute a state aid a measure must: be granted by a state or through resources of the state, the aid can be in any form, the measure shall distort or threaten to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods, and the state aid shall affect the tra

Is the Glass Ceiling a Motherhood Ceiling After All?

South Korea has the highest gender pay gap and the lowest fertility rate in the OECD (OECD Data, n.y.). Gender equity theory suggests that there is a link between high gender inequality and low fertility, as women struggle to have both a career and a family. A growing share of Korean women are voluntarily childless, referred to as the Sampo Generation, giving up dating, marriage, and children, to