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Is the Glass Ceiling a Motherhood Ceiling After All?

South Korea has the highest gender pay gap and the lowest fertility rate in the OECD (OECD Data, n.y.). Gender equity theory suggests that there is a link between high gender inequality and low fertility, as women struggle to have both a career and a family. A growing share of Korean women are voluntarily childless, referred to as the Sampo Generation, giving up dating, marriage, and children, to

An investigation of the relation between Covid-19 anxiety, climate anxiety, and locus of control

The Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are two current crises happening at the same time. Prior research found that both crises have the potential to influence a person’s anxiety levels and mental health in general. The two types of anxiety Covid-19 anxiety and climate anxiety are still largely unexplored, and little is known about their association with each other. This study investigated Covid

Varför vill ingen lyssna? : en kunskapshistorisk undersökning av hur polisspåret etablerades i diskussionen om mordet på Olof Palme

Ever since the murder of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme in February 1986, many different theories about who the killer could be have been created and discussed. One of the more intensely discussed theories is the “police-conspiracy theory”. In this thesis I investigate how this theory became a kind of public knowledge in the years after the assassination. Using a theoretical framework base

Centrifugal Turbopumps - Flow Physics and Modelling

Val som görs tidigt i en designprocess kan vara avgörande. De dikterar många av de begränsningar och friheter som konstruktörer har i senare skeden av processen. Informerade beslut är därmed viktiga i detta skede. Med den ökande beräkningskraften hos moderna datorer använder fler och fler konstruktörer CFD-programvara för att utforma och utvärdera prestanda hos turbopumpar. Simuleringarna gör det Choices made in the early stages of a design process are crucial. They dictate many of the limitations and freedoms the designer has in later stages of the design. Informed decisions are therefore crucial at this stage. With the increasing computational power of modern computers, more and more designers utilise CFD software to design and evaluate performance of turbopumps. The simulations allow th


The hiker reaches out from the city, town, or village, intending to be alone. Away from sounds, away from paved roads and houses, away from streetlights and phones, away from people. But what is ‘nature’, and who has the right to it? The untouched landscape shaped by nothing but the earth itself is today hard to find. Human activity is close to everywhere. Even in Sarek National Park, an area of d

A comparative case study of the relationship between digital transformation and environmental sustainability development

There have been several theories conducted regarding the relationship between digitalization level and environmental sustainability process concerning the small and medium sized enterprises. Although there are multiple studies conducted on this gap, there is still room for new studies to shrink the gap in knowledge about this topic. This degree project has collected primary data by conducting qual

Nominal GDP Targeting in Sweden - A New Keynesian DSGE Model Approach

Since the end of the Great Moderation, there has been a great surge in studies proposing alternatives to the current dominant monetary policy regime of inflation targeting. One popular such alternative has become NGDP targeting. However, as studies tend to gravitate towards larger economies, an unintended side effect has become a significant degree of homogeneity in regards to the economic setting

Säker i det osäkra – Att göra mognadsbedömningar av barn i socialtjänstens utredningsarbete

The aim of this study was to understand the reasoning of professionals in the Swedish social work practice in the children and adolescents department, regarding assessment of the complex phenomenon of maturity and maturity assessment. The method conducted was qualitative interviews with eight professionals in the Swedish social service system for children and adolescents. The interviews were analy

Authentic Communication as a Strategic Communication Tool for Social and Cultural Integration among Immigrants in Sweden

Strategic communication as an integrating discipline addresses social phenomenon as migration. When people relocate, they experience physical and mental stress, and seek guidance, questioning their sense of belonging. Authentic communication based on feminist values aims to build long-lasting relations and reach social inclusion by conducting more sensitive communication. This thesis explores the

Spillover Effects of Conflict on the Economic Growth of Neighboring Countries: A study of the consequences of conflict reaching beyond the host coun

In this article, the effects of conflict on the economic growth of neighboring countries (referred to as economic spillover effects of conflict) are studied for Asia, Africa and Latin America during 1990-2019. Compared to previous studies on the subject, this study accounts for the changing conflict climate over the years by starting the sample period 30 years later than other authors. The overall

The elephant in the protest march: socially organised denial within climate movements at the UNFCCC

In 2011, Kari Norgaard detailed how socially organised denial facilitates inaction on climate change, even among individuals who express concern. Here, I expand on Norgaard’s theory by exploring how a form of this denial could exist even among those who centre climate activism in their personal or professional lives. I posit that certain streams of activism can allow one to counteract negative emo

The bicycle carbonator

The rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the most pressing matters right now. Before the industrial revolution, the atmosphere had a concentration of 0,02% which has increased to 0,04% due to human progress. This increase results in melting glaciers, ruined farmland, and more unpleasant consequences. Counter measures of today involve moving away from fossil fuels and relyin

Innovativa rebeller på betaltjänstmarknaden - En kritisk granskning av de konkurrensrättsliga effekterna av det andra betaltjänstdirektivet och kommande konkurrensrättsliga behov på betaltjänstmarknaden.

