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Your search for "*" yielded 528236 hits

Thin-Film Growth and Oxidation of Surfaces Under Relevant Pressure Conditions

The growth of oxides and thin films is important in a wide range of applications, including coating technology, production of solar cell materials, and formation of dielectric layers in the semiconductor industry. These growth processes necessitate the interaction of a solid surface with a gas/vapor or liquid phase. The chemical processes that take place during the interaction of the solid with th

Extended behavior trees for quick definition of flexible robotic tasks

The requirement of flexibility in the modern industries demands robots that can be efficiently and quickly adapted to different tasks. A way to achieve such a flexible programming paradigm is to instruct robots with task goals and leave planning algorithms to deduct the correct sequence of actions to use in the specific context. A common approach is to connect the skills that realize a semanticallhe requirement of flexibility in the modern industries demands robots that can be efficiently and quickly adapted to different tasks. A way to achieve such a flexible programming paradigm is to instruct robots with task goals and leave planning algorithms to deduct the correct sequence of actions to use in the specific context. A common approach is to connect the skills that realize a semantically

Motion Generators Combined with Behavior Trees: A Novel Approach to Skill Modelling

Task level programming based on skills has often been proposed as a mean to decrease programming complexity of industrial robots. Several models are based on encapsulating complex motions into self-contained primitive blocks. A semantic skill is then defined as a deterministic sequence of these primitives. A major limitation is that existing frameworks do not support the coordination of concurrentTask level programming based on skills has often been proposed as a mean to decrease programming complexity of industrial robots. Several models are based on encapsulating complex motions into self-contained primitive blocks. A semantic skill is then defined as a deterministic sequence of these primitives. A major limitation is that existing frameworks do not support the coordination of concurrent

Virtual Compton Scattering and the Generalized Polarizabilities of the Proton at Q2=0.92 and 1.76 GeV2

Virtual Compton scattering (VCS) on the proton has been studied at the Jefferson Laboratory using the exclusive photon electroproduction reaction ep→epγ. This paper gives a detailed account of the analysis which has led to the determination of the structure functions PLL-P TT/ε and PLT and the electric and magnetic generalized polarizabilities (GPs) αE(Q2) and βM(Q2) at values of the four-momentum

Gluon Splitting in the Color Dipole Cascades

We present a method to implement the gluon splitting process, g → QQ, into the dipole approximation to QCD cascades. It is known that due to the uncertainties in the interpolation between the pole regions, there are large uncertainties in the results. We show that there are further uncertainties due to the ordering in phase space of the gluon emission and gluon splitting processes. We present two

Higgs-boson production through gluon fusion at NNLO QCD with parton showers

We discuss how the UN2LOPS scheme for matching next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculations to parton showers can be applied to processes with large higher-order perturbative QCD corrections. We focus on Higgs-boson production through gluon fusion as an example. We also present an NNLO fixed-order event generator for this reaction.

Tactical dimorphism : the interplay between body shape and mating behaviour in the swordtail Xiphophorus multilineatus (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae)

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) are characterized by dimorphism for reproductive phenotypes (i.e. tactical dimorphism). Tactical dimorphism often evolves as a response to differing phenotypic optima for a shared reproductive trait between members of the same sex in a species. We characterized dimorphism for body shape between ARTs in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus multilineatus and investi

Peripheral artery disease and outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction

im To describe the population of patients with previously diagnosed peripheral artery disease (PAD) experiencing a myocardial infarction (MI) and to investigate 1-year major adverse cardiac events (MACE: all-cause mortality, reinfarction, stroke and heart failure hospitalisation) following MI.Background MI patients with PAD constitute a high-risk population with adverse cardiac outcomes. Contempor

Cystine analyses of separate day and night urine as a basis for the management of patients with homozygous cystinuria

Based on previous observations of the diurnal variation of urinary cystine excretion, the use of separate day and night urine collections was proposed. To improve the medical treatment of patients with cystinuria, this strategy was performed to guide the fluid intake and the administration of SH compounds (tiopronin, D-penicillamine, and MESNA).Twenty-six patients (19 treated with SH compounds and

Similar treatment success rate after renal transplantation in diabetic and nondiabetic patients due to improved short- and long-term diabetic patient survival

In the early era of transplantation, it was common practice to exclude diabetic patients since the outcome in such cases was usually poor. At our center in Malmö, Sweden, diabetic nephropathy was never regarded as a contraindication. During the 22-year period from 1972 to 1993, 223 renal allografts were transplanted in 189 uremic diabetics, representing 24% of all renal transplant recipients (n =

Generating heavy quarkonia in a perturbative QCD cascade

We present an implementation of heavy quarkonium production within a perturbative QCD cascade based on the Color Dipole Cascade model. We consider the processes most relevant in the context of the ψ′ surplus at the Tevatron; g → ψ′ and c → ψ′ in the color-singlet model and g → ψ′ through the color-octet mechanism. Our implementation is, however, easily extendible to other quarkonia and other produ

Improved radiation risk models applied to different patient groups in Sweden

In radiological diagnostics and therapy, it is important that practitioners, referrers, (i.e. radiologists, radiation oncologists and others in health-care) are aware of how much radiation a patient may receive from the various procedures used and associated health risk. The profession has a duty to inform patients or their representatives of the advantages and disadvantages of specific investigatIn radiological diagnostics and therapy, it is important that practitioners, referrers, (i.e. radiologists, radiation oncologists and others in healthcare) are aware of how much radiation a patient may receive from the various procedures used and associated health risk. The profession has a duty to inform patients or their representatives of the advantages and disadvantages of specific investigati

The Origin of Extractive States in Africa: The Case of the British Cape Colony, 1834-1909

The majority of African states continue to be regarded as extractivestates. We use the Cape Colony’s public expenditure to account for theemergence of extractive states in Africa. With a sub-imperial role forSothern African colonial expansion, the Cape Colony became a templatefor extractive practices that continue to characterize the region. Usingpublic expenditure data, budget debates and existin