I den finansiella sektorn är en av de viktigaste aktiviteterna tillhandahållandet av betaltjänster. Som en konsekvens av genomförandet av Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2), har fler aktörer kunnat erbjuda innovativa betaltjänster, bland annat tredjepartsleverantörer. Uppsatsen presenterar syftena med PSD2 och granskar kritiskt de konkurrensrättsliga effekterna direktivet haft i praktiken. One of the most important activities in the financial sector is the provision of payment services. A consequence of the implementation of the Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2), is that several new enterprises have been able to offer innovative payment solutions, e.g., third party providers. This thesis presents the purposes of PSD2 and critically examines the effects in competition they ha

Socialdemokratiska valsuccéer - finns de och vad förklarar dem?

This paper aims to explore if theory from the literature on Social Democratic parties can account plausibly for relatively better election results of the Swedish Social Democrats (SAP). With the use of multiple OLS regression it explores whether expansion of municipal labor decommodifying programs lead to more favorable municipal election results for SAP. Labor decommodification is measured throug

Humanitärt bistånd - ett verktyg för stater att befästa sin suveränitet?

Humanitarian aid faces increasing challenges in states who denies access to its citizens. The denial of access to humanitarian aid stems mostly from the view that aid organizations constitutes a threat to state sovereignty. However, recent studies suggest that in the case of Syria, the regime utilized humanitarian aid to instead bolster its sovereignty. To reach a better understanding of this rela


This project focuses on how a household in Malmö can manage a crisis situation with no electricity, water, heat and communication for 72 hours. This is due to the recommendation that we can take care of ourselves for 3 days in case of a crisis. This spring residents of Cape Town have been living with water restrictions of 50 litres per person per day. This can be compared to the 160 litres per per

Enkelbeskattade fåmansföretag? - En beskattningsrättslig analys av ekonomiska föreningars avdragsrätt för utdelning i kombination med 3:12-reglerna

Rådande rättsläge ger antydningar om att den avdragsrätt ekonomiska föreningar erhåller för lämnad utdelning under vissa omständigheter kan brukas på ett otillbörligt sätt. Syftet med denna framställning är att genom den rättsdogmatiska metoden försöka utreda vilka förutsättningar som måste föreligga för att ett fåmansföretag och dess ägare vid utdelning, ska kunna åtnjuta skattemässiga fördelar vThe current legal position insinuate that the deduction right made available to economical associations, concerning dividends, can under certain circumstances be used in an improper way. The purpose of this thesis is with the legal dogmatic method to investigate the prerequisites necessary for a close company and its shareholders to acquire a taxation benefits by incorporating an economical associ

Cultivating Cultural Citizenship : Acclimatize and the role of creative practices in digital, participatory art exhibitions dealing with climate change

The master thesis ‘Cultivating Cultural Citizenship - Acclimatize and the role of creative practices in digital participatory art exhibitions dealing with climate change’ studies Moderna Museet Stockholm’s (The Stockholm Museum of Modern Art) exhibition “Acclimatize” by conducting a multi-method qualitative case study aimed at holistically understanding what role creative practices in a museum set

Beviskrav i skatteprocessen - En analys med fokus på rättssäkerhet

En domstol kan inte pröva ett mål i sak utan att ta ställning till om ett rättsfaktum existerar med den säkerhet som följer av tillämpligt beviskrav. Beviskravet anger hur hållfast bevisningen måste vara för att domstolen ska kunna godta ett stridigt rättsfaktum som etablerat. Nivån på beviskravet är av avgörande betydelse för utgången i ett mål. Trots det har lagstiftaren endast undantagsvis angiA court cannot try the merits of the case without deciding whether a dispositive fact exists with the certainty that follows from the applicable evidentiary requirement. The evidentiary requirement specifies how strong the evidence must be for the court to accept a fact in issue as established. The level of evidence required is crucial to the outcome of a case. Despite this, the legislator has onl